Ye Feng smell speech then toward Mo Ni card a smile way, "still can have what reason?"? I thought you cared about me! "

After looking at Ye Feng for a long time, Monica took a long breath, "it can also be understood as caring! Isn't it normal for teachers to care about their students? "

Ye Feng looked at Monica with a smile and said, "you're just a fake teacher. Do you really treat me as a student?"

Monica looked at Ye Feng and said, "fake teacher is also a teacher!"

Ye Feng smiles and looks at Monica. Then he throws away the cigarette end, takes a long breath, stretches and says, "thank you for your concern. If there's nothing wrong, I'll go upstairs to sleep!"

After looking at Ye Feng for a moment, Monica nodded, "go! What a dream

Ye Feng took a look at Monica and joked, "teacher, student, I'm going to bed. Don't I have a good night kiss?"

Then he took a look at Monica. Seeing that she was stunned, he immediately laughed and opened the door with his hand.

Originally, I was joking with Monica. Seeing her embarrassed appearance, I thought it was fun. I just wanted to achieve my goal. Why don't I get out of the way?

But just as Ye Feng was about to open the door, she saw that Monica suddenly came over and gave Ye Feng a kiss on her face. She said in a soft voice, "good night!"

Ye Feng had always been joking with Monica, but at this time, after Monica really came up to kiss herself, Ye Feng was a little stunned.

He glanced at Monica, but saw that she was looking at herself with her eyes full of spring.

The exotic style of Monica should have been normal for Ye Feng. After all, he grew up abroad and was used to seeing foreign girls like Monica.

On the contrary, pure Oriental beauties like Yu wanqiu are really exotic to Ye Feng.

But I don't know if there's any sense of Yefeng in her body. Looking at Monica at this time, I have a strange feeling.

Seeing Ye Feng staring at herself, Monica can't help but turn her head. Instead of looking at Ye Feng's face, she says faintly, "it's already good night kiss. Don't you get off yet?"

Ye Feng was staring at Monica's delicate face, but she was a little crazy. After listening to what Monica said, she came back to herself.

Originally, Ye Feng was going to open the door and get off the car and go back to sleep, but after being kissed on the face by Monica, she suddenly felt a little hot and dry.

After all, they are all hot-blooded youths. They have a big beauty like Monica on their side, but they don't have any idea. It's absolutely deceiving. No one will believe it.

Monica saw that Ye Feng was still sitting in the car. She didn't want to get off at all. She frowned and said, "what? Don't you get off yet? Don't you mean to go back to bed? "

Ye Feng said with a smile to Monica, "I was going to go upstairs to sleep, but now I'm sleepless!"

"Why?" asked Monica

Ye Feng made a face of embarrassment to Monica on purpose, "it's not the teacher you are to blame!"

"It's my fault?" said Monica

Ye Feng is toward Monica a smile way, "by the teacher such beauty kiss a, where still have the mind to sleep!"

On hearing this, Monica turned red and hit Ye Feng's chest, "go back to sleep! Don't think about it all day. Just now it was pure good night kiss. Don't think about it

But Ye Feng looked at Monica in surprise and said, "what's wrong? What do you want? "

Monica said, "don't think I'm trying to kiss you!"

Ye Feng immediately asked Monica, "does the teacher want to kiss her?"

All of a sudden, Monica is asked by Ye Feng and stares at Ye Feng. At this time, she can also feel Ye Feng's hot eyes. She stares at herself as if she can melt herself at any time.

Ye Feng's eyes, looking at Monica dare not look directly at Ye Feng's eyes, quickly avoid Ye Feng's eyes.

Seeing that, Ye Feng asked, "teacher, you haven't answered my question yet."

Monica was forced to ask by Ye Feng, and she felt that she was almost ashamed. Now she completely began to regret why she just listened to Ye Feng's words and gave him a good night kiss.

The more you look at Monica's coquettish appearance, the more itchy Ye Feng's heart is. He wants to kiss her now.

Monica doesn't look at Ye Feng at this time, but she is urging Ye Feng to go to bed. What time is it

Ye Feng laughed and lit a flue. "It's not like I can't sleep in the car. It's a big deal. I'll make do with the whole night in the teacher's car!"

As soon as Monica heard this, her face suddenly moved. She glanced at Ye Feng. "If you don't get off, I can get off!"Ye Feng looked back at Monica and said, "long night, can the teacher bear me to sleep alone in the car?"

"There's something I can't give up," said Monica awkwardly Although I want to get off, I don't mean to get off at all.

Ye Feng continued to smoke, "teacher, in addition to being younger than you, what else does not meet your mate's requirements?"

Monica can't help frowning, "what? What do you want to know about this? "

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "just ask. Maybe as soon as I work hard, I will improve those bad habits or conditions that don't meet your requirements and become your ideal teacher!"

After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, Monica said, "Ye Feng, I warn you, don't make these jokes with me again!"

But Ye Feng looked to Monica and said, "what? I said so much, did the teacher think I was joking? " Then he pretended to be sad and said, "teacher, you really hurt my heart. It's true that I meant to shine on the moon, but the moon shines on the ditch!"

Monica can't help but look at Ye Feng and say, "aren't you kidding?"

Ye Feng looked at Monica and said, "does the teacher think I'm joking?"

Monica nodded. "I've always heard what you said as a joke!"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "maybe the teacher was blinded by my unrestrained appearance. In fact, I am a sentimental and beautiful man It's just my skin and appearance that are handsome and natural. Worldly people can't see through my true self. I thought the teacher could understand me. It seems that I'm wishful thinking... "

Hearing what Ye Feng said, Monica immediately said to Ye Feng, "Ye Feng, I'm going to warn you for the last time. Don't talk to me about this again!"

Ye Feng also looked at Monika and said, "what? The teacher still thinks I'm joking? "

Monica smell speech didn't speak, Ye Feng immediately toward Monica way, "then if I still talk to the teacher like this? How is the teacher going to punish you as a disobedient student? "

Monica stares at Ye Feng for a long time. She immediately puts her head close to Ye Feng and kisses her mouth. Ye Feng's eyes are round. She puts them in her hand holding cigarettes in the window and unconsciously throws them away.

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