Long Xinran said, immediately toward Ye Feng said, "since you know, you go downstairs and wait for me in the car, I'll record a confession for you later!"

Finish saying to see leaf maple still look toward the house, immediately stare at him after one eye, cold drink a, "still don't go down? If you don't go any further, I'll treat you as a suspect! "

Ye Feng a listen to this words, this just turned down the building, downstairs onlookers do not reduce but increase, talk one after another, say what have.

After listening for a while, Ye Feng found that they were all gossip, and there was no substantive content. He just got on the bus.

After getting to the car, Ye Feng picked up her mobile phone and had a look. It was only then that she found that Alice had sent a short message to herself with her mobile phone, probably during the time when she was in the old house.

Ye Feng click open text message to see, there are only two simple letters, O and K, this should be Alice finished signal, that he told her things are done.

Ye Feng is hesitating whether to call Alice and ask about the specific situation when he sees long Xinran coming down from the upstairs.

Ye Feng immediately deleted Alice's message and put away her mobile phone. Just as long Xinran got on the bus, he asked, "what's the matter?"

Long Xinran asked Ye Feng, "how do you know the dead?"

Ye Feng frowned and said, "is he really Ma Zhichao?"

Long Xinran said, "the identity is basically determined, that is, the owner Ma Zhichao! You haven't answered my question yet

Ye Feng immediately said, "Oh, I'm not the Minister of the Security Department of noble group. Ma Zhichao is the boss of a chemical plant of noble group. I've seen him in the head office several times. After all, he's all young people. After a few words, I feel that he's still very cool talking. He doesn't have the airs of the boss, but he seems to be on the road!"

Long Xinran asked Ye Feng, "what else?"

Ye Feng can't help frowning, "I just know him, not familiar, what else?"

Long Xinran looked at Ye Feng for a long time. Then he shook his head and said, "but it's impossible. You were with me last night!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, can't help a way, "I go, you really doubt me?"

Long Xinran said, "who told you to care too much?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "I said, I'll send you here. I heard the onlookers downstairs mention Ma Zhichao's name, so I went up to have a look!"

Long Xinran asked Ye Feng, "there are more people called ma Zhichao!"

Ye Feng pointed to the Land Rover road in the front parking space, "but it's impossible for two Ma Zhichao to drive the same car, right? I've seen Ma Zhichao drive that car, so I'm sure it's him! "

Long Xinran looked at Ye Feng and said, "do you know who ma Zhichao has a grudge against?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "I said, I know him, unfamiliar, how can I know these!"

Long Xinran nodded, then opened the door and said, "OK, go back to sleep! I have something else to do

But Ye Feng said, "don't you sleep?"

Long Xinran walked out of the car and said, "when you think everyone is the same as you, you have to sleep so much last night!" Then he went upstairs again.

After taking a look at it, Ye Feng immediately drives around and returns to country garden. Then he stops the car and calls Alice, "where's Ma Zhichao?"

But Alice said with a smile, "what's the answer I want?"

Ye Feng asked Alice, "is it at Monica's? I've come to you! "

Ashley said come on, and hung up.

Ye Feng comes to Monica's house and knocks on the door, but Alice is looking at Ye Feng with a proud face.

Ye Feng knows what Alice is proud of. He hides Ma Zhichao. Only when he gives her the answer she wants, will she tell her where Ma Zhichao is.

After entering the house, Alice seems more enthusiastic than the last few times, and even takes the initiative to ask Ye Feng what to drink.

Ye Feng said that pure water was OK. Alice took out a bottle of pure water from the refrigerator and threw it directly from the refrigerator towards Ye Feng.

Ye Feng catches it, turns it on and takes a drink. Alice walks to Ye Feng and sits down. She shrugs her shoulders and says, "I'm ready. I'm all ears!"

Ye Feng lit a cigarette and looked at Alice in surprise. "What do you want to hear?"

Alice frowned slightly. "You don't want to break the appointment so soon, do you?"

Ye Feng patted his head and said, "I didn't sleep last night. My memory is not very good. Please remind me!"

Alice knows that Ye Feng can't forget what he promised, but she still tells Ye Feng, "you say, I'll help you out. You know, you tell me your true identity!"

On hearing this, Ye Feng immediately patted his head and said, "Oh, yes, yes, yes, you see my memory. If you don't say it, I really forget it!"

Alice sneered at this time, did not expose Ye Feng, and continued, "now that I remember, let's talk about it!"

After taking a puff of his cigarette, Ye Feng said to Alice, "actually, I am..." He said with a deliberate pause.But see Alice attentively looking at Ye Feng, the body is also slightly forward, waiting for Ye Feng to say.

At this time, Ye Feng cleared his throat, then looked around and frowned, "there won't be any eavesdroppers here, will there?"

Alice said immediately, "how could there be a bug here?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "now what era, everything is possible!"

Alice snorted coldly, "say it if you want to, don't say it if you don't want to, don't make excuses!"

Ye Feng said with a smile, "of course, I have to say. How can I break my promise about Alice? But I feel like there's a bug around here! "

Then he leaned forward and whispered, "come here, I'll tell you in a whisper."

Alice can't help frowning at Ye Feng, and then sighs, "OK, I'll see what else you can do!"

Then Alice sat down to Ye Feng's side, with her ears to Ye Feng.

Ye Feng sees this and immediately puts her head close to Alice's ear. The faint fragrance from Alice's body immediately enters Ye Feng's nose.

Ye Feng can't help but take a breath of air, "really fragrant!"

Alice immediately stood up, but without waiting for her to speak, Ye Feng immediately said, "say, say, I'll say it now!"

Alice just sat down again. Ye Feng attached her ear to Alice and said, "actually, I am Ye Feng

With that, Ye Feng sat up straight and continued to smoke.

Alice looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "no more?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "no, I am Ye Feng. My real identity and false identity are Ye Feng. What's wrong with that?"

Alice immediately stood up and glared at Ye Feng angrily, then said with a sneer, "it seems that you don't want Ma Zhichao?"

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