At this moment, Diana hissed and murmured, "you can't say people behind your back! Here comes your younger martial sister! "

The thousand color bee hears a speech to be stunned, the side head sees, but see thousand face fox just walked up from the corridor under the deck, also noticed their side after coming up.

However, to the surprise of qianse bee, Qianmian fox didn't walk towards them. Instead, it seemed to avoid their eyes and walked towards the stern of the boat.

Diana was also aware of something and could not help but wonder, "the sun is coming out from the west, and she didn't come? And it looks like it's avoiding us? Are we provoking her? "

Thousand color bee is a burst of silence, heart is also a burst of surprise, then look at Ye Feng, but nothing said.

And Ye Feng see thousand color bee is looking at himself, eyes some strange, know she is in doubt, is not what happened between himself and thousand face fox.

Ye Feng then shrugs to qianse bee, and gets rid of the relationship with her. She just talks about the truth of life with her precious younger martial sister.

And these principles, as long as a little bit of brain people can understand it, as for the thousand face fox can move, Ye Feng really can't around.

In fact, although Ye Feng didn't look directly at Qianmian fox, he also saw that Qianmian fox was hiding from them. To be exact, he should be hiding from himself.

However, Ye Feng really feels that he can't help him. He has done what he should do and said what he should say. But now, it's good to save the younger martial sister from pestering him.

Seeing that Ye Feng doesn't speak, qianse Feng doesn't ask much. In a word, she still has a bad heart for her younger martial sister. Even if the younger martial sister says she doesn't work for zhuomus anymore, she doesn't know how to get along with her.

And in qianse bee's subconscious, there is a feeling of rejecting getting acquainted with her younger martial sister.

Diana has been staring at the thousand face fox, until she went to the back of the deck, and then recovered. She said to Ye Feng, "don't you think you're doing something to other people's little girls?"

Ye Feng couldn't help but look at Diana again. Then she stood up and walked to the side of the deck. Seeing this, Diana said in a loud voice, "I'm kidding!"

Ye Feng did not pay any attention to Diana. He went to the side of the deck, holding the railing and looking at the sunset in the distance. Ye Feng took a deep breath, but he thought to himself that Dixie didn't know what he was doing now.

When Diana saw this, she couldn't help saying, "did I say something wrong?"

The thousand color bee sighs a way slightly, "don't you see that he is actually bothering for tomorrow's matter?"? At this time, how could he be offended? Even if we are really close to her, it's definitely because she used to be a drummer! "

As soon as Diana heard this, she couldn't help but nod her head and said, "I know. I'm not joking about this anymore!"

At this time, Ye Feng was standing by the boat. At this time, she saw a white dolphin leaping from the sea. At this time, Diana also saw it. She immediately ran over and stood on Ye Feng's side, shouting "thousand color bee".

When the thousand color bee came, it happened that the white dolphin was a fish jump again. Then he got under the sea and never came out again.

Diana immediately said, "have you ever heard of the legend of the white dolphin?"

The thousand color bee can't help but frown and say, "isn't the white dolphin a dolphin with albinism? And the legend? "

Diana immediately said to the thousand color bee, "having said that, didn't people in the past have such medicine? So there is a legend! It is said that the white dolphin is the prince of the underwater world. In order to protect his lover, it becomes like this. And it is said that all lovers who see the White Dolphin will live forever! It's a good omen that we will never separate

Thousand color bee can't help but is brow move tunnel, "still have such legend?"

Diana nodded and said, "it can't be wrong. The first fairy tale I heard since I was a child is the story of the White Dolphin prince!"

Ye Feng didn't speak all the time, but he was thinking that if everything can have a good omen, then everything will be easy to do, and life doesn't have to have such and such troubles!

At this time, Ye Feng obviously felt that someone was staring at him. He took a look at him, but saw that the thousand faced fox at the stern of the boat was staring at him. After seeing him, he immediately looked to the sea, as if nothing had happened.

Diana was still talking about the story of the White Dolphin prince that she heard when she was a child to qianse bee. Qianse bee also listened casually. This kind of childhood fairy tale, that is to say, just listen to it. I didn't expect that Diana was so serious.

But it's not surprising to think about it carefully. After all, the final moral of this story is that all lovers who see the White Dolphin together will live forever. Maybe it's just for this reason that Diana is so excited.

After a while on the sea, the sun gradually sank to the bottom of the sea, and it was completely dark. At this time, the bell rang again, and it was time for dinner.Ye Feng, Diana and qianse bee went to the canteen together, but this time qianmianhu still didn't follow.

After they finished eating, when they went on the deck, the sky was bright. Diana and qianse bee looked up at the moon.

But Ye Feng looked around casually. At this time, he saw that Qian Mian Hu was still standing at the railings of the stern of the boat, staring at the sea, motionless.

See so, leaf maple can't help but eyebrow a wrinkly, this wench won't be can't think of, have what bad idea?

Thousand color bee at this time see Ye Feng staring at a place to see, also follow his eyes to see, see thousand face fox, the facial expression is also a move way, "what does she want to do?"

Diana listened to qianse bee's words, followed qianse bee's and Ye Feng's eyes, and said, "she can't miss it, can she?"

Ye Feng's heart suddenly moved again. What he said to qianmianhu today is really a little straightforward, but he just wanted to make her wake up completely, but he didn't think of a few words, so qianmianhu couldn't think of it.

If the thousand face fox really can't think of it and jumps down, it's really a sin.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng immediately walked towards the thousand face fox. Diana immediately followed her, but she was grabbed by the thousand color bee.

Diana looked back at the thousand color bee in surprise, but saw that the thousand color bee shook her head and said, "let's just watch it!"

Diana was stunned, but she didn't keep up. She stood on one side with qianse bee and watched.

At this time, Ye Feng had already walked to the side of the thousand face fox. After looking at her, he took out a piece of gum and chewed it in his mouth. Then he handed it to the thousand face Fox and said, "why didn't you go to dinner?"

The thousand faced fox didn't look at Ye Feng, and didn't reach out to pick up the sugar. But his eyes were still staring at the dark sea, and he didn't speak.

Ye Feng can't help frowning, "I speak in the afternoon, but also for you! I don't mean anything else... "

Thousand face fox this just don't return ground, light toward leaf maple way, "you are afraid I don't want to open?"

Ye Feng smell speech a dismay, looking at thousand face fox, also noncommittal.

Thousand face fox but lightly said, "if it is for this, you can go, you can rest assured, I won't for this kind of thing."

After Ye Feng took a long breath, he said, "if only you could think that way!"

The thousand face fox then said coldly, "now you can rest assured? May I go away? "

After staring at the fox for a long time, Ye Feng saw that the fox's eyes had never left the sea. Then he took a long breath and said, "good!"

With that, Ye Feng immediately turned around and left, but after listening to the voice of the thousand face fox, he said, "did you see the White Dolphin just now?"

Ye Feng was stunned and stopped. He looked back at the fox and said, "see! You see that, too? "

The thousand face fox nodded and said, "there is a legend in our hometown that seeing white dolphins is an ominous omen!"

Ye Feng can't help but be stunned. How can the same thing, in Diana's fairy tale, become an ominous omen when it comes to qianmianhu?

Thousand face fox then continued to say, "anyone who sees white dolphins will have bad luck doing things recently."

Ye Feng immediately said to the thousand faced fox, "these are just legends. I heard another version just now. It said that I saw the white dolphin. It was It means good luck! This is just some rumors in various places. Whether it's bad luck or good luck, it all depends on the individual! It has nothing to do with the White Dolphin! "

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