Juan pondered over the phone for a long time before he said to Ye Feng, "brother, I said, this is between us and Gao Yu, it has nothing to do with you!"

Ye Feng said coldly, "even if you kill Gao Yu, it doesn't matter to me, but if you meet Yu wanqiu, it has something to do with me!"

Speaking of this, Ye Feng took a deep breath and continued to say, "I'll tell you directly that if yu wanqiu has anything, I'll get it back from you ten times. But if you give her to me now, I'll let bygones be bygones. I'll not only help you get the money, but also send you away. It's just a chance for you and He Fei to weigh it up!"

Juan pondered for a long time, and then said, "let's discuss it and get back to you later!" Then he hung up.

As soon as he hung up the phone, He Fei immediately said to Juan, "I'll talk to Gao Yu for money. I want not only money, but also this girl!"

But Juan glared at He Fei and said, "you know a hammer!"

He Fei sneers and stares at Juan's leg. "You're not hurt by Ye Feng, so now he says something casually. Are you scared to death?"

Juan stared at He Fei and said, "do you know who this girl's Laozi is? That's the boss of Hongwei group! His energy is noble. If you touch her, even if we escape from the country, we may be caught back. Besides, there is a difficult Ye Feng! "

He Fei's heart moved when he heard the words. After pondering for a long time, he clapped his hands and said, "otherwise! Let's just do something big and not coerce Gao Yu. Take the girl and coerce Yu Hongwei. 20 million is a fart. Yu Hongwei's assets can't be more than 200 billion! "

As soon as Juan heard this, he immediately put out his hand and gave him a mouth. He said angrily, "do you really treat yourself as a kidnapper? Let's blackmail Gao Yu, for one thing, to make up for his anger, and for another thing, we deserve the money. If we blackmail Yu Hongwei, it's really kidnapping! "

He Fei was blinded by Juan's mouth. He didn't come back for a long time. He looked at Juan in a dazed way, and his face was not angry.

Juan then flew to Ho and said angrily, "did you hear what I told you? We are not the kidnappers

He Fei rubbed his mouth and said impatiently that he knew it. Then he turned around, his eyes twitched and said in a cold voice, "how do you like it! I don't care! "

Juan then said to He Fei, "I see, I promise Ye Feng to give the girl to him, and then we take the money to leave. From then on, one person will be worth 10 million, and each will live his own life, Guyang Just think we haven't been here! "

He Fei sneered in his heart, but he said, "OK! Anyway, you are the boss, you has the final say!

Juan then flew to he and said, "since it's easy for you, I'll call Ye Feng now!"

He Fei shrugged and lit a cigarette. Then he said, "whatever you want!"

Juan immediately dialed Ye Feng's number, "OK, we've thought about it. We can give it to you, but what do you agree to?"

Ye Feng on the other end of the phone immediately said, "I Ye Feng always keep my word, as long as you put people, money is not a problem!"

Juan didn't think that Ye Feng could come up with money. He nodded and said, "OK, then you can come to meet someone..."

Before Ye Feng asked where he was, he suddenly heard a scream from Juan on his mobile phone, and then He Fei's voice came, "you dead lame, dead lame, I want you to hit me..."

Ye Feng a listen to this voice, the heart can't help a Lin, this He Fei and Juan have infighting?

At this time, He Fei smashed the brick in his hand at Juan's head, which was lying on the ground. Then he threw the brick away heavily and spat at Juan's body.

Then he FeiMeng took a puff of cigarette, and then said with a dirty smile, "I said, I want this girl. How can such a beautiful woman be cheap for Gao Yu and Ye Feng? I also want to taste something fresh, and then ask Yu Hongwei for money! Lao Tzu is a billionaire after that. Do you care about their 20 million? You wait for me to receive the money and burn some for you... "

With that, He Fei kicked Juan's body again. Juan on the ground didn't move and was obviously dead.

He Fei quickly throws away his cigarette ends and walks towards the door on one side. As soon as he pushes the door open, he asks Yu wanqiu in the corner, who is tied with his hands and feet, wearing an eye mask and blocking his mouth, to groan in horror.

He Fei can't help rubbing his hands. Chao Yu laughs obscenely, "beauty, don't be afraid. My brother loves you so much now. I want you to be a real woman. My brother is much better than Gao Yu and Ye Feng!"

Yu wanqiu's mouth is blocked and he can't speak at all. He can't help humming and kicking his feet on the ground.

He Fei can't help walking towards Yu wanqiu step by step. He still says with a smile, "it's nice to hear you cry. The more you cry, the more excited I am. It will make you feel better in a moment!"

He Fei has already begun to look at Yu wanqiu's figure. He hesitates. Yu wanqiu's body is tied with a rope, which makes his chest tight. Yu wanqiu's chest is proud and his neck is like snow. He's salivating.He Fei felt like he was going to let go of Yu's late autumn when he looked at Hong Kong style. His legs and feet seemed to be unable to walk.

In the past, when Gao Yu was looking for Yu wanqiu, he and Juan could only stand in the distance and watch. At most, they talked and laughed with Juan, taking advantage of their words.

He Fei still remembers that at that time, Juan still advised himself to take advantage of his words. Women like Yu wanqiu were not born like them.

Thinking of this, He Fei can't help scolding, "what is not a kind of person? I'm going to have sex with her now, don't you think? "

While talking, He Fei has come to Yu wanqiu's side. He sees that Yu wanqiu's legs and feet are still kicking, even his shoes are kicking off.

He Fei immediately squats down, grabs Yu wanqiu's foot and holds it tightly in his hand.

As soon as Yu wanqiu's feet were grasped by He Fei, his movements became more frequent, and his humming became louder.

And the more so, He Fei felt more excited, immediately began to tear off his coat, mouth is still obscene Yu wanqiu way, "good, don't worry, brother will hurt you right away..."

Yu wanqiu's heart was almost desperate, and tears came down from the corner of his eyes. At this time, he heard a dull hum, and there seemed to be no movement around him.

I don't know how long it took to hear a faint voice saying, "Ye Feng, come here. This is the building materials road. When you get there, you can see a big chimney. Just turn left and turn a metal door!"

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