After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, Gao Yu said, "you're not talking about you, are you?"

Ye Feng shook his head and said, "how can I guarantee the safety of Mr. Gao? I'm talking about a classmate who runs a martial arts school in my family and is a descendant!"

As soon as Gao Yu heard this, he immediately nodded and said, "OK, let him come to see me when you have time. If there is no problem, let him go!"

Ye Feng nodded and said yes, but he saw Gao Yu smoking a cigarette and didn't say anything more.

However, from what Gao Yu and himself said, he can see that, as he guessed, He Fei and Juan did not tell Gao Yu what happened today, at least not everything.

Seeing Ye Feng staring at him, Gao Yu said in surprise, "what are you looking at me for?"

Ye Feng shrugged to Gao Yu and said, "it's nothing. I just feel that you seem to be thinner recently."

Gao Yu sighed to Ye Feng, "Oh, there have been a lot of things recently. Can we not be thin?"

Ye Feng heart surprised, you ya all day is to the company to put on a show, there is a hair thing ah.

But he said, "no matter how many things there are, you should pay attention to rest!"

Gao Yu nodded and then said to Ye Feng, "I don't think your spirit is very good recently. You should pay more attention!"

Ye Feng said with a smile, "I'm just working hard. If I'm not born well, I have to work hard the day after tomorrow. I can't compare with Gao who was born with a golden key!"

But Gao Yu said, "when I was born, my Lao Tzu didn't set up a noble group! So we are the same! "

Ye Feng smiles and doesn't speak. Gao Yu immediately says to Ye Feng, "as for the independence of the security department, I talked to my Laozi again. He still has that attitude. He says that the company is not stable now. Wait and see!"

Listening to Gao Yu's words, Ye Feng nodded and said, "wait, just wait. Anyway, I'm just talking about it. The specific operation must depend on Gao Dong and Gao Zong you!"

Gao Yu nodded, and then he said to Ye Feng, "OK, go and do something!"

Ye Feng got up and nodded to Gao Yu, then turned and left.

After Ye Feng left, Gao Yu kept staring at Ye Feng's back until he came out of the door. Then he took a sip of his cigar and leaned his body against the back of the office chair.

After a long time, Gao Yucai took another puff of cigarette, pressed his temple, and then called Ye Feng.

"Don't forget about your classmate!" he said immediately after the call

Ye Feng answered on the phone and said to Gao Yu, "don't worry, I can't forget it!"

After hanging up Gao Yu's phone, Ye Feng can't help looking at his mobile phone. Then he calls Yin Yi, "is it still on the other side of Xiangyang Road?"

Yin Yi said, "yes, I'm accompanying Qi Weijun to find a house for Chen ADI. There are too many houses here, and the environment is not very good, so it's very troublesome to choose!"

Ye Feng said to Yin Yi, "let Qi Weijun choose. Women are more considerate. You come back to the Security Department of the company. I have something to tell you."

After hanging up the phone and waiting for about half an hour, Yin Yi comes to Ye Feng's office.

Just sitting down, Ye Feng said, "I'm going to change your position!"

As soon as Yin Yi heard this, he immediately said, "have you finally found your conscience? You're not going to let me be a doorman? "

Ye Feng nodded and said, "to be a doorman is really overqualified!"

Yin Yi said with a proud smile, "that's not to say?" Then he asked Ye Feng, "where are you going to transfer me?"

Ye Feng asks Yin Yi tentatively, "what do you think of Gao Yu as a bodyguard?"

On hearing this, Yin Yi suddenly changed his face and said, "what? To be a bodyguard for Gao Yu? "

Ye Feng nodded, "didn't you say to teacher Monica that you want to be a bodyguard? Now the opportunity has come. I'll give you an internship. Maybe you can join Monica's organization in the future! "

But Yin Yi shook his head and said, "no!"

Ye Feng frowned, "why?"

Yin Yichao said to Ye Feng, "although I'm not familiar with Gao Yu, I know that the goods are notoriously difficult to serve. Colleagues in the security department mentioned that he is itchy with hatred. You think, the security department doesn't have much contact with him. It's like this. If you follow him all day long, you'll get sick."

Ye Feng said to Yin Yi, "what if I insist on your going?"

Yin Yi hesitated for a moment or shook his head and said, "I'd better not do it. The bodyguard put it bluntly: I have to stand in front of the employer in case of danger. At the critical moment, I have to be able to carry the pot and block bullets for others. I won't do it!"

After taking a deep breath, Ye Feng said to Yin Yi, "do you remember my promise to you when I made you noble?"

Yin Yi nodded and said, "you said that a special bodyguard company would be set up in the future!"

Ye Feng immediately said, "the difference between security guards and bodyguards is too big. If you have been a security guard for ten years, it's better to be a bodyguard! This is the chance to exercise you! "

But Yin Yi stared at Ye Feng for a long time and said, "just tell me the truth. You want me to follow Gao Yu. I'm afraid that the drunk is not in the bar!"Hearing this, Ye Feng could not help but smile at Yin Yi. Then he put out his thumb and said, "yes, I've made progress. At least I know how to think!"

Yin Yi said, "come on, you and Gao Yu are enemies and friends. Who can't see that?"

Ye Feng said to Yin Yi, "yes, I want to arrange you beside him for my use."

Yin Yi said, "don't blame me for not reminding you. You also said that Gao Yu is not as simple as he seems. Can he not know what you mean by arranging me? What's more, once you two tear your face, I'll be a sandwich biscuit, and I'll be the first one to suffer! I'm not going to do it

But Ye Feng said to Yin Yi, "it's also an opportunity to train you. If you don't even have the ability to adapt to circumstances, I think you'd better go back and inherit your father's career! If you play boxing, practice your muscles, and pose like a model, you can trick a bunch of children to sign up. It's easy to get money, and your life is safe! "

As soon as Yin Yi heard what Ye Feng said, he immediately patted the table, "don't excite me..." Then he gritted his teeth and said, "I did it!"

Ye Feng said with a smile to Yin Yi, "I know you will agree, so I have already agreed with Gao Yu, and he has agreed. I can go to see him at any time!"

Yin Yi scolded me and said, "do I have anything to pay attention to?"

Ye Feng said to Yin Yi, "after you go, what you have to do is to protect Gao Yu's interests and safety everywhere. You don't need to do anything else. Just know what you see and hear. Don't tell me at any time!"

Yin Yi thought for a moment, "what's the point of arranging me to go there?"

But Ye Feng said to Yin Yi, "as you said, although Gao Yu started to use you, he knew that you were my person and would certainly defend you, so you didn't want to do anything, but it was the safest!"

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