After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, Yu wanqiu asked Ye Feng, "are you used to digging people's hearts?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said to Yu wanqiu with a smile, "I don't mean that. I just think that Yu Dong is good to you and treats you as his own daughter. After all, you are a family. Sometimes, talking to your family is a kind of release!"

Yu wanqiu heard what Ye Feng said. After pondering for a long time, he said to Ye Feng, "some words are really hidden in my heart for a long time. I haven't talked to my father for so many years! May I talk to you? "

Ye Feng immediately nodded and said, "if you don't mind, of course I'm willing to be your audience!"

After pondering for a moment, Yu wanqiu said to Ye Feng, "you should know that I am not Yu Hongwei's own daughter!"

After Ye Feng nodded, Yu wanqiu continued, "my father's name is Zhuo Bufan. He was a doctor of medicine before he died! I used to be Zhuoyue! "

"Zhuoyue?" Hearing this, Ye Feng said, "it seems that your achievements in medicine are inherited from your own father!"

Yu wanqiu shrugged and said, "maybe, but I learned this subject on purpose!"

Ye Feng noticed Yu wanqiu's intention and said with a frown, "what you mean by that is, you are because your own father learned this?"

Yu wanqiu shook his head and said, "not exactly. I want to know how he died!"

Ye Feng smell speech heart can't help but move a way, "you mean, you suspect your father's death has a problem?"

Yu wanqiu nodded and said, "when I was less than ten years old, my father died suddenly, and then I was sent to Yu Hongwei's home. Since then, I have been living in Yu's home, and Yu Hongwei seldom mentioned my parents! When I was in high school, I happened to see a paper published by my biological father. I have an impression of his name and photos, which reminds me of him. So I am determined to investigate the cause of his death! "

Ye Feng said, "why don't you ask Yu Hongwei directly?"

Yu wanqiu said, "I asked, and he said he didn't know! I think he's deliberately hiding it from me! "

Speaking of this, he immediately added, "but don't get me wrong. I never suspected that my father's death was related to him. After living in the Yu family for so many years, I can feel his kindness to me and the Yu family's kindness to me. In addition, I know that my father is his life-saving benefactor, so he should have nothing to do with my father's death. He doesn't want to tell me, maybe he just wants to tell me To protect me

Ye Feng ponders for a while and does not speak. As for the death of Zhuo Bufan, Yu wanqiu's father, if he is Yu wanqiu, he will not directly conclude that it has nothing to do with him just because Yu Hongwei is good to himself.

However, with Ye Feng's contact with Yu Hongwei today, he can also feel that Yu Hongwei is really good for Yu wanqiu, but there is a problem that Ye Feng can't understand all the time.

At this time, he can't help asking Yu wanqiu, "do you think Yu Hongwei is good to you? Why didn't he come to Guyang to see you during your hospitalization and after that?"

Yu wanqiu said to Ye Feng, "at that time, he was signing an important list abroad, and the list was not only related to Hongwei group, but also related to national policies. With the participation of state-owned enterprises, he could not say that he could go. This can't blame him!"

Ye Feng just nodded and said, "I see!"

Yu late autumn continued to say, "I was afraid dad was worried that I was still thinking about my father's death, so I never mentioned it since then, and I was secretly investigating everything."

Ye Feng asked Yu wanqiu, "that is to say, your father's death has something to do with some people or things in Guyang, otherwise you would not insist on staying in Guyang!"

Yu wanqiu said with a smile, "you are very smart. Indeed, after so many years of investigation, I have gained something. In addition, I will tell you another secret. When I was in the capital, I directed and acted the danger I met!"

Ye Feng's face suddenly moves when she hears this. Yu wanqiu's meaning is obvious. She must have found something, so she wants to leave the capital. So she designs her own danger so that Yu Hongwei won't think of anything else. That's why Yu wanqiu will come to Guyang later.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng can't help asking Yu wanqiu, "is your father's death related to Lantian pharmaceutical?"

Yu wanqiu nodded, and Ye Feng immediately said, "if this is the case, Yu Hongwei may really have nothing to do with your father's death. He doesn't even know, otherwise he won't let you stay in Guyang and make medicine in the blue sky!"

Hearing Ye Feng say so, Yu wanqiu can't help nodding and then said, "you're right, but it's not entirely right. Lantian pharmaceutical is a new factory, which was established in recent years, so my father's death has nothing to do with Lantian pharmaceutical!"

Ye Feng frowned and said, "you mean it has nothing to do with Lantian pharmaceutical, but it has something to do with the people in Lantian pharmaceutical?"

Yu wanqiu immediately said with a smile, "you are very smart. That's why I came to Guyang and why I must go to Lantian pharmaceutical!"But Ye Feng said, "but you may not have thought that the last time you were kidnapped, it was probably a noble plan. If you enter the blue sky pharmaceutical industry like this, it is equivalent to a sheep into a tiger's mouth! Didn't Monica tell you that? "

Yu wanqiu nodded and said, "she did say it to me, but she just said that she was doubting. She was not sure. Besides, the truth of my father's death is just around the corner. I can't care about it any more. I have to go into the blue sky to make medicine!"

Ye Feng pondered for a while, lit a cigarette, did not speak for a long time.

Yu wanqiu looks at Ye Feng and says, "you are the only one who knows my secret for so many years!"

But Ye Feng said with a bitter smile, "your life experience is so complicated, and there are so many dangers. I would rather not know these!"

Yu wanqiu said with a smile, "will you help me?"

Ye Feng looked at Yu wanqiu and said, "how do you want me to help you? Now I am a noble group, just a security guard. I can't even reach the top of Noble Group, let alone blue sky pharmaceutical! "

Yu wanqiu said, "doesn't Gao Yu value you very much?"

Ye Feng frowned and said, "you want to go into Lantian pharmaceutical. I think no matter whether the kidnapping case last time had something to do with Gao's family or not, they all want it. Don't you want me to contact Gao Yu and let him help you go into Lantian pharmaceutical?"

Yu wanqiu shook his head and said, "no, even if there is no relationship between the Gao family and the Yu family, it's a matter of minutes for me to enter the blue sky pharmaceutical. I want you to help me, not to enter the blue sky pharmaceutical, but to stay in the noble group!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, heart immediately move a way, "you suspect Noble Group also have your father's enemy?"

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