Xu Wenxuan then looked up at Ye Feng, still silent, then lowered his head and sobbed.

Qi Weijun sat on Xu's side and comforted her, "don't worry. Who were those two people just now?"

Xu Wenzhen still sobbed and did not say a word.

Ye Feng said, "since you don't say it, it's OK. Anyway, it has nothing to do with us!"

But Qi Weijun asked Xu Wenyu, "do you want me to help you call the police?"

Xu Wenzhen immediately shook his head and said no, the tense look even covered her sadness.

Ye Feng sees it in his eyes, and the cashier at the door has explained the hotel situation here, and Qi Weijun has also said, what else can Xu Wenzhen do when he comes here?

Thinking of this, Ye Feng said with disgust, "you have a big appetite now. Do you open a room with two men at a time? Yes? Can't your boyfriend satisfy you? "

As soon as Xu Wenyu heard this, her face suddenly moved. Qi Weijun also said to Ye Feng, "you speak too hard!"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "my words are ugly, but it's also true. Otherwise, how could you be a woman in the middle of the night with a strange man in the hotel?"

Xu looked up at Ye Feng and asked, "aren't you in the hotel with Qi Weijun?"

Before Ye Feng spoke, Qi Weijun immediately explained, "don't get me wrong. He and I are not what you think. We are in separate rooms!"

But Xu Wenxuan shook his head and said, "don't explain to me!" Then he got up and walked out the door, "I'll go first!"

Qi Weijun stands up in a hurry, but she doesn't know what to say.

After all, now Xu Wenxuan misunderstands that he and Ye Feng came here to open a room, and he is really speechless.

When Xu Wenxuan passed by Ye Feng, he stopped for a while and went out.

At this time, Ye Feng said, "do you need any help?"

When Xu Wenzhen heard this, he suddenly trembled and stopped at the door. He looked at Ye Feng in a daze. He couldn't speak for a long time.

In Ye Feng's eyes, she has no love for herself, only disdain and pity, which is not what she wants.

Xu Wenzhen looks at Qi Weijun again with the same pity. At last, he bites his lip, says no, and walks away immediately.

Qi Weijun wants to go after her, but she is stopped by Ye Feng. She immediately says to Ye Feng, "you shouldn't do this to her. After all, she is also the woman you loved!"

Ye Feng light a smile, this is just waste wood once loved woman, if oneself, see all can't see her one eye.

However, he thought so in his heart, but he didn't say so. Instead, he said to Qi Weijun, "you only see her pitiful place, but don't know her hateful place."

Qi Weijun and Ye Feng said, "I know what she did to you before, but after all, it's all over. Now that she's in this situation, no matter how to say it, she shouldn't do it to her!"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "different people have different opinions, and I have asked her if she needs help. She doesn't need it herself. Do you want me to ask her to let me help her?"

Qi Weijun was speechless, then sighed, and said nothing more.

Ye Feng takes a look at Qi Weijun, and then says to her, "don't think about it any more. Let's have a rest early. Don't forget, you have to go to Gaoxing to report for an internship tomorrow morning."

Qi Weijun nodded after hearing the speech and said nothing more.

Ye Feng leaves Qi Weijun's room and says good night to her. After watching her close the door, she turns back and walks towards her room.

At this time, a door opened not far away. Xu Wenxuan had already put on his clothes and came out. After a few steps, he was shocked to see Ye Feng standing there looking at himself. After a look, he sped up and walked towards the stairway.

Ye Feng did not stay, opened the door and went in. When Xu Wenxuan passed by Ye Feng's door, he stopped again and looked at Ye Feng's back.

Finally, Xu Wenzhen reached out and pushed Ye Feng's door, and said to Ye Feng, "I need your help!"

Ye Feng did not stay, directly toward the room, the mouth said a light, "come in!"

Xu Wenzhen can't accept Ye Feng's cold attitude towards himself, but he still goes in and closes the door to see Ye Feng sitting on the sofa, lighting a cigarette.

She looked at Ye Feng and said, "I remember you didn't smoke before!"

There was no expression on Ye Feng's face. "I remember you didn't do that before!"

When Xu Wenyu heard this, he frowned and said, "which one am I?"

Ye Feng smoked a cigarette, did not answer her directly, but asked her, "say it, how can I help you?"

Xu Wenyu gritted his teeth, went to Yefeng, sat down and asked Yefeng, "can you give me a cigarette?"

Ye Feng picks up the cigarette box on the table and throws it directly to Xu Wenyu.

After lighting a cigarette, Xu took a big puff and said, "thank you!"Ye Feng looked at Xu Wenyu coldly, "don't say it's useless, just say the point!"

But Xu Wenxuan stared at Ye Feng and wrote two words of grievance all over his face, "can't you be polite to me?"

Ye Feng sneered, "I used to be too polite to you! What's the end? "

Xu Wenxuan was stunned. After looking at Ye Feng, he sighed, "forget it, I know you look down on me now!"

Ye Feng stressed again, "say the point!"

"Liang Banghui is a beast," Xu said

Ye Feng immediately came to the interest way, "Oh? really? At the beginning, I thought he seemed good to you. Weren't you excited at the beginning? "

Xu Wenyu smoked a cigarette and said, "he just played with me. After enough playing, he dumped me. He is now the director of the Bureau. I don't think I am worthy of him!"

Ye Feng said faintly, "that is also a matter of reason! What happened to the two men tonight? "

Xu Wenzhen's hand holding the cigarette trembled immediately. After stabilizing his mood, he said, "they are Liang Banghui's friends!"

Ye Feng frowned and said, "it's you who are pestering Liang Banghui, so he asked someone to teach you a lesson!"

After taking a puff of his cigarette, Xu said, "you look down on Liang Banghui! The two of them are here to sleep with me

Ye Feng's heart moved, but there was no expression on his face. He said, "you can appear here and wear a bathrobe. Obviously you are willing!"

Xu Wenyu was silent for a while. After a long time, he said, "he promised me that as long as I help him entertain his friends, he would not break up with me!"

Ye Feng laughed, "you so smart person, unexpectedly also can believe so childish promise?"

Xu Wenxuan took a look at Ye Feng and said, "in addition to these, every time he came out, he gave me money, a lot of money..."

Ye Feng, oh, with such a look.

Xu continued, "but this time, I don't know if he wants me to accompany two men at a time..."

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