Ye Feng looked at Xu Wenyu, without the slightest expression on his face, and said flatly, "I said you are insatiable. Is that wrong?"

But Xu Wenzhen immediately explained, "am I insatiable? What's wrong with me? Why am I like this? It's not because of you

Ye Feng said faintly, "the reason why you become like this is entirely your own!"

Xu Wenzhen said, "I had a good relationship with Zhao Yufeng, it was you It's because of what you said to him that I was dumped by him! "

But Ye Feng said, "in your heart, do you think so? Is there any essential difference between Zhao Yufeng and Liang Banghui? Liang Banghui can dump you, but Zhao Yufeng can't? "

Xu Wenyu immediately said, "don't mention Liang Banghui to me. It's not because of you. It's because of your refusal that I chose Liang Banghui!"

But Ye Feng sneered and said, "is it because of my refusal that you choose Liang Banghui, or because of his identity? Besides, if you can refuse me, I can't refuse you? "

Xu Wenyu immediately said, "no, you are a man, I am a woman!"

Ye Feng laughs and takes out a cigarette to light one. "In your eyes, it's all other people's fault. You're not wrong at all. It's just because you're a woman, so you can be willful and don't take me seriously. But in the end, what are you willful about? It's just black and blue! "

Xu Wenxuan yelled at Ye Feng immediately, "that's right, I'm just so willful!"

Ye Feng shrugged, "you continue to be willful!" Then he stood up and went to the door.

Don't want to Xu Wenzhen but a from behind hugged Ye Feng, began to kiss Ye Feng on the neck.

Ye Feng no longer looks like in the morning, but turns around and pushes Xu Wenxuan away.

Xu Wenxuan fell down on the bed and started to cry and make a lot of noise. He was a bit hysterical with tears and runny nose.

Ye Feng also let Xu Wenzhen vent, after all, Xu Wenzhen since he left hospital, really some "bad luck".

Anyway, Xu Wenzhen is also a woman. How can she carry herself in front of the people who once loved her most?

Xu Wenxuan wailed in bed for a long time, and then gradually turned to choking.

Ye Feng just smokes a cigarette and looks at Xu Wenzhen quietly until her mood completely calms down.

Xu Wenxuan then sat up from the bed. Ye Feng took the paper and handed her two.

After wiping his tears, Xu Wenxuan took a look at Ye Feng and said nothing.

Ye Feng said to Xu Wenyu, "the vent is over, the matter still needs to be solved, and life still needs to continue! You think it over. I respect your opinion. You said you would not engage in Liang Banghui. I'll leave now! "

Xu Wenxuan wiped his tears and stared at Ye Feng. He didn't speak for a long time.

At this time, Ye Feng's mobile phone rang. He picked up the mobile phone and looked at it. Then he said to Xu Wenyu, "people have come. You decide for yourself!"

Xu Wenxuan still didn't speak. Ye Feng got on the phone and said, "things have changed..."

Long Xinran was surprised and said, "what do you mean?"

Without waiting for Ye Feng to speak, Xu Wenxuan stood up and said to Ye Feng, "I'll help you!"

Ye Feng smell speech to see one eye Xu Wen, immediately toward the telephone way, "everything is still the same, you come up, 302!"

Long Xinran said, "I'm standing at the door. Open the door!"

Ye Feng immediately hung up the phone, turned to open the door, but saw long Xinran really standing at the door.

Long Xinran didn't wear a police uniform. He was wearing a white Long Sleeve T-shirt with a denim jacket and a pair of jeans. He looked very casual.

At this time, she took a look at Ye Feng and then looked into the room. Just now, she heard a woman's voice on the phone, and she was a little curious.

When long Xinran saw Xu Wenzhen, his brow could not help frowning slightly. At this time, Xu Wenzhen's hair was covered and his eyes were red and swollen, which was exactly the same as a scene of violence.

Ye Feng waited for long Xinran to enter the door, then he closed the door. Chao long Xinran said, "this is Xu Wenyu. I College students

When Xu Wenxuan heard Ye Feng introduce himself like this, he could not help but feel sad, but he had nothing to do. He thought that it was really Fengshui rotation.

When Ye Feng was hospitalized, he and Zhao Yufeng went to see him. They once said similar things, but now Ye Feng says so.

Long Xinran took a look at Xu Wenyu and then asked, "are you ok?"

Xu Wenxuan shook his head, "it's OK!" Then he wiped his tears and nose with tissue.

Long Xinran then asked Ye Feng, "what's the relationship between her and Liang Banghui?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "I think you'd better ask her directly!"

Long Xinran turned to look at Xu Wenyu and said, "what's the relationship between you and Liang Banghui?"

After pondering for a moment, Xu said, "I'm his girlfriend!"

Long Xinran's face moved slightly, "you are his girlfriend, you want to report him?"Xu said, "I was his girlfriend before, and then we broke up!"

Long Xinran continued and asked, "what do you know about Liang Banghui? What do you want to report? "

Xu Wenxuan looks at Ye Feng, after all, a lot of words, she still can't say. Although things have been done, it takes courage to say it.

Seeing this, Ye Feng said happily to Chao long, "well, Liang Banghui dumped her. If she wanted to get back together, she went to ask Liang Banghui. Liang Banghui used her to entertain some so-called friends!"

On hearing this, long Xinran couldn't help looking at Xu Wenyu and blurting out, "he forced you to sell y?"

But Xu Wenxuan said, "don't say that. I've confiscated a cent of the benefit. It's not..."

Ye Feng corrected long Xinran and said, "it should be forcing good people to be prostitutes, or inducing good people to be prostitutes!"

Long Xinran nodded and stared at Xu Wenxuan. "Do you have any evidence?"

Xu Wenzhen could not help shaking his head and said, "no, when he and I said that, we were the only people who heard it, but I can testify. I am the evidence. Do you need any other evidence?"

Long Xinran pondered, "after all, you used to be a boyfriend and girlfriend with him. When you correct him, he will say at most that you have resentment and revenge because you broke up with him!"

On hearing this, Xu Wenyu immediately explained, "I want to revenge him, but these things are facts. I didn't tell a lie."

At this point, Xu Wenyu was a little excited. Long Xinran immediately calmed her down and said, "I believe what you said is true, but at present, just listening to you is still insufficient evidence!"

Ye Feng can't help but ask long Xinran, "what evidence do you need?"

Long Xinran immediately said, "at least have his voice or video evidence!"

Xu Wenyu immediately said, "I can go over and talk to him!"

After long Xinran pondered for a while, he still shook his head, "that will become a confession, or not!"

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