Soon to the door of the drug treatment center, Ye Feng and Li chengshuang get off, Ye Feng dials the number given to him by long Xinran.

The person who answered the phone was a middle-aged man in his sixties. After Ye Feng explained his intention, the middle-aged man came out to look for him.

Li chengshuang was a little nervous standing at the door. After all, the drug treatment center had never been here, and at first glance, it was run by the government, and the staff inside were all wearing police uniforms.

Ye Feng comforted Li chengshuang with a few words, "it's OK, quit well, come out healthy and enjoy old age!"

As soon as the voice fell, a middle-aged man in police uniform came out and looked at Ye Feng and Li chengshuang standing on the side of the front door of the drug treatment center. He asked, "what did you call just now?"

Ye Feng nodded and said to each other, "long Xinran, officer long introduced us!"

After looking at Ye Feng and Li chengshuang, the middle-aged man shook hands with Ye Feng, nodded and said, "I'm Ge Kejiang, director of Xiangyang detoxification center. Come in with me and go through the formalities first!"

Ge Kejiang immediately turned and left. Ye Feng immediately followed him, but Li chengshuang hesitated.

It's not that Li chengshuang doesn't want to get rid of drugs. He just said it was OK. When he really came to the door of the drug treatment center, he still felt a little weak.

Ye Feng then put his arm around his shoulder and pushed him into the drug treatment center.

In some ways, drug treatment centers are similar to detention centers and prisons. They are surrounded by high walls and guarded by police.

The only difference is that unless they are arrested by the police for compulsory detoxification, people who take the initiative to detoxify will be treated differently from them.

Similarly, no matter those who are arrested for compulsory detoxification or those who take the initiative to detoxify themselves, they can only leave after completing detoxification.

Li chengshuang asked Ye Feng, "do you think I can quit?"

Ye Feng said, "unless you don't want to quit, there's no saying you can't quit!"

Soon he followed Ge Kejiang to an office. After Ge Kejiang asked Ye Feng and Li chengshuang to sit down, he picked up a form for Ye Feng and Li chengshuang to fill in.

Ye Feng according to the requirements to fill in a, only in the relationship with drug addicts column wrote nephew two words.

After giving Ge Kejiang a look, Li chengshuang's form was also handed over.

Ge Kejiang took it up and looked at it, then frowned at Li chengshuang, "your name is Li chengshuang?"

Li chengshuang looked at GE Kejiang in surprise, "I am! What's the matter? "

Ge Kejiang put down his form and looked at Li chengshuang for a long time before he said, "are you the former director of Lantian pharmaceutical factory?"

Ye Feng and Li chengshuang can't help but move when they hear the words. Li chengshuang is even more puzzled and says, "I am. Do you know me?"

Ge Kejiang said immediately, "don't you remember me? Xiao Ge

Li chengshuang, like a master-in-law, looked at GE Kejiang for a long time, but he didn't seem to remember.

Ge Kejiang reminded Li chengshuang, "when someone in your factory reported that there were drugs in your factory, I went to investigate with my master at that time?"

When Li chengshuang heard this, he seemed to think of something, "are you old Deng's apprentice, Xiao Ge?"

Ge Kejiang immediately said with a smile, "remember? I'm Ge

Li chengshuang also laughed, "how many years have not seen this, old Deng is now in good health?"

Ge Kejiang's eyes were dim and he said, "my master died! It's been more than ten years! "

As soon as Li chengshuang heard this, the smile on his face also converged.

Ye Feng never said anything. He remembered Ge Kejiang's story that someone reported drugs in Lantian pharmaceutical factory.

At this time, Ye Feng asked Li chengshuang, "why didn't you say that?"

Li chengshuang didn't understand what Ye Feng said. He looked at Ye Feng and said, "what didn't you say? Do you know Ge

Ye Feng said, "someone has reported the possession of drugs in your factory!"

Li chengshuang said, "I've forgotten that. Now think about it. It's the fake police reported by boring people. I can't remember it in my life if I don't see Xiao Ge today."

Ye Feng then asked Ge Kejiang, "when you received the alarm, what did you find?"

Ge Kejiang shook his head and said, "nothing

Li chengshuang then asked Ge Kejiang, "how did Lao Deng sacrifice?"

Ge Kejiang sighed, "once I received a tip that there were foreign drug dealers here, so my master was on duty. My daughter-in-law took care of the baby and was hospitalized. I asked for leave, otherwise my master would not Alas

Li chengshuang also sighed and said, "old Deng is a good man. It's a good man who doesn't live long."

Ge Kejiang nodded a little and said, "who said no?" then he looked at Li chengshuang in surprise, "director Li, where have you been for so many years? How can you also take poison?"

Li chengshuang just said a word, and then stopped talking. After all, it's not a glorious thing, and he may not want to mention it.Ge Kejiang then asked again, "I heard about the accident in your factory! But then I heard that the culprit of the accident was found? "

Li chengshuang nodded and said nothing more.

Ge Kejiang saw that Li chengshuang didn't want to mention that year, so he didn't say any more. At this time, he took another look at their forms, and then handed them to them, "sign, draw!"

After Ye Feng and Li chengshuang signed the form, they pressed their fingerprints and handed the document back to ge Kejiang.

After Ge Kejiang put it away, he got up and said to Ye Feng, "don't worry, factory director Li and I are old acquaintances. I will take care of him!"

Ye Feng nodded his thanks to ge Kejiang, and then said to Li chengshuang, "director Ge is your old acquaintance. Are you relieved?"

Li chengshuang nodded and said nothing. Ge Kejiang said to him, "don't worry! Make sure you get rid of drugs and go out healthy to be a new man

Ye Feng immediately bid farewell to ge Kejiang and Li chengshuang, and save Ge Kejiang's mobile phone number in his name in addition to the drug treatment center.

He found that GE Kejiang's report on drug possession was not as simple as it appeared. Maybe it had something to do with the accident of Lantian pharmaceutical.

However, the main purpose of today's visit is to send Li chengshuang to detoxification. After this, I'll ask Ge Kejiang to have a good chat.

Ye Feng stopped a taxi and went to the hotel. On the way, he called long Xinran, "officer long, thank you!"

Long Xinran still said quietly, "thank you for what?"

Ye Feng said with a smile, "thank you in a word, but are you familiar with director Ge?"

Long Xinran tone is still cold way, "familiar with you?"

Ye Feng still said with a smile, "officer long, don't have this attitude. We are all friends!"

Long Xinran snorted coldly, "who are your friends? I don't have a friend like you Finish saying immediately hang up the phone, don't give Ye Feng the chance to talk at all.

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