Ye Feng shrugged at the black angel and said, "I told you before, unless you're going to see Diego with my ashes, I won't go with you for sure!"

Then he added, "and if you take off the mask and the voice changer in the whole process, I can follow you. Otherwise, it's impossible!"

Black angel a listen to this, sneer a, immediately with the butt of the gun to Ye Feng's back of the head is a way, "then I'm not polite!"

Ye Feng's head was suddenly hit by the black angel. He didn't even have a chance to react. He felt a pain in the back of his head and fainted on the ground.

Seeing this, Monica immediately came over and squatted on the ground to see Ye Feng. She found that he just fainted. It didn't matter.

The black angel said to Monica, "what? Monica, what's wrong? "

Monica shook her head and said, "no!"

The black angel said coldly, "Monica, don't forget, what's the purpose of your coming to China!"

At this time, Monica looked up at the black angel, and then hummed coldly, "just take care of yourself, I know my task!"

The black angel looked at Monica thoughtfully and said faintly, "you just know, but I don't think you are nervous. When can you get the things from Yu wanqiu's family?"

Monica stood up and said to the black angel, "I have my own way of doing things. You don't have to question me!"

The black angel shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't bother to ask you. Then you can tell Diego by yourself."

Said the black angel looked at the ground Ye Feng, immediately squatted in front of Ye Feng, pressed Ye Feng's chest with his hand, did not move again for a long time.

"What are you doing?" asked Monica

black angel said, "this kid has absorbed a lot of energy essence. If it is not yet awakened, we are no match for him!"

Monica looked at the black angel and said, "what are you and Diago practicing? It seems that you are possessed. What's the matter with the blink just now?"

The black angel said with a smile to Monica, "when you have finished your task, ask Diego to say hello. I have no obligation to answer you!"

Said the black angel stood up, and her hands are still on Ye Feng's chest, Ye Feng's body actually and magic, straight horizontal float up.

Monica was in a daze. She didn't know what tactics the black angel used. She felt totally incredible.

At this time, after the black angel said goodbye to Monica, the whole person disappeared directly from her eyes, together with Ye Feng.

After seeing Ye Feng and the black angel disappear, Monica looks at the original position of the black angel station in surprise. She unconsciously walks over there and reaches out her hand to touch it.

After confirming that black angel and Ye Feng really disappeared out of thin air, Monica immediately picked up her mobile phone and made a call to Diago.

After the phone was connected, Monica immediately said to Diago, "Diago, what kind of evil Kung Fu did the black angel practice? It's so weird?"

After pondering for a long time, Diego said to Monica, "don't ask too much. After you finish your task, go back to Spain, and then you can be the same as the black angel. Don't worry!"

After a moment of silence, Monica asked Diego, "what do you want to do when you let the black angel take Ye Feng?"

Diago said to Monica with a serious face, "Monica, don't you think you asked too much? I don't need to explain a lot of things to you, and you shouldn't ask. Just do your duty well. You will know what you should know at that time! "

Then, without waiting for Monica to reply, Diego immediately said, "nothing else? If it's OK, I'll hang up! " And immediately hang up on Monica.

Monica finally sits on the sofa in a daze, thinking that Ye Feng has been taken away by the black angel. She doesn't know what fate she will face.

Think of tonight in the car, and Ye Feng that lingering, Monica can't help touching her lips.

Although she was ordered to seduce Ye Feng upstairs, she could feel that Ye Feng's enthusiasm for herself was real.

Thinking of Ye Feng, I don't know if she'll hate herself because of tonight, Monica can't help getting tangled.

At this time, Ye Feng is behind the black angel's car. While driving, the black angel takes a look at Ye Feng from the rearview mirror, and then continues to drive towards the airport.

At this time, when the black angel looked back at the mirror, he saw that Ye Feng, who was lying in the back seat, didn't know when he had sat up and was staring at himself.

Black angel heart can not help but move, immediately drove the car to the side of the road, a step on the brake, the car suddenly stopped.

Ye Feng then asked the black angel with a smile, "it seems that your magic is limited in scope, that is, it's just from upstairs to downstairs. I thought you would teleport me directly to Spain. It's really disappointing for me!"The black angel frowned and said, "you didn't faint just now?"

Ye Feng shrugged, "if it's so easy to faint, don't you miss a lot of fun things!"

After staring at Ye Feng in the rearview mirror for a long time, the black angel said, "so, you have completely heard the conversation between Monica and me?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't want to listen to you either. It's a pity that your voice is too loud to listen to!"

Said Ye Feng to see a black angel, can't help but ask her way, "you should not want to have been boarding with a mask?"? Can the security check pass? "

Black angel suddenly turned around at this time, the muzzle of the gun immediately aimed at Ye Feng.

And Ye Feng this just in the black angel a turn of moment, a grasp of her hand, force a pinch, the gun in her hand has to his hand.

But in front of the black angel suddenly disappeared, Ye Feng heart next move, but he felt that although he couldn't see the black angel, but the hand of the black angel in his hand, but still real.

Ye Feng immediately forced a pull, suddenly the black angel appeared in front of him, but also in the driver's seat, he can't help but wonder, "it seems that this is just a cover up, as long as I catch you, even if I can't see you, I can also catch you!"

Black Angel wrist began to force, want to break away from Ye Feng's hand, but let the black angel how to make strength, still can't break away from Ye Feng's hand.

Finally, the black angel could only give up and said to Ye Feng, "what do you want?"

Ye Feng said with a smile to the black angel, "what do I want? And I want to ask you what you want, what Diego wants! "

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