Thousand color bee, thousand face Fox and Diana also set their eyes on Ye Feng, although those soldiers took dieyago as the backbone.

But the three women all know that Ye Feng is the real backbone of the warship. Even dieyage, the "backbone", is waiting for Ye Feng to make up his mind.

After taking a deep breath, Ye Feng said to Diego, "in this way, first put down the lifeboat, let the injured and women get on the lifeboat, and other people stay on the warship for the time being to think of other ways!"

After hearing this, Diego was disappointed. Although he agreed with Ye Feng that it was right to let the wounded and the woman on the lifeboat first, he also knew that Ye Feng had no other idea for the time being, and he didn't decide how to choose between Australia and dromus.

Dieyago immediately went over and ordered the soldiers to put the lifeboats on both sides of the deck to the sea. Meanwhile, Ye Feng turned back to qianse bee, qianmianhu and Diana and said, "you get on the lifeboat first, I'll stay and think about something!"

As soon as Diana heard this, she immediately said to Ye Feng, "I'm not going. I'll stay with you..."

Ye Feng took a look at Diana. Before he spoke, qianse bee immediately said, "let Diana and my younger martial sister go to the lifeboat first, and I'll stay alone to help you!"

Hearing this, the thousand faced fox looked at the thousand color bee. At this time, Ye Feng said, "all three of you go up. None of you is allowed to stay here. Here are Charlie and Hendry..."

Speaking, Ye Feng suddenly thought of something, immediately looked around, and then asked, "where are Charlie and Hendry?"

Thousand color bee's heart is also moving, secret way is ah, just now to save Diana, then Ye Feng came, to save Ye Feng and Diana, really didn't pay attention to Charlie and Hendry.

The thousand faced fox then said, "their room is the back half of the warship. Maybe they have sunk into the sea with the ship now?"

When Ye Feng heard this, he couldn't help but move. He took a look at the rear of the warship and looked around again. He still didn't see Charlie and Hendry. He couldn't help but sigh. He didn't expect that Charlie and Hendry died here?

Diana also sighed, "Charlie, didn't they get out?"

Ye Feng immediately took a deep breath, and then said to qianse bee and Diana in the tone of command, "you go to the lifeboat immediately, and wait for rescue..."

Diana asked Ye Feng, "what about you?"

After taking a deep breath, Ye Feng said, "don't worry. I grew up on the island when I was young. I really can't think of any way. I will jump into the sea before sinking the ship, and then swim to find you. Although I can't get on the lifeboat, at least near the lifeboat, it's not a problem to save my life!"

After listening to what Ye Feng said, qianse bee nodded. At this time, Dieya came to inform Ye Feng, "the lifeboat has been successfully put on the sea, you three girls Do all the girlfriends go up? "

Ye Feng immediately nodded, then let the thousand color bee with thousand face Fox and Diana are in the past, Diana although reluctant, but still followed the thousand color bee walked past.

The thousand face Fox went to the side of the deck, looked back at Ye Feng, and felt a slight movement in his heart. He also followed the thousand color bee and they got on the lifeboat. When they got on the lifeboat, they also helped to rescue the wounded on the deck.

Seeing this, Diego took a deep breath, wiped the rain on his face, and then said to Ye Feng, "now that the wounded and the women have been solved, what shall we do?"

Ye Feng at this time toward Dieya elder brother way, "still have smoke?"

Diego immediately went to his pocket, but his cigarette had been soaked in rain and sea water, and it was rotten.

Ye Feng took out the sugar from his pocket and handed it to Dieya. Then he asked Dieya, "have you ever thought about how you died?"

Diego chewed gum hard to relieve his pressure and tension. Listening to Ye Feng's question, he couldn't help staring at Ye Feng for a moment. Then he gritted his teeth and said, "what do you want? I can't live, I can't live!"

Ye Feng immediately said, "that's good!"

But Ye Feng this words just said, Dieya elder brother immediately added to ask a way, "we really didn't save?"

Ye Feng shook his head and said, "basically there is no hope!"

Dieya's heart suddenly cooled when he heard the speech, and then he said to Ye Feng, "no, we'll contact the Australian side. It's a big deal to give up this plan. We'll talk about it later..."

Ye Feng shook his head again and said, "there won't be a chance in the future!" Then he pointed to the night behind the boat.

Dieya elder brother but don't understand ground looking at leaf maple to point to of direction, but that behind the pitch black a, simply don't see clearly what have.

At this time, Ye Feng said, "a wave is coming towards us. This time, we can't keep the boat!"

Diego's heart is even more awe inspiring when he hears the words. If the waves really come back at this time, the warship may be able to carry it well, but now it's half a boat, and there's no such possibility at all.

But Diego didn't see any waves at all. He could not help but frown and say, "are there any waves coming?"Ye Feng nodded and said, "it's coming, the last minute!"

Just then, a flash of lightning came down from the dark clouds in the sky, and the whole night sky was suddenly illuminated.

At the same time, Diego saw the wave that Ye Feng said. Where is the wave? It's just a wall. It must be at least six or seven meters high. Even if the intact warship is patted by the wave, it may not be able to carry it, let alone the current ship?

When Diego was nervous, he swallowed the gum. He looked at Ye Feng and said, "we're going to die this time!"

Ye Feng quickly walked to the side of the deck, then yelled to the thousand color bee, thousand face Fox and Diana on the lifeboat, "hold on to the lifeboat, find the grip, don't let go!"

Three women are confused, do not know why Ye Feng suddenly came to say such a word, and at this time is a lightning.

The thousand color bee immediately saw the huge waves in the distance behind, immediately took a breath of air conditioning, and immediately knew what had happened.

Thousand face Fox and Diana also noticed at this time, and immediately looked silly. If they met such a huge wave, their lifeboat might not be able to save them.

When the other wounded saw the huge wave, they all cried out in fright. Some even cried out, "we're finished..."

Ye Feng once again reminded qianse bee, "take care of them, hold on to things and don't let go!"

Thousand color bee was also a little stunned. After listening to Ye Feng's words, she immediately looked up at Ye Feng. This may be the last time in her life that she saw Ye Feng's appearance. Finally, she solemnly nodded to Ye Feng.

Qianse bee immediately picked up the life ladder on the lifeboat and gave it to Diana and qianmianhu. At the same time, they also told them to seize the lifeboat and would rather die than give up.

Ye Feng then took another look at the three women. Then he went back to the middle of the deck and found a life jacket to put on.

Diego could not help running over and said, "what shall we do?"

After Ye Feng tied up his life jacket, he took a look at Diego and said, "what else can I do? Pray for God's blessing

Diego's face suddenly moved. He immediately found a life jacket to put on. Then he grabbed a grip on the deck and looked nervously back.

Ye Feng opened his arms and slightly closed his eyes. He felt that he was meeting the huge waves.

There were several successive flashes of lightning, and most of the soldiers saw the huge wave. Suddenly, the deck was in a mess. All the soldiers were looking for their own life jackets, and some even began to jump on the lifeboat. Although they knew in their hearts that the lifeboat might not be able to save them in the face of such a huge wave, they had no choice in the face of such a disaster To choose, you can only judge your behavior according to the ideas that flash out of your mind for the first time.

At this time, the ship began to shake. According to Ye Feng's conjecture, the distance between the huge wave and this side was more than ten seconds at most. He immediately took a few more breaths, thinking that maybe this was the last air he breathed in the world.

If he is lucky, maybe he will go to another world this time. If he is not lucky, there is nothing to regret. Moreover, he has no choice in the current situation, so he has to face it directly.

Just thinking about it, Ye Feng heard someone nearby exclaim, at the same time, the whole hull rippled greatly, Ye Feng was standing on the deck, at this time also fell, lying on the deck.

There was no time for Ye Feng to think at all. A huge wave split down in an instant. All Ye Feng could feel for a moment was that there was sea water all around, up and down, left and right, without any dead angle.

Everything was quiet in my ears. When I opened my eyes, I couldn't see anything. My body was completely out of control. I was rushed back and forth by the undercurrent in the sea.

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