Ma Zhichao nodded to Ye Feng, "it's all my brothers. You're welcome. By the way, how long have you been with Mr. Gao? How can I see you

Ye Feng said, "I haven't been with Mr. Gao for a few days. It happened that Wu Yanhui died, and Mr. Gao recommended me to be the Minister of the security department."

When he says this, Ye Feng takes a look at Ma Zhichao intentionally or unintentionally, but he sees that Ma Zhichao's eyes move slightly, but he soon returns to nature.

Ma Zhichao nodded to Ye Feng and said, "to tell you the truth, I also worked in the position of security minister many years ago! I really miss the scene of drinking and eating meat with my brothers

Then Ma Zhichao immediately said to the two people behind him, "when it's over, don't leave. I'll invite you to go to supper. We won't get drunk or come back!"

Ma Zhichao said, and he sang the latest tiktok, "now drunk, drunk now". The bad Cantonese sings the thief, and the two men applauded.

Soon Ye Feng drove the car to the suburbs. Maybe it was getting closer and closer to the destination. A few people on the car didn't speak.

Ye Feng noticed that the two guys behind didn't know where to take out the black stockings and put their heads on.

And there is also a black stockings thrown to Ma Zhichao, Ye Feng see in the eyes can not help but smile, "super brother, you this is robbery?"

Ma Zhichao said, "it's called being prepared for no danger. If the location is set by the other party, if it's photographed by any camera, it's a future trouble!"

Ye Feng can't help asking, "do I want to bring one?"

A man behind him immediately threw one to Ye Feng. Ma Zhichao said, "you can take it or not. Anyway, you don't have to get off the bus!"

Ye Feng nodded and didn't say a word. After a while, he drove the car near the abandoned factory.

Abandoned factories used to be the development zone of Guyang. Since Huaxia began to pay attention to environmental protection, many chemical plants here have been closed, leaving many abandoned factories here.

After Ye Feng stops the car, Ma Zhichao asks Ye Feng to call Juan and ask about his specific location.

After a while, Juan sent the location to Ye Feng on wechat. Ye Feng enlarged the map, continued to drive forward, and soon arrived at the location that Juan said.

As soon as the car stopped, Ma Zhichao put the stockings on his head and asked Ye Feng to wait in the car.

Ye Feng said, "this is not good, they can not see the money will not have a problem?"

Ma Zhichao patted Ye Feng on the shoulder. "It's OK. I'm familiar with Hu an and He Fei. It doesn't take much effort to move them! If there is a situation, you can come in with some money to make it up. After all, they are for money! "

Ye Feng nodded and said, "I'll wait for you in the car!"

Ma Zhichao and two other people immediately went into the abandoned factory. The factory was dark and the broken windows around it were filled with wind from time to time, just like ghost howling.

Ma Zhichao and the other three went in to have a look, but they didn't find any one, let alone Juan and He Fei.

After walking for most of the time, Ma Zhichao suddenly moved his heart and immediately said to the other two people, "it's not good. Let's move the tiger out of the mountain!"

Then the three men immediately ran back, but when they ran to the gate of the factory, the rusty iron door of the factory was closed and chained.

Ma Zhichao takes a look at the car parked outside. The car is also dark and can't see anything,

MA Zhichao shouts to the car, "Ye Feng?"

After not hearing the response, Ma Zhichao immediately turned over from the iron gate and ran to the car, but saw Ye Feng lying on the steering wheel.

Ma Zhichao immediately turned on the light in the car. After looking at the car again, he lost his pockets of money.

The other two men ran over to have a look and immediately scolded me.

Ma Zhichao pats Ye Feng's mouth and wakes him up.

Ye Feng finally woke up, opened his bleary eyes, looked at Ma Zhichao in surprise, "brother Chao, are you done?"

Ma Zhichao grabs Ye Feng's collar and tugs at him, "where's the money?"

Ye Feng a face inexplicably says, "what money? Isn't the money in the car? "

Then he looked back and said, "where's the money? What about the money? "

Ma Zhichao immediately pulled Ye Feng's collar, "I asked you!"

Ye Feng looked at Ma Zhichao in surprise, then muttered, "just after you left, I just sat in the car waiting, and then..."

Ma Zhichao frowned and said, "then what?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "my mouth seems to be covered by someone, and then I fell asleep..."

Ma Zhichao looked at Ye Feng dubiously. At this time, a man came over and said, "brother Chao, there's a towel on this side. There's a strange smell on it. Someone should have come to make the boy dizzy and take the money away!"

On hearing this, Ma Zhichao loosened Ye Feng's collar, took the towel in the man's hand and put it between his nose. After smelling it, he frowned, threw the towel aside and swore a dirty word.Ye Feng then asked Ma Zhichao, "brother Chao, what should we do now? This is 20 million yuan. Now that the money is gone, Miss Yu has not been rescued. How can I explain to Mr. Gao? "

Ma Zhichao also had a headache. He only hated why he didn't leave a person to look at this side at that time. He was caught by the other party's plan to divert the tiger from the mountain. It seems that the other party is already ready.

Ye Feng is still mumbling about how to explain to Gao Yu. Ma Zhichao is upset. He goes to one side, lights a cigarette and takes a look around.

After smoking more than half of the cigarette, Ma Zhichao immediately walked over to Ye Feng, grabbed Ye Feng's collar again, and then said to him, "I'll talk to Mr. Gao for a while, and he said that there are many people on the other side, so he robbed the money and ran away!"

But Ye Feng said nervously, "so, can Gao always believe it? His car has been following him all the time

Ma Zhichao immediately said, "although President Gao's car is not far behind, he is not close to this side. He may not know what's going on here. There are only a few of us here. As long as we have the same caliber, it's no problem!"

Ye Feng did not say a word, Ma Zhichao see, immediately patted Ye Feng's shoulder, "don't be nervous, I am responsible for the accident!"

Ye Feng took a deep breath and nodded, "what should I do now? Call President Gao? "

Ma Zhichao finished smoking the remaining half of his cigarettes, then nodded to Ye Feng and said, "fight!"

Ye Feng immediately made a phone call to Gao Yu's mobile phone and said, "Gao Zong, it's over. The money has been robbed No, there are too many of them! We didn't respond! Well, we're waiting here! "

Then he hung up the phone and said to Ma Zhichao, "President Gao will be there in a minute!"

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