Long Xinran also looked at Ye Feng in surprise, "what do you mean, let him go to the earth for a while, and let him come to Wanda for a while?"

Ye Feng said with a smile, as long as you cooperate, you don't have to ask any other time, and he long happily entered Wanda.

When the mangy dog came, it was nearly twenty minutes later. However, he was panting. After entering the Theater Hall, he looked around and looked for long Xinran.

Ye Feng saw him when he came in, but he didn't pay any attention to him until the mangy dog saw long Xinran coming with him.

Ye Feng just looked at the time and said to the mangy dog, "why do you come here now? The movie that Ranran wanted to see just now has already started!"

The mangy dog took a hate look at Ye Feng. In his heart, he secretly scolded that it was not you who would be a little boy, a little earth, and a little Wanda. However, his mouth still said to the Dragon happily, "dragon, I'm sorry!"

Long Xinran shrugged his shoulders and said, "it's OK. It's OK to look at the others!"

Upon hearing this, the mangy skin dog suddenly gave a smile and said, "what do you want to see, dragon dragon?"

Long Xinran said, "I seldom see movies. Would you like to introduce one?"

The mangy dog immediately said, "matchless is good. Fage and Chengcheng play it. It's said that it has a good reputation!"

Ye Feng shook his head and said, "no, Hong Kong film has long been dead, and it's a gunfight. However, a girl certainly doesn't like this kind of movies."

Long Xinran can't help nodding, "well, I really don't like gunfight movies!"

The mangy skin dog immediately said, "let's see shadow, the latest masterpiece of the old counselor. It's said that it's all in the style of ink and wash. It's very Chinese! Besides, brother Chao plays two roles, and his wife also takes part in the performance. "

Before the mangy dog finished, Ye Feng shook his head again and said, "I still don't want to. The old man's previous films are not well-known. He has been playing with colors. He's tired of playing with strong colors. Now he's playing black and white? Who still watches black and white films now

Long Xinran nodded and said, "I'm not really interested in this kind of blockbuster."

The mangy dog quickly said, "let's see the aunt of Li Cha, created by the happy Mahua team Recently happy Mahua films are very popular

Ye Feng immediately said, "but it's said that the reputation is general, and it's a blind farce of men disguised as women. It's certainly not good-looking for a group of men and women to make a fuss!"

Long Xinran continued to nod, "yes, I don't like comedies very much! It's not funny at all

The mangy skin dog glared at Ye Feng and said, "the only thing left is" fat agent team ". It's also a funny film, and the word of mouth is not good. Maybe you won't watch it?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "let's see this. I heard that Baobei and Wenwen are playing fat in it, which is very funny..."

Long Xinran nodded and said, "let's see this. I'm free!"

But the mangy skin dog looks at long Xinran helplessly. She says everything that the boy says is good, but she says nothing?

Ye Feng is staring at the mangy skin dog to see, "you still send what Leng, hurry to buy tickets!"

The mangy dog scolded in his heart, but he still went to buy the ticket. When he bought the ticket, he looked at the seat, and his heart moved. This guy is so annoying that he just bought a separate ticket to get rid of him.

Soon after buying the ticket, the mangy dog said to Ye Feng and long Xinran, "long long, I'm sorry, these three positions are only two together, and the other one is in the corner!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, immediately took three tickets to come over, after seeing one eye, Dynasty long happily way, "really three positions are not together!"

Long Xinran asked, "what should I do then?"

The mangy skin dog immediately wanted to say, let's sit together and let Ye Feng sit alone.

But Ye Feng scrambled to say, "anyway, Mr. Lai doesn't like watching this movie. Otherwise, Mr. Lai will sit alone and I will sit with Ran Ran!" Then he handed a separate ticket to the dog.

The mangy dog said with a puzzled face, "no, I really like watching funny movies too..."

Long Xinran nodded and said, "that's the only way!" He said to the mangy dog, "I've wronged you!"

The mangy skin dog is almost speechless by Ye Feng. Where did long Xinran find this light bulb.

Looking at the ticket in his hand, he was in a daze. Then he looked up, Ye Feng and long Xinran had disappeared. He immediately looked around anxiously, but saw that Ye Feng and long Xinran had gone to check the ticket.

The mangy skin dog immediately chased up, just ready to stand behind Ye Feng and long Xinran. He didn't want a woman behind him to shout to him, "Hey, do you have any quality? Don't jump in the line!"

The mangy dog immediately explained, "I'm with them!"

The woman said unhappily, "we have to line up together!"

Ye Feng turned to the woman and said, "he is really with us!"

The mangy skin dog didn't expect that Ye Feng would take the initiative to speak for himself. Did this guy change his mind? He couldn't help laughing and said, "yes, we were together. We didn't mean well..."Without waiting for the mangy dog to finish, Ye Feng immediately said to the mangy dog, "even if we are together, we can't jump in the queue. It's so bad. Besides, your seat won't be with us, so you can go to the back and line up!"

When the mangy dog heard this, he immediately glared at Ye Feng, "what do you mean?"

Long Xinran then turned to the mangy dog and said, "yes, you can get out of the line! The people behind are worried! "

However, there were only three or four people at the back. When they were arguing, there were more than a dozen people at the back. He could only stand in the opposite line, at least five or six meters away from Ye Feng and long Xinran.

He stood there, full of anger but nowhere to send, who chased his girlfriend to become his virtue, the woman he chased and another man together, left him alone.

And look ahead, Ye Feng and long Xinran seem to be talking and laughing. They don't get angry at once.

At this time, Ye Feng suddenly turned back and waved to the mangy dog.

When the mangy dog saw this, he didn't know what Ye Feng wanted to do. He turned his head and pretended that he didn't see it. Anyway, the goods couldn't suddenly find his conscience.

At this time, Ye Feng said in a loud voice, "Mr. Lai, Ran Ran Ran called you!"

On hearing that the Dragon happily called himself, the mangy skin dog suddenly came to the spirit, trotted over and asked, "dragon, what's the matter?"

Without waiting for long Xinran to finish, Ye Feng immediately said, "Ranran said that he wants to eat popcorn and coke, so you can buy it!" After a pause, he added, "we're standing in line with you here. You're at the end of the line anyway. Don't you mind?"

The mangy dog immediately clenched his fist. At this moment, the Dragon happily turned back and said, "thank you

The mangy dog had no choice but to put down his fist and go over to buy popcorn and coke.

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