The third time Ye Feng and Dixie arrived at the seaside at the same time. When they saw each other this time, they were both 18 or 19 years old.

They just stood by the sea and looked at each other for a long time. Ye Feng took off his coat, revealing his tendons and scars.

Dixie see Ye Feng body so, although nothing said, but the eyes have leaked a look of heartache.

Ye Feng see in the eyes, nothing said, or jumped into the sea, enjoy a bath.

When Ye Feng washes, he subconsciously takes a look at the seaside, but finds that Dixie is no longer at the seaside.

Ye Feng's heart suddenly lost. He looked around and heard the sound of water behind him. Looking back, he saw that Dixie was behind him.

Ye Feng stares at Dixie at this time, but sees that Dixie is also staring at himself. His body can't help swimming towards Dixie.

Swimming to the front of the body of Dixie, Dixie is still staring at himself with a pair of eyes, Ye Feng without hesitation came forward to embrace Dixie, kiss Dixie's lips.

Although the dream is very realistic, Ye Feng's subconscious knows that he is not like Dixie in reality. It's just a dream.

Although Ye Feng has realized that it's a dream, he still can't bear the lingering scene of Dixie. At this moment, Ye Feng seems to prefer to live in a dream forever, holding and kissing Dixie forever.

At this time, Ye Feng suddenly saw someone under the water. When the man suddenly appeared, he saw Hades covered with blood.

Although Ye Feng is not afraid of Hassy in reality, he is still scared to wake up.

When Ye Feng sat up, he found that the cabin was already bright, and a ray of sunlight came in through the circular window.

Ye Feng sat up and stared at the window. After a while in a daze, his mind seemed to stay in a dream.

After thinking for a moment, Ye Feng got up and went to the bathroom to wash. After entering the bathroom, Ye Feng was shocked to see himself in the mirror.

Ye Feng's nose is full of blood, and his T-shirt has been completely soaked with blood and turned into a red T-shirt.

Looking at himself in the mirror, Ye Feng took a deep breath, still lowered his head to put water, washed the blood stains on his face, took off his T-shirt and replaced it with a new one.

After everything is done, Ye Feng comes out and finds his bed full of blood. Last night, he doesn't know how much blood he has shed.

After changing a suit of clothes, Ye Feng also pulled off all the sheets and threw them into the garbage can, which was out of the cabin.

In addition to the cabin after Ye Feng casually asked where to eat breakfast, this just rushed to the past.

After arriving at the canteen, Diana and qianse bee are already sitting there. When Ye Feng comes near, Diana immediately asks Ye Feng what she wants to eat. She goes to get it.

Ye Feng said that he could help himself. After Diana left, he sat opposite qianse bee.

After staring at Ye Feng for a moment, qianse bee said, "do you have nosebleed again?"

Ye Feng subconsciously touched his nose, and then asked, "my face is ugly again?"

The thousand color bee nodded and said, "his face is very pale, but it's OK. If you don't look carefully, you can't see anything!"

After Ye Feng nodded, he asked qianse bee, "did you tell other people about this?"

The thousand color bee immediately nodded and said, "of course not!"

Ye Feng said, "when I got up today, the whole sweater was full of blood!"

On hearing this, qianse bee's face suddenly moved and looked at Ye Feng. After a long time, she came back to her senses and said, "I got up in the morning and asked. There is a doctor on the warship. I'd better go and ask later."

Ye Feng hasn't answered yet. Diana helps Ye Feng get what he wants to eat and puts it in front of Ye Feng. Then she looks at Ye Feng and qianse bee in surprise and says, "what are you talking about? I won't say a word as soon as I come back!"

Ye Feng said nothing to Diana at this time. She didn't want to say anything, but if she thought about it carefully, Diana would be more suspicious.

Thinking of Ye Feng, he said, "we are studying the battle plan after landing on the island."

Originally, Diana looked at Ye Feng and qianse bee in surprise just as Ye Feng thought. She felt that they were seeing each other. What secret did she not want to know.

Now after listening to Ye Feng's words, he suddenly nodded his head. After all, he didn't understand anything and couldn't help Ye Feng. Therefore, it's understandable that Ye Feng and qianse bee didn't say it in front of him. He would feel embarrassed if he heard it and couldn't get in his mouth.

Thinking of this, Diana just nodded, then shrugged her shoulders and said, "go on, there's nothing I can do!"

The thousand color bee then said, "it's almost said!" Then he said to Ye Feng, "you can eat while it's hot. It'll be cold after a while! I'll go to the deck for a breath! "After Ye Feng nodded, he said to qianse bee, "you go first, I'll have a cigarette after eating!"

Thousand color bee nodded, got up and walked away, did not call Diana, she knew that from breakfast, Diana deliberately ate very slowly, obviously waiting for Ye Feng.

After qianse bee left, Diana looked at Ye Feng and said, "I'm useless. I can't help you at all. I insist on following you!"

Ye Feng took a look at Diana, knew what she thought, and immediately said, "don't have this kind of idea, and especially at this time, it has come out, so don't think about it!"

Then, without waiting for Diana to speak, she immediately added, "now I'm thinking about what happened after I landed on the island, so sometimes I may neglect you. Please bear with me more!"

Diana heard Ye Feng say so, immediately nodded, "I understand, don't worry, although I can't help, but I will never let myself help!"

Ye Feng nodded with satisfaction, then gave Diana a smile, but said nothing.

After both of them finished eating, Ye Feng got up and said to Diana, "you can move freely on the boat. I may be very busy before landing on the island. I'm either looking for qianse bee and Charlie to discuss things with them or looking for the general, so during this time, you should take good care of yourself!"

When Diana heard the words, she immediately said, "you are busy with your work. You just think I don't exist. I can take care of myself. Don't worry!"

With that, Diana gave Ye Feng a smile, indicating that Ye Feng could rest assured.

Ye Feng nodded, then turned and left. When Ye Feng just left, Diana felt a sense of loss.

Although she said that, it was obvious that she was a useless person, which made Diana very uncomfortable, as if she was the only one who was redundant on the whole warship.

But Diana also knew that there was no way to do it. She had to go to the cabin by herself.

At this time, Ye Feng has arrived on the deck. As soon as he finds qianse bee, qianse bee takes him to the clinic on the warship.

After seeing the doctor, the thousand color bee immediately said the situation of Ye Feng, and then said to Ye Feng, "you'd better say it yourself, your situation is still clearer yourself!"

Ye Feng just nodded slightly and said to the doctor, "it's nosebleed. There's no other feeling in the body! Once the flow is over, it's hard to stop! "

After listening to Ye Feng's words, the doctor checked Ye Feng's nostrils, listened to Ye Feng's heartbeat and pulse, and then said, "the inspection equipment on the ship is relatively single, I can't see what's wrong! Have you ever been like this before? "

Ye Feng shook his head and said, "never, just in recent days!"

Then Ye Feng lit a cigarette and said to the doctor, "since I can't see it, I'll go to the hospital to have a careful examination after I get ashore."

Listen to Ye Feng say so, the doctor nodded after the way, "can only be so, but if you still bleeding, remember to come to me!"

See Ye Feng nodded, the doctor can't help staring at Ye Feng in the hand of the cigarette to see a moment, this just asked, "you smoke big?"

Ye Feng just put out the cigarette, and then said to the doctor, "it used to be OK, but recently it seems that the cigarette can't leave the hand!"

The doctor frowned slightly, then nodded and said, "the warship must dock at the port for supply. I'll take you ashore and go to the hospital for inspection at that time!"

Ye Feng knew that the doctor must have suspected that he might have nasal cancer and so on, but he didn't tell him clearly.

Thinking of Ye Feng also nodded, nothing to say, got up and left the infirmary.

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