The other side stared at Ye Feng for a long time, did not speak and did not move. After a long time, he sneered and said, "you are playing with me on purpose, aren't you?"

Ye Feng shrugged, "I said, uncover your glasses, take off your hat, things will be given to you, you don't want to, what can I do?"

The other side stares at Ye Feng and says, "it seems that you really don't worry about the safety of the people around you!"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "it doesn't matter. Today, even if all the people around me are dead, you don't want to go!"

The other side listen to Ye Feng say so, can't help but have no tiny wrinkly way, "you are not afraid that I killed the person beside you?"

Ye Feng said with a smile, "if you can kill people, the last time you disguised Xu Wenxuan, you can kill her completely. If you have Monica in your hand, you can kill her too, but you don't do that, which means you won't kill people!"

The other party can't help but say, "I didn't kill last time, it doesn't mean I won't kill this time!"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "there's no way. If we can exchange one's life for the initiative between us, I think it's worth it!"

The other side stares at Ye Feng. It seems that he is thinking about something, but at this time, Ye Feng has gone towards himself.

He immediately stepped back and said to Ye Feng, "stop..."

But Ye Feng didn't mean to stop. He continued to walk there, but he said, "I said, if you don't take off your hat and glasses, I'll take them myself!"

The other side immediately began to keep back, the residual light of the eyes began to scan the surrounding situation.

And at this time, Ye Feng suddenly began to accelerate and rushed towards each other in an instant.

The other side was ready and immediately ran to the other side.

Ye Feng immediately a jump body, instant to the other side of the body, a hand to grasp the other side's shoulder.

That person's body shape is also very nimble, one side body dodged, immediately ran toward the other side.

Ye Feng continues to catch up, blocking the other side's way, then a sweep legs, attack the other side of the footwall at the same time, also stretched out his hand toward the other side's shoulder to grasp.

At this time, the other side a somersault, directly avoid the attack of Ye Feng, at the same time, took out a pistol from his pocket, aimed at Ye Feng, "you move again, I will shoot..."

Did not wait for the other side to finish, Ye Feng on a flash, suddenly disappeared in front of each other, when the other side to see Ye Feng, Ye Feng has stood in front of him, and Ye Feng's hand has firmly grasped the gun in his hand.

Did not wait for the other side to come back, the gun in his hand has reached Ye Feng's hand, and the shooter has aimed at himself at this time.

Ye Feng directly loaded the bullet and put the muzzle against the other side's head. Then he said with a smile, "how? Come to Huaxia to find me with this skill? "

The other side Lengleng ground looks at Ye Feng, after a long time shrugs a way, "I admit defeat!"

Ye Feng at this time with muzzle, directly pick off the other party's hat, the other party immediately reached out to protect, Ye Feng's muzzle immediately against his eyebrows.

The other party immediately stop, let the hat fall, and Ye Feng noticed at this time, the other side of the head of the long hair was her plate up.

Ye Feng can't help whistling, "is it a woman?"

The other person immediately said, "how do you know my hair is real?"

Ye Feng slowly moved the muzzle of the gun toward the other person's sunglasses, but said, "women are not important, the key is this face..."

The other side immediately stretched out his hand to protect his sunglasses tightly and said, "I give up..."

Ye Feng nodded and said, "I know!"

The other side asked Ye Feng, "can you not look?"

Ye Feng asked, "what do you say?"

After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, he sighed, "forget it, if you want to see it..."

Ye Feng at this time the muzzle of the gun has to the other side of the bridge of the nose, just ready to pick out each other's sunglasses, but heard a roar.

Ye Feng side head a look, but see a Harley Motorcycle quickly toward him and the other side to drive over, the car a man with red and blue scarf, also with a pair of sunglasses, a mouth of white beard is particularly obvious.

Ye Feng heart can't help but move, toward each other way, "Yo, there are helpers?"

The other side was obviously surprised. From time to time, Harley had already come to them, but still didn't mean to stop.

Ye Feng just ready to grab each other, don't want to Harley on the people, immediately took out a gun, toward Ye Feng there opened a gun.

Ye Feng immediately flies away. When he gets up again, he finds that Harley has stopped in front of the man.

The man in Harley's car came down and pointed his gun at Ye Feng. He said to Ye Feng in Russian, "boy, I didn't expect us to come so soon, did we?"

Ye Feng frowned and said, "instructor?"

The other side immediately took off his sunglasses and showed his true face. He said with a smile to Ye Feng, "aren't you looking for me? How come I'm so surprised? "Ye Feng looked at each other's appearance. He was really an instructor, but he seemed to be a little older than before. But on second thought, the last time I saw him was five or six years ago.

He laughed, put away his gun and said, "I didn't expect you to be so fast? Do you just hide in China and enjoy your happiness? "

At this time, the instructor stares at Ye Feng and looks up and down, "who are you? How do you know so much about me? "

Ye Feng just wanted to speak, but he saw the guy behind the instructor. At this time, he took the opportunity to run out of the abandoned factory.

Yefeng just ready to chase, instructor immediately blocked in front of Yefeng, "boy, did not solve the matter between us, where don't want to go!"

Ye Feng's heart moves, he is to expect that the other party does not have any hostages to meet with him, plus the last time the other party did not kill Xu Wenxuan and Monica, just dare to attack her.

But if she ran away like this, and she knows that the front is not her opponent, she may not be so blatant next time.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng immediately said to the instructor in Russian, "old man, you're going to ruin my life! How does blue butterfly like you? "

Drillmaster a listen to this words, immediately a Leng, and at this time, Ye Feng a jump toward the drillmaster rushed past.

When the instructor responded, Ye Feng had already stepped on his Harley motorcycle. He immediately turned the accelerator and drove towards the abandoned factory. He said to him, "you wait here for me to come back. I'll catch the man and come back!"

After waiting for Ye Feng to drive away Harley, the instructor turned around and said, "who is this kid? You know about me and blue butterfly? Is he really... "

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