As soon as Monica heard this, she couldn't help but think about it. Can even Alice see that she is in love with Ye Feng?

Alice took a look at Monica, and then she said, "Monica, I advise you not to think too much. That kid is so smooth and full of mouth..."

At this point, Alice's heart suddenly moved, because at this time in her mind, she unconsciously thought that Ye Feng had told herself before that Monica had tasted his mouth, but she didn't dare to say that he was glib, and she hadn't tasted his tongue, how could she know his tongue was glib.

Seeing Alice in a daze, Monica can't help reaching out and shaking in front of her eyes and saying, "what are you talking about?"

Alice just recovered, and immediately stood up. She was so angry at the thought of Ye Feng. Now she even wanted to say that the boy was full of nonsense. She immediately hummed, "it's nothing. Let's have a rest early!"

With that, Alice immediately went to the guest bedroom. Monica looked at the water in the kitchen. She wanted to ask Alice, but she didn't ask.

Finally, with a long sigh, Monica stood up and went back to her bedroom, thinking whether she was going to be crazy or not. She was still full of Ye Feng.

At this time, Ye Feng is also lying on the bed, looking at the ceiling in a daze. He thought it was two or three o'clock, and this time he should be sleepy, but he was not sleepy at all.

Ye Feng's mind is also full of Alice's figure, but for Alice, he just appreciates her beauty. After all, this kind of beauty is rare. It's absolutely deceptive to say that there is no idea.

But if you really want to have any idea, Ye Feng feels that she doesn't have such an urgent need for Alice. If she can get into bed, she won't hesitate, but if she can't get into bed, she won't have too much regret.

He thinks that Alice is not only a little better than Monica and Yu wanqiu in appearance, but also Alice's blinking method.

Ye Feng has never met anyone with such a body method so far, but he can also see that Alice doesn't seem to know whether the mastery of this body method is not enough, or whether the body method itself has some defects.

Although the gimmick is enough to scare people, but as long as you meet real experts, such as yourself, it doesn't seem to be very useful.

But this set of body method is strong enough to be unexpected. If you can learn it yourself, you will be invincible.

And this is not the most important, but Ye Feng seems to realize that it is not only TSL looking for the badge, but also the purpose of the cross escort.

Judging from what she knows, in addition to being Yu wanqiu's bodyguard and protecting her safety, Monica stays with Yu wanqiu.

In other words, Yu wanqiu should also have a badge on his body.

If you think about it at a deeper level, the death of Zhuo Bufan and the death of Fei Chai Yefeng's parents, it seems that Fei Chai Yefeng's parents were involuntarily involved in the car accident.

But if the common point is that they all have badges, can we find the same reason between the death of Ye Feng and his extraordinary death?

But if so, what role did Gao Yu's Lao Tzu play in the event of that year?

If you think about it at a deeper level, it seems that things in those years will come to a conclusion, but it feels too scattered. It always seems that there is something that does not connect the whole incident directly.

After thinking about it for a long time, I still couldn't figure it out. Then I thought that since I couldn't find out what happened in those years, it's better to start from now on.

Now, Yu wanqiu knows something about that year and wants to avenge her parents. She lurks to Lantian pharmaceutical to investigate clues, but so far there is no following.

Moreover, if nobility has anything to do with the events of that year, it is very likely that Yu wanqiu's lurking is already a matter of the surface, that is to say, there is no clue left in the blue sky pharmaceutical.

Another aspect is the side of Dixie. Dixie knows her real identity. She is also a potential in TSL now. She can help herself to investigate the internal affairs of TSL.

But last time, Dixie called to inform himself that there was a traitor inside TSL, and Hades has come to China, but he has not shown up, and he doesn't know where to hide and what to do.

The clues here are intermittent. It can be said that there is almost no big difference between no clues and no clues.

Another point is to coerce meijizi to find the person with the badge. This may be a crucial clue, but meijizi has never seen the other person. Although the clue is important, she can hardly keep up.

The last point is the cross escort. The cross escort is also looking for the badge. They are very interested in their identity. Can they use this to find out the real secret of the badge by taking the cross escort as a breakthrough.Moreover, Ye Feng thinks of his body changes after his rebirth, plus the black angel Alice's blinking body method. He boldly guesses that Eisley's strange body method is closely related to the secret behind the badge.

After thinking about this, Ye Feng already has a clear goal. He can't help but raise his mouth. Didn't Diago let Alice stay in Guyang and continue to investigate her identity.

Then I can just use Alice to investigate their understanding of the secret behind the badge, and to what extent.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng suddenly thought of the instructor. After all, the instructor was the leader of the last cross guard. Did he know something about the badge?

But think of meijizi coerce himself to hand over the badge when the instructor is also present, he does not seem to be much interested in his badge.

Similar to Alice, when she took out her badge, Alice didn't seem to want to grab it.

It seems that the cross guards are more interested in themselves than the badges in their hands, which makes a little bit of sense.

If the cross guards are also looking for the badge, why are they not interested in having the badge in their hands? Instead, they let Monica lurk in China and want to find her badge from Yu wanqiu?

Think of here, Ye Feng suddenly heart next a Lin, immediately sit up from the bed body, Zheng Zheng ground looking at in front of him, his in the heart faint have an idea.

Maybe what the cross guards are looking for is not a badge, but something more important than a badge. And this kind of thing is probably in Yu wanqiu's hands.

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