Ye Feng listened to Huang Zhonghua's words, plus what he thought just now, he couldn't help hesitating. At this time, he asked Huang Zhonghua, "when Ji Qiang died, were you by your side?"

Huang Zhonghua nodded and said, "yes, I saw it with my own eyes. Otherwise, how can I be so sure that brother Qiang is dead?"

Ye Feng immediately asked Huang Zhonghua, "after death, have you checked the body?"

Huang can't help shaking his head and said, "that's not true. After all, I was chased and killed again at that time. I ran away before I had time to check!"

Ye Feng took a deep breath at this time. "If you were dazzled just now, it's nothing. It's normal, but if you really saw Ji Qiang and Wu Yanhui..."

Huang Zhonghua did not wait for Ye Feng to finish, and immediately said, "it's impossible! What the hell, brother Feng? What do you mean? Brother Qiang is not dead? "

Ye Feng pondered for a long time. After all, Huang Zhonghua saw it, not what he saw. If he saw it, he would be sure.

He then asked Huang Zhonghua, "do you really see clearly?"

Huang Zhonghua was asked by Ye Feng, and he was immediately blinded. He couldn't even remember whether the person he saw just now really looked like Ji Qiang.

After a while of pondering, Ye Feng takes out his mobile phone and makes a call to long Xinran.

Long Xinran's mobile phone rang for a long time before it was connected. As soon as it was connected, he said to Ye Feng, "Ye Feng, look at what time it is now. Do you still call to let people sleep?"

Ye Feng immediately said sorry to long Xinran with a smile. Then he said to long Xinran, "officer long, it's not important, and I dare not call you so late!"

After a yawn came from long Xinran, he stopped again. Long Xinran asked Ye Feng angrily, "tell me, what's so important? If you don't say something important, I won't go to you tomorrow!"

Ye Feng immediately said with a smile, "as for this? Isn't sleep wake up, this is desperate? Your life is too worthless, isn't it

Long Xinran said in an angry voice, "don't talk nonsense. If you have something to say, go to sleep!"

Ye Feng this just Chao long happily way, "I just want to ask the homicide case of the railway station, progress how?"

Long Xinran immediately said, "you're so happy to ask about this case. If you hadn't let Sun Wei off, could this case have been put off till now? Today, I was also taught by the director. It's all thanks to you, Ye Feng

Ye Feng immediately said, "officer long, if you have no evidence, you can't talk nonsense as a law enforcement officer!"

The Dragon said happily and impatiently, "OK? Just ask about it? What kind of important thing is that? "

Ye Feng immediately asked long Xinran, "where is the dead body now?"

Long Xinran frowned and said, "what? Do you still want to steal bodies? "

Ye Feng immediately said with a smile, "even if you lend me a courage, I dare not, I am timid, dare not see the dead!"

Long Xinran yawned again and said, "what do you want to say?"

Ye Feng is toward the Dragon happily way, "the dead photos you should have?"

Long Xinran pondered for a moment and then said, "Ye Feng, do you have any new discoveries, otherwise you ask so many questions for no reason

Ye Feng immediately said with a smile, "or how to say, officer long, you know me best!"

Long Xinran denounces a way, "little poor mouth, say, what new discovery?"

Ye Feng said, "I can't say it's a new discovery yet. I have to look at the photos of the dead to know if I'm a new discovery!"

Long Xinran said to Ye Feng, "you won't let me work in the middle of the night. Now get up and go to the computer to find the photos of the dead for you?"

Ye Feng said with a smile, "how? Officer long, you're a policeman. What's the situation you haven't met before? Is a picture of a dead person so taboo? Can you still be a policeman? "

Long Xinran then angrily said to Ye Feng, "OK, I'm not taboo. I'll find you a picture now, but I'll tell you something ugly. If you can't tell me why, I'll try my best not to find you!"

Ye Feng sighed, "look at you. You are a beautiful woman. You have to find someone to fight for you."

Without waiting for Ye Feng to finish, long Xinran immediately said, "less nonsense, don't hang up, wait..."

Ye Feng listen to the phone, like long Xinran has got up to open the computer.

At this time, he said to Huang Zhonghua, "after a while, as long as the photos are sent, we will know if they are right at a glance."

Huang Zhonghua can't help nodding, his mood is also a little nervous at the moment, of course, he hopes that Jiqiang is OK, but if he doesn't die, why doesn't Jiqiang contact himself?

But I'm afraid that the photo I'll send is Jiqiang, and the glimmer of hope that has just been lit will soon disappear.

Huang Zhonghua is thinking about it, and Ye Feng hears long Xinran say, "I'll send you several photos on wechat, and you can give me a reply after reading them!"

Ye Feng answered, then cut out the phone bar, click to open wechat, open the chat window of long Xinran, only to see a few photos of the dead in the window.Ye Feng immediately opened one and looked at it. It's really Ji Qiang. He was afraid that what he saw was not very clear, so he showed it to Huang Zhonghua.

As soon as Huang Zhonghua saw Ji Qiang's photo, his heart suddenly cooled. It seems that he really lost sight just now? Is brother Qiang dead or not?

Ye Feng looked at several photos in succession and found that they were all Ji Qiang and Wu Yanhui. At this time, he sighed and said to the phone, "officer long, thank you!"

Long Xinran immediately asked, "what do you see?"

Ye Feng said, "nothing, good night!" Immediately hung up the phone.

Although he can't see long Xinran's appearance, he can imagine that she must have the heart to kill herself.

Sure enough, the phone just hung up, long Xinran's call came.

Ye Feng hesitated, or connected, just connected to listen to long Xinran way, "Ye Feng, you play me, right? How dare you hang up with me if you don't make it clear? "

Ye Feng said with a smile, "didn't I say thank you, good night? I still have this basic etiquette! "

Long Xinran immediately said angrily, "don't tell me anything else. What's the matter?"

Ye Feng sighed, "originally, I didn't want to scare you. Since officer long had to break the casserole to ask the truth, I'll tell you!"

Long Xinran immediately said, "don't talk nonsense, talk!"

At this time, Ye Feng deliberately lowered the pressure of the language and said to her, "I saw ghosts on the road just now. I saw these two people wandering in the street..."

On hearing this, long Xinran's face suddenly moved and said, "are you serious?"

Ye Feng said with a smile, "are you scared? Of course it's true

Long Xinran was silent on the phone. After a long time, he said, "the bodies of the two dead have been stolen!"

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