Hearing what Ye Feng said, Lao Wu was shocked. He immediately stretched out his finger and looked at it carefully. He found that it was really like this. He could not help but sigh, but he didn't say anything.

Ye Feng then stared at Lao Wu for a moment and then asked, "your elder martial sister's name is qianse bee. What's your name?"

Lao Wu immediately took a proud look at Ye Feng and said, "I'm a thousand faced fox!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, can't help a smile way, "so old-fashioned name?"

Thousand face fox smell speech complexion immediately a heavy ground looking at leaf maple way, "where old soil, thousand color bee just old soil good!"

Ye Feng laughs for a while, takes the wine cup and drinks it again. Then he puts down the wine cup and looks at the thousand face Fox and says, "so what's the purpose of your coming this time?"

Thousand face fox smell speech face immediately is a move, looking at Ye Feng, still did not speak.

Ye Feng then ate the food and said, "forget it, you don't want to say it! But if you are working for dromus, I advise you to leave here as soon as possible! So as not to be involved, I'm just looking at your elder martial sister's face! "

Thousand face fox but sneer a way, "who want you to see in her face, I want not to be involved, don't need her to give what face!"

Ye Feng can't help but be shocked when he hears the words, and then he looks at the thousand faced Fox and says, "you seem to have a bad feeling for your elder martial sister!"

Thousand face fox immediately said, "I have no mustard, and she is not my elder martial sister! Please don't call me and her that in the future! "

Ye Feng then stared at the thousand faced Fox and said, "if you can come to see us disguised as Dixie, it means that you must be under the command of zhuomus, so how about Dixie now?"

Thousand face fox listen to Ye Feng so a ask, immediately a shrug way, "now I don't know, but before I come, she is still good!"

Ye Feng listen to thousand face fox so a say, this just nodded a way, "that's good!"

After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, Qian Mian Hu asked, "you have a complicated relationship with this Dixie, but you have such an ambiguous relationship with her. Does she know your relationship with Dixie?"

Ye Feng knew that she was the thousand color bee in the mouth of the thousand face fox. At this time, he took a look at the thousand face Fox and said, "this is between us. Don't worry too much!"

Thousand face fox immediately shrugged his shoulders and said, "I'm too lazy to worry about it. I just want to laugh at her for being silly. Knowing that you're here to save Dixie this time, she's stupid enough to come with her..."

But Ye Feng frowned and looked at the fox in surprise. "What do you mean? Isn't your master injured in dromus? Your elder martial sister came here to save your master.... "

Thousand face fox smell speech complexion tiny move, immediately avoided leaf maple's eyes way, "Oh, is it? Then she really has a heart

But Ye Feng's eyebrows were staring at the thousand faced fox again and said, "so, in fact, zhuomus didn't catch your master, and qianse bee was coerced by zhuomus with her mother. It's just a play played by you and zhuomus, and you can easily become her mother?"

Thousand face fox immediately said, "what do you say? I don't understand what you are saying!"

But Ye Feng sneered, "if your master is in the hands of zhuomus, would you not want to save her? What's more, it's obvious that you forgot what you said just now. That's why you let it slip! "

As soon as Qian Mian Hu heard this, he shrugged his shoulders and said, "since you can see everything, I won't hide it from you. That's right. I'm really pretending to be my master. Who told her to be so stupid that I can't see it myself? What can I do?"

After hearing the speech, Ye Feng took a deep breath, and then said to the thousand faced fox, "where did your elder martial sister offend you? You should aim at her everywhere? She's also your master's daughter. Don't you worry about your master blaming you? "

Thousand face fox immediately shrugged his shoulders and said, "that's my nostalgia, I just respectfully call her master. She drove me out of the school. I still remember that she's my master. Do you want to recognize her daughter? Don't think too much, it's impossible! "

Ye Feng smell speech first is a dismay, immediately a sneer ground looking at thousand face fox way, "originally you are expelled from the school!"

Thousand face fox smell speech can't help looking at Ye Feng, immediately said, "that's because they are envious of my ability, afraid I'm just out of the blue, so don't want to teach me, just find an excuse to drive me away!"

But Ye Feng stared at the fox for a long time, "you look so pitiful!"

Thousand face fox smell speech facial expression can't help but move, immediately toward leaf maple scold a way, "who pitiful, you speak clearly!"

Ye Feng sneered and said, "no master will drive away the apprentice without any reason, unless the apprentice has done something rebellious!"

Thousand face fox smell speech facial expression is a move again, hurriedly toward leaf maple way, "what did I do?"? I just pretended to be someone else and went to get some money. I'm starving. Would you rather starve than try to get some money to feed me first? And I left a note for that person, saying that I would return it to her later! Who knows that he used to see his child for medical treatment. His child was in the late stage of illness and could not be saved. Even if I didn't take the money, the result was just to keep his child for a few more days.... "Ye Feng listen to thousand face fox so a say, can't help frowning at thousand face fox way, "you still don't think you do wrong?"

Thousand face Fox's face after several changes, immediately obstinate way, "I'm right, and I have ten times the original money back to him!"

But Ye Feng said to the thousand faced fox, "although that sum of money may not be able to save that person's child, even if it can make his child live one more hour, one more minute, that's the hour and one more minute they get along with each other. Did you steal the money? You're stealing their father son or father daughter time! "

Then Ye Feng didn't wait for the thousand color bee to speak, and immediately refuted, "if I know you will die after half disappeared, am I not guilty of killing you now? I have the right to deprive you of half an hour? "

When hearing Ye Feng's words, Qian Mian Fox's face changed several times. After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, he hummed coldly, "it doesn't make sense to you. You are as old-fashioned as my master."

Ye Feng then stares at thousand face fox to see after a long time, this just says, "you are such, never admit own mistake?"

Thousand face fox is cold hum a way, "I have what wrong?"

But Ye Feng sighed, "in fact, I can see that you already know that you are wrong, but you are stubborn and unwilling to admit your mistake! Why is that necessary? "

Thousand face fox but sneer a way, "don't guess a few things, make oneself seem to know me more, I am right, right, why should I admit a mistake?"

Ye Feng stares at the thousand faced Fox and says, "you are right. Why do you pay people ten times as much as you take? Don't you feel guilty and feel that you owe them, so you want to make up with money?"

Thousand face fox listen to Ye Feng so say, immediately a burst of silence, immediately stand up, cold hum a way, "you drink bar, I left!"

Ye Feng did not leave her meaning, and the thousand face Fox went to the door, one hand holding the doorknob, then looked back at Ye Feng and said, "and, if you want to expose me, just expose me, I don't care!"

But Ye Feng said to the thousand faced fox, "I want to expose you. I have already exposed you, and I won't wait until now!"

Thousand face fox immediately cold hum a way, "whatever you want!" Then he opened the door and went out. As soon as he opened the door, he saw qianse bee and Diana standing at the door. Qianmianhu's face suddenly moved.

For a moment, qianmianhu didn't know whether he wanted to continue pretending to be Lao Wu. He was stunned in the same place.

But Diana looked at the fox with a frown, "Why are you so drunk?"

Thousand color bee looks at thousand face fox way, "drink?"

Ye Feng then said to qianse bee and Diana, "would you like to come in and have a drink?"

At this time, the thousand color bee looked at the thousand face fox standing at the door and didn't come out or go back, and frowned slightly, "Master Wu, where are you going? Finished? "

On hearing this, Qianmian fox thought that qianse bee didn't hear what he had just said. He immediately nodded and said, "Oh, I've had enough to drink. I'll go back to have a rest!"

Thousand color bee but toward thousand face fox way, "I listen to him say, isn't tonight want you to sleep here?"

Thousand face fox smell speech complexion immediately move, haven't spoken, Ye Feng then immediately toward thousand face fox way, "yes, anyway I have a bed here, we two old men sleep here, you won't dislike it?"? Master Wu? "

Thousand face fox immediately turned round to stare a leaf maple, this guy knows that he is not old Wu, also intentionally say so.

Then his heart moved again. He only knew that he was the apprentice of qianse bee's mother, but he didn't say whether he was a man or a woman from the beginning to the end?

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