Ye Feng saw that Diago didn't say a word, and immediately said, "why don't you talk? Scared by me? "

Diago then said to Yefeng, "are you Yefeng?"

Ye Feng said with a smile, "you let the black angel come to me, you don't know who I am?"

Diego immediately asked, "where's the black angel? How is she now? "

Ye Feng said with a smile, "she? I've already used my local array! "

On hearing this, Diego's face suddenly moved and said, "local array? You killed her? "

But Ye Feng said with a smile, "what do you say to laugh? She is such a beautiful woman, who is willing to kill her like this? "

When Diago heard the words, his face moved again, "then you You are... "

At this time, the black angel yelled to the phone, "I'm ok, Diego!"

When Diago heard the voice of the black angel, he was relieved. You know, this is the trump card of their cross guard. If she was planted in Ye Feng's hand, no one would be able to take Ye Feng.

But soon Diago is back in. If the black angel is OK, she should be on the way to take Ye Feng back to the West for tooth extraction. How can Ye Feng call himself? Who gave him this number?

But Ye Feng said with a smile to Diago, "look at you so nervous, black angel, don't you like her too? I'm warning you, black angel. I'm in love now. Don't rob me

Diago immediately said to Ye Feng, "Ye Feng, I warn you, don't mess with me. It's not good for you. There's more! Who the hell are you? Why do you know so much about us? "

Ye Feng said with a smile to Diago, "you don't even know who I am, so let the black angel come and take me to see you, and you won't be afraid when I see you..." He said in a deep voice, "did you kill me?"

When Diago mentioned the last three words of Ye Feng, he felt a sense of oppression in Ye Feng's tone. This is not the momentum that a college student in his early twenties should have.

Ye Feng then said, "Spain I will not go, you have any questions, want to ask me, on the phone to ask it, I am very busy!"

Diago said to Ye Feng, "you will call the black angel..."

Ye Feng didn't wait for Diago to finish, and immediately said to Diago, "don't do too much, I'll tell you directly, the black angel can't take me to Spain, and I can't go to see you for the time being. If you want to ask anything, ask directly on the phone, maybe I'm in a good mood, and I can answer you a few. If you miss this opportunity, don't say to go to Spain to see you I won't answer your phone

After thinking for a long time, Diego said, "if you say that, it's OK." After a pause, he said, "was it for your badge that Dixie and Hades came to see you last time?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "yes, there's nothing to hide! You'll know sooner or later! "

Diego immediately asked, "what's Hades and Dixie to do with you?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "I can't talk about any relationship. It's OK to say it's a friend, but it's OK to say it's not!"

Diego continued to ask, "so last time they came to you, did they get something?"

Ye Feng said, "you can say you got it, or you can say you didn't get it!"

Diago puzzled way, "get is to get, did not get is not to get, what is to say to get also can, did not get also can?"

Ye Feng sneered and said, "originally, I can't answer, but for your sake, I can tell you that I gave them a part and kept a part!"

There was another silence on Diego's side. After a long time, he continued, "well, do you know the function of this badge?"

Ye Feng also pondered for a moment, and then said, "a little knowledge!"

Diago finally asked, "you are definitely not an ordinary college student. I heard from Monica that you seem to know me very well! Finally, who are you? "

When Ye Feng heard this, he couldn't help laughing and said, "I thought you could calm down this time and won't ask this question. It seems that you still can't calm down as before. In the end, you still asked this question!"

Diago said, "I can't hold my breath So Who are you? "

Ye Feng said to Diago, "you asked me so many questions at one time. I'll reserve one question first. Is it time for me to ask you a few questions? If you answer honestly and have no reservation, I can consider telling you who I am!"

Diago said to Yefeng, "you can ask, but I don't guarantee a definite answer!"

Ye Feng can't help but sneer, "you're a person. You don't mean much about this. You always think you're smart. You want to get what you want from my questions, but you don't dare to promise that you will answer me. You're smart!"

Diego frowned. "Do you want to ask?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "how much do you know about the badge?"After a moment of silence, Diego said, "not more than you, but not less than you!"

Ye Feng can't help laughing, "you boy, this is now learning now selling!"

Diego didn't say anything.

Ye Feng continued to ask, "are these seemingly magical and magical body methods of the black angel related to the badge?"

Diego said, "if you think it's relevant, it's relevant!"

Ye Feng cold hum a way, "Diago, you TM treat me as silly bird?"

Diago said, "I said in advance, I may not answer, just ask!"

Ye Feng held back his anger and continued to ask, "so, you Or does the cross have a badge in its hand? "

There was no gnawing sound from Diago, while Ye Feng was staring at the black angel sitting on his side. However, he could not see the face behind the mask at all. He could only seek the answer from her body.

Black angel in hear oneself this question of time, the body slightly moved for a while, this perhaps is the answer that leaf maple wants.

Ye Feng immediately said to Diago, "you're really mean. I've answered so many questions, and you don't even answer a question?"

Diago said to Ye Feng, "yes!"

Ye Feng heard this, immediately said, "you let Monica come to China, in addition to take over the task of protecting Yu wanqiu, there should be other reasons, or even if the cross guard is no good, it will not take such a small case?"

Diago was silent again for a long time.

Ye Feng said, "this question, whether you answer it or not, I know it in my heart, so you don't have to answer it! And don't forget, sometimes silence is an answe

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