Thousand face fox listen to Ye Feng so say, can't help a burst of silence, in fact, she can understand Ye Feng said these words, many times, the feelings between men and women are in the event of sublimation and promotion again and again.

He and Ye Feng just know each other. He immediately wants Ye Feng to treat himself like a thousand color bee, which is totally unrealistic.

However thousand face fox this time entangles is not this question, but oneself after all how, why must leaf maple now to oneself new look at?

Is it difficult to Thousand face fox can't help but heart next move, oneself and leaf maple between, with leaf maple's words, is what all didn't happen, how can oneself take a fancy to this man?

The thousand face fox can't figure out what's wrong, which leads to that he will like Ye Feng. Is it just because he has a long relationship with the thousand color bee that he just wants to take the plunge?

Think of here, thousand face fox a while ponder ground looking at leaf maple, feel oneself heart a bit disorderly for a moment, know oneself to have this kind of idea to be probably wrong.

Thousand face fox even deliberately forced himself not to think so, don't sink down, but can't help but want to see Ye Feng more.

In the end, thousand face fox said nothing, immediately turned around and left. Since standing beside Ye Feng, he could not control himself, so he had to leave Ye Feng for a while.

Ye Feng sees in the eye, has not spoken all the time, the words that should say, he thinks to have already said very clearly with thousand face fox, there is no need to say anything more.

Looking at the thousand face fox left, Ye Feng can't help sighing, the woman around him, to tell you the truth, now has become a woman's debt, two or three are not clear, but also one more?

And Ye Feng before the romantic time, but also the play have played, and even can be said to be tired of playing, women used to see for Ye Feng, is the spice of life.

But now for Ye Feng, women are the staple food of life. It's not to say that Ye Feng can't live without women any more.

Instead, Ye Feng now pays more attention to the relationship with women. He doesn't want to go up when he meets a woman. After all, he is too old to be a stallion.

After a sigh, when Ye Feng turned his head, he wanted to see if the thousand faced fox really walked away. He always felt that this kind of woman who had been stimulated by emotion would become particularly sensitive and vulnerable at some time and events. The hard point was that she was a little neurotic.

However, I didn't see qianmianhu. Instead, I saw dieyago. Dieyago was standing at the rail on the side of the cockpit, smoking a cigarette.

Ye Feng took a look at it and walked towards Dieya. He knew that Dieya must be smoking a cigarette in depression. What he said just now was a little too straightforward.

Without waiting for Ye Feng to come to Dieya, Dieya noticed Ye Feng. After looking at Ye Feng, he just snorted coldly, turned his back to smoke cigarettes and ignored Ye Feng.

Ye Feng went over and stood on Diego's side, took out a piece of gum and chewed it in his mouth, but he didn't speak.

When Diego saw that Ye Feng didn't say a word, he looked back at Ye Feng and then hummed coldly, "we're not on the same road. I'm a smoker. You're a chewing gum eater!"

Ye Feng can't help laughing when he hears the words. This can be used by Diego to distinguish whether he is a fellow traveler or not?

Thinking of the evil karma, he said to Diego, "in fact, you should have known that we are not on the road at all!"

Diego sneered, "I know, but I think at least at a certain point, we can meet, or even cooperate, but what I didn't expect is that you just used me from the beginning to the end, and didn't think about my business at all!"

Said, did not wait for Ye Feng to speak, Dieya elder brother looked at Dieya elder brother with a bitter smile and said, "it's not your fault, we have no intersection, your purpose here is very simple, but I'm too whimsical!"

Ye Feng listened to Dieya's words, chewing gum and looking at Dieya, then sneered, "general, it's really a bit whimsical to use this word to describe you!"

Dieya elder brother smell speech but is a dismay, Zheng Zheng ground looking at leaf Feng way, "what meaning?"

Ye Feng said to Dieya, "we are all adults. Sometimes we don't want to talk like this. If we have any ideas, we can talk about them directly, so as not to show each other here. You're tired and I'm tired too!"

Dieya elder brother smell speech but looking at Ye Feng way, "do you think I am acting with you?"

But Ye Feng looked at Diego and said, "what's the purpose of TSL? Is it just taking over the mountains? Before TSL, he was the leader of dromus. I had three guns, Dixie and Hades, and a lot of logistics. What happened after you incorporated TSL? What are you going to do? "

Dieya elder brother listen to Ye Feng so say, immediately a Leng, Zheng Zheng ground looking at Ye Feng, for a while didn't say a word!

At this time, Ye Feng vomited gum into the sea, and continued to say, "I just guess. Just listen. When I kill zhuomus, you will land on the island. When the time comes to control the whole island, you won't let Dixie and I leave. If you just occupy the mountains, there are hundreds of islands in the Pacific Ocean for you to choose. What's your purpose There is only one, officially accept TSL organization, and TSL has no dromus, Hades also died, now only me and Dixie, you will easily let us go? Your purpose will change, or it will always be so. You will want me and Dixie to stay in TSL and continue their original career! "Speaking of this, Ye Feng immediately looked at Diego and said, "I don't know if what I said is wrong?"

After hearing this, Diego was speechless. He opened his mouth several times to explain, but in the end he couldn't say a word.

Ye Feng looked at Dieya and said, "so I said, we are all adults. Sometimes many things can be explained face to face. Your calculation really wastes some brain, but you forget another problem, that is, since I can go deep into the tiger's den and kill zhuomus, I believe it will not be difficult for me to kill zhuomus, you If you do, not only do you not get TSL, but you also plant seeds for your own death. "

Dieya elder brother listen to Ye Feng so say, immediately a while pondering looking at Ye Feng, eyes after several changes, but still can't say a word.

At this time, Ye Feng continued to say to dieyago, "I've made up my mind to retire. Nothing can change this. That's why I have to break up with zhuomus. At least I've lived with zhuomus since I was a child. Although he is not our biological father, in some ways, he takes care of us as much as his father, In order to be free, you must kill him. Do you think the friendship between you and me can let me spare your life? "

Then Ye Feng immediately shrugged his shoulders and said, "of course, you can use the people around me to threaten me, but you will not forget that I came here this time to save Dixie, that is to say, zhuomus is also using Dixie to coerce me, will I be held by him? If he doesn't, I may not kill him, but once he does, he can only have one end, that is death. What do you think will be the end if you do

After saying this, Ye Feng immediately said, "Oh, by the way, you have no parents and are not married, but I remember you and I said that you have a mistress who gave birth to twins for you. Now you should be in the United States! I think you may not have done your father's duty, but if you know that you are in danger for your son, you will spare no effort to save him, right? It's human nature. There's no way to do it. Of course, there are exceptions, that is, people who are completely cold-blooded, but I don't see such characteristics from you! "

Dieya elder brother has not spoken, at this time listen to Ye Feng so say, heart suddenly a Lin, Ye Feng this words can't understand again, he can't threaten him anyway, this seems to be his bottom line, at that time, not only his own death, even in the United States, he seldom meet the twin son, may also suffer.

Diego really never thought about this problem. If Ye Feng points it out face to face, he suddenly feels that his spine is a little chilly, and his back is in a cold sweat.

He knew that Ye Feng was giving his last advice and reminder at this time. If he really insisted on going his own way, then the consequences, Ye Feng had already said it, and the look in Ye Feng's eyes, must be able to do what he said.

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