Ye Feng see Alice does not say, know that this may be Alice's own secret, but he doubts whether and Alice's blink also has a certain connection.

But Alice didn't mean to say it, so there's no need for her to continue to ask. Since the other side doesn't say it, just wait for the chance to find out for herself.

And now that he knows where Ma Zhichao is, Ye Feng thinks that going to meet Ma Zhichao now will be more interesting than teasing Alice here.

After all, as long as Alice hasn't left Guyang, she has a chance to tease at any time, but Ma Zhichao's time is running out.

After saying goodbye to Alice, Ye Feng directly goes downstairs and drives to the place where Alice imprisons Ma Zhichao.

On the way, Ye Feng's mobile phone rings. Ye Feng picks up the mobile phone and looks at it. It's Gao Yu.

In fact, you don't have to answer it to know why Gao Yu called. It's estimated that the "news of Ma Zhichao's death" should have come into his ears.

Yefeng still connected the phone, but listen to Gaoyu on the phone slightly excited and excited toward Yefeng way, "see the news?"

Ye Feng let out a sound. He knew that Gao Yu was still trying to restrain his excitement. If he was by his side, he would be able to shout excitedly.

Gao Yu immediately said, "brother, you've done a good job!"

Ye Feng said to Gao Yu, "wait till I go back!" Then he hung up the phone.

Gao Yu listens to the busy tone of "dududu" on the phone, and is stunned. Before, Ye Feng didn't dare to hang up like this.

But then I thought about it. Now is the key time. If you show any tricks, you and he may be doomed. At this time, you'd better be careful.

Ye Feng hung up the phone, but a sneer, in the past also disguised to Gao Yu's obedience and flattery, but from today on, this Gao Yu has completely become his own toy.

Soon came to Alice sent to the address, this is a suburb of an abandoned farm, not to the nearby, smell a strange smell.

After getting off the car, Ye Feng covered his nose and still felt the smell was very strong. Then he lit a cigarette to taste it in his mouth.

In the farm, as Alice said, she found a pigsty. Ye Feng leaned over and looked inside. At the back of the pigsty, a man was lying there, all tied up, his mouth blocked and his eyes covered.

After Ye Feng climbed in, he took the rope trapped in Ma Zhichao with his hand and lifted Ma Zhichao out of thin air. After he got out of the pigsty, he threw it directly to the ground.

Ma Zhichao snorted, then turned over and sobbed in his mouth.

Ye Feng squats down and directly takes off Ma Zhichao's eye mask and cloth strip in his mouth.

As soon as Ma Zhichao saw that it was Ye Feng, he immediately said to Ye Feng, "brother, help me..."

Ye Feng sees Ma Zhichao's appearance, completely did not have before the arrogance, is the same as a dying person.

Ma Zhichao saw that there was no expression on Ye Feng's face, and his heart was filled with awe.

He suddenly found that Ye Feng's eyes were filled with an inhumane smell. He could not help but swallow a mouthful of saliva and said, "brother, the woman who caught me said that Gao Yu asked you to find her to kill me, but you left me alive. I want to thank you!"

Ye Feng smoked a cigarette and said faintly, "thank you. I didn't save you to listen to these!"

Ma Zhichao can't help but frown, and then he says, "I know that just verbal thanks don't have any sincerity. You say how much you want. In a word, as long as you open your mouth, I won't give you a second price!"

Ye Feng shook his head and said, "I don't want money!"

Ma Zhichao was surprised and said, "what do you want?"

Ye Feng took out his mobile phone, opened the recording app, and put it to Ma Zhichao's mouth, "tell me all the bad things of Gao family that you have known for many years here!"

Ma Zhichao looked at Ye Feng in a daze. He didn't understand Ye Feng's meaning. Then his heart moved. He seemed to be aware of something. He said to Ye Feng, "do you want to deal with Gao family?"

Ye Feng said with a smile, "you finally understand?"

Ma Zhichao immediately said, "so, the so-called enmity between Gao Yu and me is what you provoked?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "this can be said or not. There is a contradiction between you and Gao Yu. I just dial the Firestar!"

Ma Zhichao then gritted his teeth and said, "do you want to use me to deal with the Gao family? Don't dream

Ye Feng said to Ma Zhichao, "you may not know what happened to Guyang after you were kidnapped, right?"

Said Ye Feng with a mobile phone to find out the news of Ma Zhichao was killed, put in front of Ma Zhichao, gave him a look.

Ma Zhichao could not help but be stunned and said, "how could this be possible? I was just kidnapped, not killed!"

Ye Feng put away his mobile phone and said to Ma Zhichao, "your identity has been confirmed! You did die of murder

Ma Zhichao said, "how is this possible? I'm still alive! "But Ye Feng said to Ma Zhichao, "do you know what the smell is? You are a dead person who has closed the account in law. That is to say, if you die again now, you don't even have an identity. You can only be a nameless corpse! "

Ma Zhichao looked at Ye Feng and said, "will you kill me?"

Ye Feng shook his head and said, "if you want to kill you, you are not feigning death!"

After pondering for a moment, Ma Zhichao said to Ye Feng, "I will not betray Gao Dong!"

Ye Feng said to Ma Zhichao, "I can't see that you are very loyal to nobility!"

Ma Zhichao said, "Gao Dong has been good to me for so many years, but the most important thing is that if I betray him, my family..."

Ye Feng shook his mobile phone and reminded Ma Zhichao, "you forget that legally, you are already a corpse. How can a corpse betray someone? He won't know you betrayed him! "

After listening to Ye Feng's words, Ma Zhichao couldn't help staring at him for a long time and then said, "what do you want to know about Gao Dong?"

Ye Feng took a cigarette and said, "I just said, I want to know all his bad things!"

Ma Zhichao frowned and said, "I've done too many things for Gao Dong. If I want to think about them one by one, I can't remember them at all!"

Ye Feng said with a smile to Ma Zhichao, "don't worry, we have plenty of time. You can say as much as you want!"

Ma Zhichao looked at Ye Feng and said, "you must have come for one thing. You want me to say so many things. Do you want me to know what you want to ask?"

Ye Feng a smile way, "can't see, super elder brother still has a little brain!" Then he said to Ma Zhichao, "I do it for your own good. If I ask about it directly, it means that you can't live after asking! Do you understand? "

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