Gao Yu didn't say a word when he heard Gao Gao's words. In fact, Gao Yu knew all of them.

After all, the Gao family and other rich people in Guyang, such as the Zhao family of Feiyang group, may not be comparable to their noble group in terms of family property. You are a family property, inherited from your ancestors, and have been in the hands of Zhao Fei for three generations.

The dragon family of the dragon lion group, who graduated from Harvard University, has brothers and sisters who are all important members of the imperial court. This family, let alone in Guyang, or even in Jiangdong, or even the whole of China, can't be compared.

But the noble group, noble first started as a social gangster, and then how to make a fortune, there are many legends in Guyang, and there are many stories about stealing and abducting, but none of them say that he started seriously.

Even Gao Yu, as a noble son, doesn't know how his father made his fortune. Therefore, in the circle of rich people in Guyang, there is some rejection of noble and noble groups.

Although the Noble Group's business is getting bigger and bigger, and its ways are becoming wider and wider. On the surface, those aristocratic families, rich businessmen, groups and so on are nothing, but the Gao family in the upper class society of Guyang has always been unable to enter.

This is also a disease in noble's heart for so many years. For many years, he has been trying to change this situation. However, the more Gao Shang wants to integrate into the upper class circle of Guyang, the more people look down on him.

Gao Yu didn't speak at this time. Although he couldn't understand why those people didn't like to see his Laozi, he could understand his Laozi's mood at this time.

Gaoshang looked at Gao Yu and sighed, "before I asked you to chase long zaitin's daughter, you said her daughter was too strong and unwilling, and then you tried to hook up with Zhao Fei's niece. You think others are too ugly. That's all. Now this late autumn, you can't do it. What else can you do?"

Gao Yu then said to Chao Gaoshang, "Dad, people look down on us. We have to care what they think of us and what we do? Moreover, even if I really catch up with late autumn, those people will still say that you rely on your cousin Yu Hongwei! What do you care about when your mouth is on someone else's face? "

After listening to Gao Yu's words, he sighed, shook his head and waved to Gao Yu, "forget it, I told you in vain. Go away!"

Gao Yu looks like he wants to talk and stops. After looking at Gao, he turns around and leaves the president's office. He takes the elevator to the security department and arrives at Ye Feng's office.

Knocking on the door of Ye Feng's office, he saw that Ye Feng was sitting at his desk. He immediately came in and closed the door.

Seeing Gao Yu's mysterious appearance, Ye Feng could not help but frown and say, "your father has turned back?"

Gao Yu said to Ye Feng, "it's not this thing, it's another thing!"

Ye Feng surprised way, "what else?"

Sitting opposite Ye Feng's desk, Gao Yu lit a cigarette and gasped, "it's not late autumn yet!"

Hearing this, Ye Feng said, "Yu wanqiu? What happened to her? "

Gao Yu sighed, "she is nothing, but my Lao Tzu gave me an order to catch her as soon as possible!"

Ye Feng breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. Originally, he thought that something had happened to Yu wanqiu in the blue sky.

However, after listening to Gao Yu's words, Ye Feng was relieved. Then he looked at Gao Yu and said, "I don't think you are happy to pursue Yu wanqiu?"

Gao Yu smokes a cigarette and says to Ye Feng, "it's not that he's not happy, but that he has no ability to chase me. You don't know. What's the attitude of late autumn towards me? I feel like I can't do it at all! To tell you the truth, I haven't tried this move. I've tried all the other moves I can. She doesn't like me at all. I can't force her with a knife! What a headache

Ye Feng said in his heart, you don't have the ability to catch up with others. What's the use of headache?

Seeing that Ye Feng didn't say a word, Gao Yu immediately said to Ye Feng, "my father gave me a death order!"

Ye Feng smell speech nodded a way, "I heard!"

Gao Yu knocked on the table with his hand and said, "now I'll give you a death order. You can find a way for me to win Yu wanqiu's heart!"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "I can help you with everything else. I can't help you with this matter. After all, feelings are really meaningless sometimes. It's useless for you to force others. Besides, Mr. Gao, you have such ability to deal with other women. You can't catch Yu wanqiu by hand?"

Gao Yu said with a long sigh, "yes, I'm really puzzled. Other women, if I deal with them with any tricks, I'll get it done. But this late autumn, I'm really angry and have no temper! Alas! I'm going to drive you out of breath! "

Ye Feng stared at Gao Yu for a long time. After pondering for a long time, he said to Gao Yu, "I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry!"

But Gao Yu said, "I'm not in a hurry. I'm in a hurry."

Ye Feng said to Gao Yu, "have you ever thought about Give in to what you like

Gao Yu said, "do you still need to teach me? I've tried it for a long time, but this late autumn, it seems that I don't have any hobbies! "

Ye Feng reminded Gao Yu, "in addition to hobbies, there must be something she cares about. You might as well start from this aspect!"Gao Yu hears Ye Feng say so, can't help but frown a way, "what does she care about?"? What's the matter? "

Ye Feng shrugged, "then I don't know!"

Gao Yu immediately patted the table and said, "I don't know how to do it? The way is that you think of it, and you have to provide one-stop service. What does she care about, you can help me find out! "

Said did not wait for Ye Feng to reply, immediately put out the cigarette, another beat the table to stand up, "so decided!" Then he turned and left.

Ye Feng also said in a loud voice to Gao Yu, "Mr. Gao, aren't you embarrassing me?"

Gao Yu ignored Ye Feng and went out to close the door.

After seeing Gao Yu leave, Ye Feng smiles at the corner of his mouth. Then he picks up the phone and makes a call to Yu wanqiu.

After Yu wanqiu got through, Ye Feng said to Yu wanqiu, "do you have time tonight, I'll invite you to dinner?"

Yu late autumn surprised way, "good, why invite me to dinner?"

Ye Feng said to Yu wanqiu, "I don't want to cheat you. I'm entrusted by two people!"

Yu wanqiu immediately said, "Gao Yu asked you to ask me out? Who's the other one? "

Ye Feng said with a smile, "there is a Gao Yu, but he didn't ask me to invite you to dinner. You can know the other one if you think about it carefully!"

After pondering for a moment, Yu wanqiu said, "Monica?"

On hearing this, Ye Feng immediately said with a smile, "it's Yu wanqiu in the end. You can guess it right! It's amazing

Yu wanqiu snorted coldly, "you know I don't like to see Gao Yu, and there's nothing to eat with Monica. Do you still have an appointment?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "Monica has her own problems. You might as well listen to them. Besides, I have something about Gao Yu. I want to talk to you face to face!"

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