On hearing this, Monica's face suddenly moved, then frowned, "I've already said that, I don't know his contact information!"

Ye Feng looked at Monica thoughtfully for a long time, and then asked her, "tell me, what conditions do you need before you promise to tell me the instructor's contact information?"

Monica also stared at Ye Feng for a long time, then said, "unless you tell me, how do you know the instructor and Diago?"

Ye Feng said to Monica with a smile, "teacher, your IQ is really No one else! "

Monica frowned. "What do you mean? What's wrong with my IQ? "

Ye Feng immediately said to Monica, "I've already said that as long as you tell me the instructor's contact information, you will naturally know who I am! Is it difficult for me to contact the instructor with my present identity? He knows who I am? "

As soon as Monica heard this, her eyes suddenly brightened. Yes, how could the instructor know Ye Feng now? What's more, Ye Feng said before that he wanted to ask the instructor to help him train a few people. Could he, a nobody, please move the instructor?

Ye Feng sees that Monica is in a daze, and immediately says to her, "how about it? Is that the truth? "

After hesitating for a moment, Monica takes out her mobile phone, dials a number on the phone, listens to the voice prompt on the phone, continues to input the password for verification, and finally presses a number.

The phone rang for a while before someone answered it. As soon as the phone got through, Monica said to the phone in Spanish, "teacher, someone wants to ask you out of the mountain!"

A low voice from the phone said, "please let me out of the mountain? Have you taken the medicine! I've been retired for many years. Besides, do you think I'm short of money or something? How can you call me with such a naive question? It's ridiculous

Monica said awkwardly, "teacher, listen to me..."

Ye Feng didn't wait for Monica to finish. He immediately took the phone over, but said to each other in Russian, "Hi, instructor! Long time no see! "

Monica can't understand Russian. She can't help looking at Ye Feng in surprise.

And the instructor on the phone also said in surprise, "who are you? Please forgive me for not hearing you

But Ye Feng said with a smile, "the old friend who was feeding pigeons with you in Moscow Red Square!"

On hearing this, the instructor changed his face and said, "are you You are It's impossible. It's impossible... "

But Ye Feng said with a smile, "everything is possible, old man! Is the scar on your ass ready? "

On hearing this, the instructor's face changed, "it's impossible. Who are you? Don't joke with me. He's dead. You can't be him! "

But Ye Feng said with a smile, "I scratched the scar on your buttocks. This should only be known to you and me. Have you ever told a third person?"

The instructor immediately said angrily, "it's not a glorious thing for me. What can I say?"

Ye Feng said with a smile, "yes, it's not a good-looking thing for me either. Naturally, I won't say it! So who else knows? "

There was a moment of silence on the instructor's side. After a long time, he said, "it's impossible. He's dead. It's a real thing. I'm in this business. Intelligence can't go wrong!"

Ye Feng said to the instructor, "your information is correct. I'm really dead!"

The instructor didn't understand and said, "what are you talking about? If you die, how can you talk to me? No This is nonsense. I almost believed your story... "

Ye Feng said with a smile, "if you don't believe me, come to Guyang city in China. We'll see each other. Then you'll know if I've lied!"

The instructor immediately refused, "it's impossible. What do you want me to do in China? I tell you, I've retired. The past is over. I only enjoy the rest of my life now. I don't ask about anything else! "

But Ye Feng said, "don't forget, you still owe me a life. What you said at the beginning is so nice. Whenever and wherever you call, you will come to help immediately. Now I haven't asked you to refuse, you dishonest Russian!"

On hearing this, the instructor's face moved again. He was Russian. Only one person in the world knew about him, and that guy would call himself Russian behind his back.

Seeing that the instructor didn't speak, Ye Feng said, "forget it, since you are so nostalgic, I'll take this call for nothing and hang up!"

Instructor just want to say what, Ye Feng has hung up the phone.

After seeing Ye Feng hang up, Monica can't help asking Ye Feng, "you just said German? "Russian?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "you'd better ask your teacher, this dishonest guy!" And he gave it back to Monica.

As soon as the mobile phone reached Monica's hand, it rang again. After looking at it, Monica said to Ye Feng, "it's still him!"

Ye Feng is cold hum a way, "you take it, but look for me to say I am not in!"Monica answered the phone in surprise, but the instructor immediately asked her, "where's the person who just answered the phone?"

Monica said immediately, "it's still with me!"

The instructor immediately asked Monica, "what does he look like?"

At this time, Monica took a look at Ye Feng on one side and said to the instructor, "thin, short hair. She should be less than one meter eight. She looks a little weak..."

The instructor immediately burst out and said, "this liar is really a liar He tried to cheat me... "

"What's the matter, teacher?" said Monica

The instructor said to Monica, "you give the boy the phone!"

Monica takes the phone and says to Ye Feng, "my teacher is looking for you!"

Ye Feng said to Monica, "no, I said, no, no, this dishonest guy!"

But the instructor on the phone yelled, "who has no integrity, you are a liar!"

Ye Feng sneered and said, "I'm a liar, and I'm better than you, a dishonest liar. I hope the scar on your butt will never be good..."

Monica was confused, but the instructor on the phone said, "Monica, no matter who this guy is, help me kill him right away!"

Monica smell speech facial expression move, immediately toward teach official way, "teacher, are you serious?"

But the instructor said, "what? Now that I'm retired, I can't speak well? "

Ye Feng at this time toward the direction of the phone, "you are retired now, how? Do you need someone else to do it for you? If you can do it yourself, don't embarrass others! "

The instructor said angrily, "OK, you wait for me, Huaxia Guyang, right! wait for me! Hum... " Then he hung up.

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