Ye Feng just hugs Yu wanqiu and sits on the sofa in the living room. For a long time, they don't speak or even move further.

In fact, Ye Feng in tangled, if it is before, the beauty has been willing to lie in their side, let their own pro embrace, then the final linmen foot also pull legs shot.

But now the situation is different from before. In the past, after each task is completed, just find a beautiful woman with the right eyes and go straight to the theme.

Yu wanqiu is not the prize after his task, and Yu wanqiu is not the beauty who can shoot at random, so he knows he can't do it.

After all, Yu wanqiu has never experienced anything between men and women. In fact, she doesn't know how to go on with Ye Feng when they get to this stage.

In a word, Ye Feng can take the initiative to admit that he likes himself. For Yu wanqiu, he is already satisfied. Even if ye Feng has to kiss himself for a while, he probably won't refuse. He just hopes that the way he kisses can be as gentle as he imagined.

However, Ye Feng has never moved on. Yu wanqiu is still thinking about what Ye Feng is thinking at this time.

I don't know how long it took for Ye Feng to sit in his arms. Then he said, "it's late Go to bed early! "

Yu late autumn smell speech also return to God, oh, tone actually with a trace of loss.

Ye Feng can't help but move. Is Yu wanqiu ready? But I've already let others rest early, so forget it.

Yu wanqiu also sat upright at this time, and then coughed lightly. He stood up and said with a dry smile, "yes, it's not too early. Do you want to go back and have a rest? Where do you live? Shall I give you a ride? "

Ye Feng also stood up, shook his head and said, "no, I live in country garden, too!"

On hearing this, Yu wanqiu suddenly said, "do you live in country garden, too?"

Ye Feng nodded, "I live in building 16!"

Yu wanqiu looks at Ye Feng in surprise and says, "do you know that I live here, so you deliberately..."

Ye Feng's heart moved, and he didn't really mean it, but Yu wanqiu thought so, so he nodded and said, "don't you worry that it's not safe for you to live here alone?"

On hearing this, Yu wanqiu immediately hugs Ye Feng and leans his head on his shoulder. In a soft voice, he says to Ye Feng, "thank you!"

Ye Feng shrugs his shoulders and lets Yu wanqiu hug him. From time to time, he pats Yu wanqiu on his back.

After a while, Yu wanqiu released Ye Feng, and then gave him a kiss on his cheek. Then he stepped back and said, "OK, go back and have a rest!"

Ye Feng coughed and touched his mouth. Then he nodded. He said good night to Yu wanqiu and walked towards the door.

When he got to the door, he pushed the door open and looked back. Yu wanqiu stood near the door and looked at himself.

Ye Feng waved to Yu wanqiu at this time. Yu wanqiu also waved to himself immediately. The corners of his mouth were rising, like a girl in spring.

Seeing Yu wanqiu like this, Ye Feng can't help but move. He doesn't remember which celebrity said that a woman in love is the most beautiful.

This sentence is completely suitable for Yu wanqiu. Yu wanqiu was so beautiful, but now she seems to be n times more beautiful than before.

From Ye Feng's point of view, the chandelier in the living room is just on the top of Yu wanqiu's head. The faint halo surrounds Yu wanqiu, which sets off Yu wanqiu like an angel.

Ye Feng is infatuated with it. For a moment, he seems to have forgotten where he is. He seems to be sitting in the cloud. There is a kind of illusion of ecstasy.

Yu wanqiu saw Ye Feng staring at him, and he blushed, "what are you looking at?"

Ye Feng had a feeling of falling from the cloud. He came back and laughed at Yu wanqiu, "nothing? Good night and rest early! "

Yu wanqiu nodded and said to Ye Feng, "you go first. After entering the elevator, I'll close the door."

Ye Feng nodded, then waved to Yu wanqiu, and then walked toward the elevator.

When Ye Feng comes to the door of the elevator and presses the elevator, he looks back at Yu wanqiu's door, but sees that she is still standing there.

When Yu wanqiu sees Ye Feng turning around, he immediately smiles and nods to him.

After waiting for Ye Feng to enter the elevator, Yu wanqiu still hasn't closed the door. Until the elevator door is closed, Yu wanqiu slowly closes the door.

But just as she was about to close the door, suddenly a hand stood in the way.

Yu wanqiu thought that Ye Feng had come back and immediately opened the door excitedly. However, the one standing at the door was wearing a black cloak and a smiling face mask. He could not see the face clearly.

Seeing this, Yu wanqiu was about to scream. The man immediately stepped forward, and her hand had covered her mouth. She suddenly cried.

Without waiting for Yu wanqiu to call out, the door had been closed. Yu wanqiu was dragged directly to the sofa in the living room by the man, and immediately threw her on the sofa.Yu wanqiu just sat up and wanted to cry for help, but she saw that a pistol in the man's hand was aimed at her. She was stunned. She looked at the other side and didn't say a word.

The other party nodded with satisfaction, moved a stool and sat opposite Yu wanqiu, the muzzle of the gun always aimed at her.

After the man sat down, he said, "Hello, beauty!" The sound seems to have been processed. It's as weird and ugly as the sound synthesized in the computer.

Yu wanqiu then asked, "who are you?" She was thinking, is not want to kidnap their own people appear again?

The man said faintly, "you don't have to worry, and you don't have to guess. I don't have any malice to you, but if you don't cooperate, I can't guarantee that my gun will be angry!"

Yu wanqiu looks at each other and tries her best to calm down. She knows that at this time, the calmer she is, the more chance she has to survive. The more nervous she is, the more mistakes she will make. It doesn't help.

The other party saw Yu wanqiu did not speak, and nodded with satisfaction, "very good, beautiful woman!"

Yu wanqiu then asked, "do you want me to cooperate with you? What is the cooperation? "

The other side said to Yu wanqiu, "the man who just went out of your house should be your man, right?"

Yu wanqiu immediately said, "no, he's just my ordinary friend!"

On hearing this, the other side immediately loaded the pistol and said, "I hate people telling lies. If you talk like this, my pistol will really be angry!"

On hearing this, Yu wanqiu suddenly said, "he is really my ordinary friend..."

The other side sneered and said, "ordinary friends will hold each other and kiss each other?"

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