Thousand color bee but a pair of eyes have been staring at Ye Feng to see, also don't speak, also can't see what movement.

And not far away thousand face fox at this time also seemed to notice the situation here, surprised toward this side to see.

At this time, Ye Feng stares at the thousand color bee in front of him, and says coldly, "I can see that your purpose is not too malicious, but it's certainly not good intentions for you to change to another person from time to time?"

The thousand color bee still stares at Ye Feng to look at, still did not speak, on the hand also still did not have any movement.

But before Ye Feng also saw that she didn't have any action in her hand, suddenly a smoke bomb came out, taking advantage of the smoke to escape, so Ye Feng is still on guard.

Thousand face fox this time toward the leaf maple behind walked over, mouth is toward leaf maple said, "I already know she is not thousand color bee!"

Ye Feng's heart moved when he heard this. When the fox came to his side, he just glanced at the thousand color bee with his spare light. Then he saw a white fog rising in front of him, and the thousand color bee disappeared in a moment.

This time, Ye Feng didn't go after him at all, because ye Feng tried to get in the fog recently, but he didn't find him twice. This time, he went in vain.

At this time, Ye Feng looked at the thousand face Fox and said, "don't you explain it?"

Thousand face fox but a face surprised looking at Ye Feng way, "explain what?"

Ye Feng sneered at this time and said, "why did you come here at this time? As soon as you came, she ran away?"

Thousand face fox shrugs at this time, then says, "if you doubt me so much, I have nothing to explain!"

Ye Feng stares at thousand face fox to see a moment later, the brow is a wrinkly way again, "you say you know she is not thousand color bee early?"

Thousand face fox immediately shrugged, then cold hum a way, "since you suspect that I and she are a gang, I have nothing to say!"

Say thousand face Fox also stretched out a hand toward leaf maple way, "if you really doubt me and she is a gang, you bound me!"

But Ye Feng didn't move. Instead, he kept staring at the thousand faced Fox and said, "so, your calm in the cabin just now and your indifferent interest in this woman are all deliberately shown?"

Thousand face fox but put down hand, just light toward leaf maple said, "if you don't bind me, then I can go!"

Say thousand face fox to turn round to walk, leaf Feng but immediately say, "well, I apologize to you for what I just said, I shouldn't doubt you!"

Thousand face fox listen to Ye Feng say so, this just stopped the pace, after a long time, this just looked back at Ye Feng, this just shrugged a way, "just now is also some coincidence, I just came, she took advantage of you unprepared to run, in the final analysis is also really because I let you distracted, you doubt me, is also a reasonable thing!"

Ye Feng is not interested in this problem at all. Instead, he frowns at the fox and says, "do you know the origin and development of this woman?"

Thousand face fox then slightly shrugs a way, "know a little, but not detailed!"

When Ye Feng heard this, he frowned and said, "do you really know? I'm just guessing you might know! "

Thousand face fox said at this time, "I know very little. My master told me that she once had a senior sister!"

Ye Feng smell speech heart next move, this seem thousand color bee also said with oneself, he immediately looked at thousand face fox, also don't speak, just stare thousand face fox continue to say.

Thousand face fox then said, "at that time, the relationship between my master and her elder martial sister was not very good. The master didn't say what the specific reason was. But I can see from the eyes of master that it must have something to do with men, or something else. Who knows!"

Ye Feng is not interested in the triangular relationship between qianse bee's mother and her elder martial sister, but nods slightly.

At this time, qianmianhu said, "although my master doesn't seem to like her elder martial sister very much, the exclamation and admiration in her eyes can't be concealed when it comes to her elder martial sister's face changing technique. Listen to my master, her elder martial sister can turn into three people in a minute."

Ye Feng a listen to this words, complexion can't help greatly change, surprised tunnel, "change three people in a minute?"

Thousand face fox immediately said, "yes, I was surprised to hear that at that time. In my opinion, my face changing technique is already very exquisite, not to mention my master's, and the face changing technique is not to compare the speed, mainly depends on the appearance of the face changing technique. But even so, changing three people in one minute still shakes me a little bit..."

Ye Feng can't help nodding when he hears the speech. Just as the thousand faced fox said, the technique of changing appearance is really faster than fast in some degree, which has no meaning at all. In the end, it depends on whether there are flaws after forming, and the degree of imitation determines the pros and cons.

But in some special cases, the quick face change is also very effective. If you are one person in this street, you will change to another person when you go to another street. It's strange to think about it.

Seeing that Ye Feng didn't speak, Qian Mian Hu said to Ye Feng, "but I don't know if this woman has anything to do with my master's elder martial sister. Listen to my master's voice, her world should have been dead for many years!"Ye Feng listened to the thousand face fox said, immediately asked, "your master did not say her elder martial sister other?"

But the fox shook his head and said, "no! That's it. I had a quick success in changing my face. I wanted to show off to my master, but I was scolded by him. I was very unconvinced. Then my master told me about it. However, even if I said it, during the process, my master hesitated and hesitated. Many things didn't seem to want to tell me. I knew that it was useless for me to ask, so I didn't ask much. After that, my master didn't ask I haven't mentioned her elder martial sister any more, and I don't know if she has a descendant! "

Ye Feng listened to the thousand face fox say so, immediately was a while pondering, after a long time this just looked at the thousand face fox way, "you and your master really completely do not contact?"

The thousand face fox looked at Ye Feng quietly and said, "didn't you listen to what I just said? Even at that time, the master was eager to talk and didn't want to talk. Now it should be the same. He won't say anything!"

But Ye Feng looked at the thousand faced Fox and said, "listen to your tone, you can contact your master?"

But the thousand faced fox shrugged his shoulders and said, "of course, how can an apprentice not contact the master? I used to teach Ninjutsu master, now I have some contact

Ye Feng then toward thousand face fox way, "you help me contact your master!"

Thousand face fox but immediately shrugged a way, "sorry, can't help!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, complexion is a ground to looking at thousand face fox way, "why?"

But qianmianhu said immediately, "since I was arrested instead of Shifu, I've lost contact with Shifu. Moreover, I've never called Shifu, and my Shifu has never called me. If I get through this call for you, it means that I may expose my Shifu's position. If zhuomus really goes to arrest my Shifu, how can I afford it My master? "

Yefeng heard qianmianhu say so, also feel some truth, but still toward qianmianhu way, "tomorrow we will land on the island, maybe there will be no TSL in the future..."

Thousand face fox a listen to this words, immediately toward Ye Feng a shrug a way, "that wait for TSL completely no more say, I won't take my master's safety to risk!"

Hearing this, Ye Feng nodded and said, "I can understand what you think. I didn't expect you to protect your master like this?"

The thousand faced fox shrugged and said, "of course, my master is very good to me. Although sometimes I can clearly feel that she treats me as her daughter, so she is so good to me. But I don't care. Good is good, no matter what the reason is!"

Ye Feng listened to the thousand face fox say so, can't help nodding, then deep suction airway, "you say right, good is good, bad is bad, no matter what the reason, good can't replace bad, bad also can't replace good!"

At this time, Qianmian fox said to Qianmian fox, "although I don't know if this woman has any relationship with Shifu's elder martial sister, I can see some clues about her ninja."

After hearing this, Ye Feng immediately looked at Qianmian fox, and then thought to herself, "yes, Qianmian fox has learned Ninjutsu. These things in Ninjutsu should be well-known. It's best for her to see some clues.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng immediately asked the thousand face fox, "her smoke bomb seems to be different from yours!"

Thousand face fox immediately nodded, "yes, her smoke bomb is through a special device! It has a certain confusing effect on people's vision! "

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