Noble does not seem to know Ye Feng, after drinking a mouthful, polite smile toward Ye Feng, immediately turned away.

Ye Feng looks at Gao Shang walking to one side, finds a stool, sits down, lights a cigarette and smokes. There is no one around to talk to him.

At this time, I suddenly heard a burst of intense fast-paced music, and then I saw long zaidian walk to the microphone in the middle of the villa gate.

Dragon in the sky holding a glass, toward the public humanity, "thank you for coming to me and my wife's 30th anniversary of marriage!"

On the other side of the sky, the Dragon came to a woman who looked more than 40 years old, gentle, but somewhat like long Xinran. She also had the ability to nod to the people present.

Ye Feng knows that this evening's dance is the anniversary of long Xinran's parents' wedding. Ye Feng immediately congratulates long zaitan and his wife with everyone.

Listen to long in the sky in the microphone said tonight please big housework must eat and drink good words, the sound of music, long in the sky with Mrs. Long came down, began to dance in the middle of the dance floor.

The guests stood on both sides of the dance floor and watched the dragon and his wife in heaven. After a dance, the Dragon came on stage to thank them again, and everyone began to entertain themselves.

Ye Feng walks around aimlessly with his glass in his hand, listening to someone whispering on the side of the road, "this noble man is really ignorant of current affairs. Long has never invited him, and he has the cheek to come by himself!"

In addition, someone whispered, "you don't know, in fact, Gao Gao and Mr. long have known each other for a long time. He is still high today. I want to thank Mr. long well. Do you think Mr. Long's family will hold the wedding anniversary dance, but can he still not come?"

Just then, they suddenly shut up, but they saw Gao Shang walking towards them with his wine glass. They immediately changed their faces, took their wine glass and touched it with nobility. After a sip, they said polite words until nobility walked away.

At this time, Ye Feng also went over with his glass and took a sip with them. They didn't know Ye Feng. However, thinking of today's occasion, those who could be invited by long zaitin would be rich or expensive, so they all had a drink with Ye Feng.

After drinking, Ye Feng asked in a low voice, "I heard you say that nobility is built by the dragon in the sky?"

One of them immediately said, "don't you know? What was nobility then? It's a security guard of Lantian pharmaceutical. After Lantian pharmaceutical's accident, he doesn't even have a serious job. It's Mr. long... "

Before the man finished, another man secretly pulled his clothes behind his back. The man came back to himself and looked at Ye Feng. Then he said with a smile, "it's all old stories. It's just hearsay!"

Ye Feng also want to ask what, two people excuse walked away, also asked each other in a low voice, "who is this person?"

The other whispered, "don't you dare to talk if you don't know him? You don't know where you came from? "

Ye Feng looks back at the two people, his heart can't help but move, listen to what they say, Gao can still have a few days, long helped a lot in the day.

It's reasonable to say that the relationship between dragon in heaven and nobility should be good. Then why didn't nobility be invited on the important day of the 30th wedding anniversary, so nobility had to come uninvited?

Ye Feng can't help but look at the dragon in the sky who is busy socializing at the door of the villa. He carefully looks at the dragon in the sky.

Long is smiling on Tian's face and holding his wine cup. He describes his behavior as a successful person. He can't see that such a person and Gao still have any intersection in those years.

At this time, Ye Feng noticed that Mrs. Long was knocking on a door in the corridor on the second floor behind the door. Soon, long happily opened the door, still wearing the jeans.

Standing at the door, Mrs. Long seems to say something about long Xinran. Long Xinran turns around and enters the room. Mrs. Long sighs helplessly and follows in.

Ye Feng sees the 30th anniversary of long Zaitian's marriage. Long Xinran still plays a temper. It seems that long Xinran and long Zaitian's father daughter relationship is not very good.

Just thinking about it, someone passed by and touched a glass with Ye Feng. After Ye Feng took a sip of red wine, a glass of wine was empty. Just as a waiter passed by, he put the empty seat on and replaced it with a new one.

At this time, Ye Feng noticed that the waiter was lowering his head, as if avoiding his own eyes, for fear that others would stare at him.

Ye Feng looked carefully, his heart can not help but move, this waiter is not others, it is Ji Qiang.

But Jiqiang didn't recognize Ye Feng. After Ye Feng took the glass, he immediately took the tray and walked away.

Ye Feng immediately follows behind Ji Qiang. The boy has already mixed into the dragon dance. Isn't his goal noble?

If the goal is just noble, they can do it at any time. There's no need to enter the dragon's dance. They can even wait outside the dance and do it after the dance. The chance of exposure is even smaller.

Ye Feng just followed Ji Qiang to walk a few steps, was hit by a woman in evening dress, the red wine in the glass all sprinkled on his suit.

The woman seems to have drunk a little too much. She apologizes to Ye Feng repeatedly. After Ye Feng says it's OK to kill the drunk woman, she looks up again and has lost her trace of Jiqiang.But Ye Feng confirmed that Jiqiang's last position should be to the side door of the villa. He immediately went to the side door.

Just to the side door, see a waiter carrying tray up the corridor, toward the second floor, Ye Feng see immediately followed up.

Soon after the waiter came to the door that long Xinran had just opened, Ye Feng quickly walked over and patted the waiter on the shoulder.

The waiter looked back at Ye Feng in surprise, "Sir, what can I do for you?" Obviously not Jiqiang.

Ye Feng put the empty cup in his hand on the tray, took down another cup, and asked the waiter, "where is the bathroom?"

The waiter said immediately, "it's on the left side of the corridor on the first floor. You can see it when you go down the corridor!"

When Ye Feng nodded his thanks, the door just opened, and Mrs. Long came out. When she got to the door, she called to the room, "I'll give you five minutes!"

Ye Feng takes the opportunity to look inside the room. Long Xinran is sitting at the dressing table. His jeans coat has been taken off. Beside the bed, there is a set of black evening dress and a pair of white high-heeled shoes.

Long Xinran is looking at the door with an unhappy face. Then he comes quickly and closes the door heavily.

Ye Feng is looking at it in a daze, one side of the waiter asked Ye Feng, "sir? Aren't you going to the bathroom? "

Ye Feng just recovered and walked downstairs. Looking back from time to time, the waiter had already passed the door of long Xinran's room.

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