Ye Feng immediately put up a finger way, "I say the last time, Mo Xin's death and I have nothing to do with, don't say is to save me, made the sacrifice!"

Li Xuanyi shrugged his shoulders and said, "whatever you say, I don't think it's necessary for us to argue for a dead man! There are more important things to tell you

Ye Feng looked at Li Xuan and said, "if there's any more nonsense, just say it. Anyway, I've heard a lot of incredible topics today, no more!"

Li Xuan took a look at Ye Feng, and then said, "first talk about the blue sky pharmaceutical will what will be an accident!"

Speaking of this, after Li Xuan flicked his cigarette ash, he continued, "blue sky pharmaceutical has been secretly helping us produce the elixir of immortality!"

Ye Feng sneered, "elixir? Do you want to live forever? Are you crazy

But Li Xuan continued with a serious face, "at the beginning, we got a self righteous prescription formula from the information revealed by the prophet, so we wanted to produce it at the first time. At that time, there were many big pharmaceutical factories, and we didn't contact each other. Instead, we chose a relatively small and remote one, that is, the Guyang blue sky system, as you know Pharmaceutical factory

Speaking of this, Li Xuan took a look at Ye Feng and continued, "it was your parents who were responsible for contacting you, your father ye Tianzheng and mother Li Qianhua!"

Waste wood a listen here, some excited, although nothing said, but Ye Feng can feel waste wood mood fluctuations.

Li Xuan continued to say to Ye Feng, "Ye Tianzheng and Li Qianhua are in charge of contacting Li chengshuang, the person in charge of Lantian pharmaceutical. Of course, we won't say that we want to produce the elixir. We just say that we need a batch of drugs. If we want Lantian pharmaceutical to process them on behalf of us, we will make a lot of profits. Li chengshuang thought about it for a week and finally agreed to open a new one for us A workshop started production. However, during the production process, their technician Zhuo Bufan found that there was a problem with our batch of drugs and responded to Li chengshuang. However, Li chengshuang didn't answer the question. After all, he charged us money, but Li chengshuang contacted your parents and wanted to know what the ingredients were. At that time, we also found that the formula might not be correct It's perfect enough, so the elixir produced may not be effective, so we want to clean it up at the first time. However, at this time, Zhuo Bufan failed Li chengshuang and contacted the people from the food and drug administration directly to go to the factory for inspection! "

Ye Feng then said to Li Xuan, "so you chose to destroy the evidence?"

Li Xuan smoked his cigarette and looked at Ye Feng for a long time. Then he nodded and said, "we can't spread these medicines, so the first thing we should consider is to destroy the evidence. Anyway, they are all waste products, so we don't need to leave anything. So they ordered Ye Zhengtian and Li Qianhua to be responsible for destroying these medicines, but they were just seen by nobility When it arrived, he began to blackmail your parents to get any benefits from it. Under the dispute, the time to destroy the evidence was delayed. When your parents gave noble benefits and settled the matter, there was an accident in the workshop. In the process of production, there was an explosion of a medicine bottle. This explosion had a chain reaction. All the drugs were used It's all blown up... "

Ye Feng frowned and said, "will the medicine bottle explode?"

Li Xuan said to Ye Feng, "the alchemy of Taoism originally produced some flammable and explosive objects and gases such as nitric acid. We found that the content of these harmful things was too large, so we felt there was a problem and asked them to destroy them. But we didn't expect that the accident happened before we had time to destroy them!"

Ye Feng looked at Li Xuan and said, "is that really an accident?"

Li Xuan nodded and said, "it's really an accident!"

Ye Feng looked at Li Xuan and said in a deep voice, "since it's an accident, you should just push the boat along the river and blame the accident. Why kill Zhuo Bufan and my parents?"

Li Xuan shook his head and said, "it has nothing to do with our Panlong club. I saw that there was an accident in the factory, and what was wrong was the workshop your parents wanted to destroy. So he began to blackmail your parents and extort them for more benefits, which happened to be discovered by Zhuo Bufan So nobility decided to kill people... "

Waste wood immediately asked, "my parents have been giving money to noble people? Why do you die? "

Ye Feng smell speech, repeated the words of waste wood again, ask Li Xuan for him.

Li Xuan then said to Ye Feng, "we are not very clear about what happened between your parents and nobility!"? Isn't the prophet omniscient? Don't you know? "

Li Xuan looked at Ye Feng and said, "you have a misunderstanding about the prophet. The prophet will only know the result, not the cause and process!"

Waste wood immediately excited way, "so, you know my parents will die in advance?"

Ye Feng also repeated the problem of waste wood.

Li Xuan looked at Ye Feng thoughtfully for a while and said, "I know what you mean. You want to blame why we didn't stop us, right? I've already explained to you that the result predicted by the prophet can't be changed. We don't have the right!"Ye Feng sneered and said, "when you see your colleagues die, you can't help them. What kind of organization is this

Li Xuan was silent for a while. He didn't speak for a long time. After a long time, he said, "this is really powerless!"

Ye Feng then said to Li Xuan, "what about the dragon in the sky? What's the difference between heaven and nobility? "

Li Xuan shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't know that. It should be their private business!"

Ye Feng sneered and said, "since you don't know, I'll ask the dragon in the sky!"

On hearing this, Li Xuan suddenly changed his face.

Waste firewood was also full of surprise and said, "the dragon is dead in the sky! Did you forget? "

But Ye Feng said to Li Xuan with a smile, "do you think you can force me into submission with this method? Is it a bit too whimsical?"

Li Xuan's face moved and said, "I understand what you're talking about!"

Ye Feng then said to Li Xuan with a smile, "what do I say? You know very well in your heart. The reason why I didn't expose it at that time is that I just want to hear a few more words of truth from you!"

After several changes in Li Xuan's face, Ye Feng said, "since the dragon and I have to die in the sky, and the prophet can't predict the death of Mo Xin, how did Sula know that something would happen there and prepare to meet me in advance? Mr. Li, it's meaningless to play such tricks! "

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