And at this time, thousand face Fox also came up from the corridor under the cabin, just to see thousand color bee and Diana and Ye Feng are standing in the bow, then also came over.

Diana was the first to see the thousand faced fox. She immediately said to the thousand faced bee, "Master Wu is here. Look at the way he looks at you. Is that really interesting to you?"

At this time, qianse bee also looked at Qianmian fox, and found that the eyes of Qianmian fox really fell on him. At this time, he could not help shrugging, but did not speak.

Originally, qianse bee was still wondering, even if qianmianhu was her younger martial sister, under the normal logic, she should be closer to herself, but she was hostile to herself.

At that time, I don't know why. Now listening to Ye Feng's words, qianse bee has some understanding. It turns out that she and Damen still have a past?

In fact, Ye Feng doesn't have to tell himself that if he wants to be a little better to qianmianhu, he will do the same. Just as Ye Feng said, qianmianhu is his mother's only apprentice besides himself.

Thousand face fox is just thinking of these thousand color bee time, has come to three people in front, can't help but toward Ye Feng way, "you wake up in the morning, how don't call me together?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "you sleep so dead. Wake you up, I'm not a sinner? Besides, I didn't get up so early, just a little earlier than you... "

But the thousand face fox looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "didn't you go to bed early? Why do you get up so late? "

Ye Feng shrugged again, but he didn't say the reason. In fact, he should have fallen asleep last night, but he was woken up by a sound in the middle of the night.

Yesterday, Diego brought more than a dozen blondes on board, so in the middle of last night, the whole cabin was filled with an ambiguous voice. Fortunately, he had strong self-control, otherwise he really didn't know what happened last night.

Thousand face fox see Ye Feng didn't say a word, also don't know Ye Feng said is true or false, immediately a shrug, immediately look to thousand color bee, stare at thousand color bee after a look, this just said, "you should already know who I am?"

Thousand color bee a listen to this words, complexion suddenly move, looking at appearance, thousand face fox is ready to no longer continue to camouflage?

But Diana looked at the thousand color bee and the thousand face fox in surprise and said, "who are you? Aren't you chef Wu? "

But the thousand faced fox shrugged. Then he reached out from under his neck and squeezed out half of the nail sized sound transformer. After throwing it into the sea, he said to the thousand faced bee, "look at Lei, I don't need to pretend anymore!"

When Diana heard what Lao Wu was saying, she was actually a woman's voice. She looked at the thousand faced fox in surprise and said, "Master Wu Are you a woman? "

The thousand face fox shrugged his shoulders and said, "what's so strange about this? I'm not master Wu at all. Master Wu is still in michoken! "

Diana immediately looked at the thousand faced fox in front of her and said, "who are you? Why are you as like as two peas master?

The thousand faced fox did not continue to explain anything to Diana, but a pair of eyes continued to look at the thousand color bee and said, "do you remember the gate taro?"

This is the first time for Ye Feng to hear the name of her senior from the mouth of Qianmian fox. It seems that she is right with qianse bee.

The thousand color bee then nodded slightly, and then said to the thousand face fox, "are you in love with Damen? I didn't expect that! "

The thousand face fox shrugged and said, "it's all in the past. What you probably don't know is that Damen and I were good originally. It's because of your appearance that he moved his feelings and didn't fall in love!"

Diana didn't wait for the thousand color bee to talk. She immediately said with a smile to the thousand face fox, "if you look like this, what kind of gate's empathy is reasonable?"

Ye Feng reminds Diana, "how can a woman grow up like this? She looks like Master Wu! "

Diana just suddenly, then she was giggled by her own brain.

At this time, the thousand color bee said to the thousand face fox, "I was only in which university for a year. After that, I was going to leave. Moreover, I just looked at him as a friend. I never thought about what I would do with him?"

Thousand face fox hears speech but immediately shrugs a way, "I know!"

Thousand color bee and immediately toward thousand face fox way, "gate accident, I was busy writing papers, so did not know he had an accident, I thought it was because I refused him, so he deliberately no longer appear!"

Thousand face fox smell speech left again is a shrug a way, "I understand!"

Thousand color bee see thousand face fox so a say, can't help but eyebrow a wrinkly, amazedly ask a way, "do you understand?"? Do you really understand? "

After taking a deep breath, the thousand faced fox said to the thousand color bee, "to tell you the truth, I didn't understand, but last night Satan told me all night, and even said that I had a problem in my heart. Can I still not understand?"

Ye Feng didn't expect that the thousand face fox suddenly became so reasonable after a night. He couldn't help but look at the thousand face fox in amazement. He was obviously dubious.

Thousand color bee is also some can't accept thousand face fox this kind of change, can't help staring at thousand face fox, for a moment don't know what to say.Thousand face fox at this time toward thousand color bee way, "I just formally apologize with you now, not too late?" After a pause, he said, "elder martial sister!"

Thousand color bee see thousand face fox all call oneself elder martial sister, can't help in the heart also secretly long sigh of relief, immediately nodded a way, "can understand, if it is me, may also think so!"

Thousand face fox is also a shrug a shoulder way at this time, "you can understand good, now we calculate is ice to clear a grudge?"

But the thousand color bee said to the thousand face fox, "let go of the past? Do we have any past disagreements that need to be resolved? "

Thousand face fox a listen to this words, immediately a consternation, immediately smile a shrug a way, "that I rest assured!"

The thousand color bee sighs slightly at this time, and then says to the thousand face fox, "how is my mother now?"

Thousand face fox shrugs a way, "she should still be in Guanxi, won't have what matter, rest assured!"

The thousand color bee just nodded and then said to the thousand face fox, "how many years have you studied with my mother?"

Thousand face fox immediately said, "it's only two years, your mother said I'm very talented..." Then he looked at Ye Feng, and then shrugged, "but someone said I'm not as good as you!"

As soon as qianse bee heard this, she knew that it must be Ye Feng who said it. She immediately said to qianmianhu, "I've studied for more than ten years, and I'm a little better than you. If you've only studied for more than two years, your mother is right. You're really talented!"

Then he saw Qianmian fox. After a while of complacency, qianse bee immediately asked Qianmian fox, "is your ninja also taught by my mother? My impression, my mother should not ninja, right? Otherwise how can you not teach me? "

Qian Mian Hu shrugged his shoulders and said, "I learned Ninjutsu from another master, not from your mother..."

Thousand color bee a listen to this words, this just long comfortable forehead one breath.

However, Ye Feng reminded qianse bee at this time, "even if your mother doesn't know Ninjutsu, she won't just know how to change her face. If you think about it carefully, may a normal good woman know how to change her face?"

Thousand color bee a listen to this words, the heart can't help but is a move, Zheng Zheng ground looking at Ye Feng, a long time didn't speak.

Thousand face Fox also nodded at this time and said, "master must have some skills. Although she wants to hide all the time, I can see that most people can't pretend the temperament of people who practice martial arts, and people who know martial arts can't hide it!"

Listen to thousand face fox say so, thousand color bee suddenly a ponder, carefully think about his mother's past, in the heart also can't help a ponder.

At this time, Ye Feng looked at the thousand faced Fox and said, "it seems that you have really figured everything out?"

The thousand face fox looked at Ye Feng, but did not answer Ye Feng's words. Instead, he looked at the thousand color bee and said, "when we have a chance to go back to Japan together, shall we go to see Master together?"

At this time, the thousand color bee's face moved slightly. "I'm afraid my mother doesn't want to see me at all, right? I left in silence that year! "

At this time, qianmianhu said to qianse bee, "it's wrong for you to think so. I have been in Shifu for more than two years. Shifu often compares me with you and mentions you from time to time. Even before praising me for my talent, I also said a lot about you. I can see that Shifu misses you very much!"

Hearing this, qianse bee's eyes were moist, and her throat choked, but she couldn't say a word.

Ye Feng also looked at the thousand color bee curiously and said, "by the way, I've known you for so long, and I haven't heard of you. Why did you leave Japan and your mother at that time? Instead of doing it? "

Thousand face fox smell speech also can't help but nod a head way, "yes, elder martial sister, why did you want to leave master, leave Japan? Is something going on? "

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