After pondering for a long time, Li Xuan said to Ye Feng, "one thing you need to pay attention to is that not everyone in the instrument room can go in at will. You can go in because you are a special case. In general, let alone you, it's almost impossible for me to get in touch with you. So even if there is such a possibility as you said, if it really exists, it's also for high-level people. As for whether they have it or not I really can't answer you! I'm not lying to you about this. I just tell you what I can say and what I know. As for whether I believe it or not, it's your business. You can judge for yourself. As for what I don't know, I can't talk nonsense. "

Ye Feng listens to Li Xuan and stares at him for a long time. He believes that Li Xuan is not lying this time.

After all, Ye Feng also knows that although Li Xuan may be an official in Panlong club, his power is far less than he imagined.

So Li Xuan said that he didn't know many things at all. Ye Feng was absolutely detailed.

Even Ye Feng suspects that the so-called elixir of immortality is the brainwashing result of the people above the so-called Panlong meeting.

However, if Li Xuan didn't lie, he might not know his age. How did he live to be more than 100 years old? How to explain this?

Seeing that Ye Feng didn't say a word, Li Xuan immediately said to Ye Feng, "Xiao Ye, you have experienced things that ordinary people haven't experienced. We thought it would be very convenient to explain to you, but I didn't think that you would resist immortality! This should be our biggest mistake! "

Ye Feng said to Li Xuan, "do you have a wrong understanding? I really don't believe it from the beginning to the end, but I didn't deny it completely. I just don't make decisions easily about things I don't understand. It's not this matter that you made mistakes or blunders to me, but you should tell me frankly from the beginning, not in accordance with the law Let's lie to me

After taking a deep breath, Li Xuanshen said to Ye Feng, "Xiao Ye, if you think about it carefully, you can't believe it now. Would you believe it if we told you about it directly? I don't think so! This is actually the best solution after our discussion. We will guide you step by step. Even if it is the present result, we have made a prediction. We believe that as long as we confess to you and explain the reason, you will accept it! "

Ye Feng said with a smile, "do you think I'm too trusting, simple minded and well-developed?"

Li Xuan said to Ye Feng, "this is irrelevant. We believe you will accept it, because we know who you were in your previous life. Your previous life is a person who can accept any challenge. Knowing that there is a tiger in the mountain, you will also be inclined to the tiger mountain. So we firmly believe that even if we tell you lies so far, and still don't tell you the truth, you will be happy Those who are interested in this matter, after all, can't change their nature! "

Ye Feng can't help but move when he hears what Li Xuan said. In fact, what Li Xuan said is not wrong. Although he has been resisting Li Xuan's elixir, he is also angry that they haven't told him the truth.

But he is really the kind of person as Li Xuan said. No matter whether it is true or not, he has aroused his interest in it.

Whether it's the true or false elixir of immortality, or the old way in his dream and the prophet of Panlong society, is he alone? If so, why did the prophet enter his dream again and again, and what did he want to tell himself?

These are what Ye Feng urgently wants to know, and the only way to know all this is Li Xuan's saying that he accepts it.

Li Xuan saw that Ye Feng pondered for a long time and did not speak. He continued to say to Ye Feng, "in fact, Xiao Ye, think for yourself. If you join the Panlong club or not, let's not say for a moment. Even if you really refuse to join, I believe there can be a second way of cooperation between us. Just think about it. If all this is true, you are the son of heaven, and you will be the son of heaven Once you find the Wuji Daoben Jing, who will be the first to benefit? Isn't that you? At that time, you can study as long as you want. If you find it, you can't find it. If you stay in private, we don't think we can help you! "

Ye Feng listen to Li Xuan say so, can't help but look at Li Xuan way, "you even think of this?" Then he asked Li Xuan, "since you have thought of this possibility, do you still want me to help you?"

After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, Li Xuan sighed, "Xiao Ye, I have repeatedly stressed that one word is the son of heaven's choice. Since you are the son of heaven's choice, what does it mean? This means that only you can do it, and the success rate is the highest, and this thing only allows success, not failure. So, do you think we don't cooperate with you, and we have other plans? "

After listening to Li Xuan's words, Ye Feng suddenly fell into a deep meditation. In fact, he gradually understood that the people of Panlong society firmly believed that they were the son of heaven's choice. Therefore, only by making their own moves, can Ye Feng be most sure to get the Wuji Daoben Jing.

If you don't do it yourself, no one will get it, but if you do it yourself, the success rate will be very high, and the risk of Panlong club is to bet on whether you will take it out and share it.At present, the bet is half to half, but even so, it's better than no hope at all. Compared with no chance at all, there is at least half chance to get it. Everyone will come to bet.

But Ye Feng is still surprised to see Li Xuan. Li Xuan reveals to himself all the details of Panlong club. It seems that this time he is really digging out his heart and lungs for himself?

Seeing Ye Feng staring at himself, Li Xuan said to Ye Feng, "Xiao Ye, I don't know what's completely good for you. What else do you have to consider?"

Ye Feng then said to Li Xuan, "Mr. Li, are you telling me these words only after the approval of your superior of Panlong society, or your own will?"

Li Xuanwen said to Ye Feng, "the order from the superior for this matter is to act conveniently, so I don't know if I will surpass my authority after I say so, but this time I really stand in your point of view and tell you about it!"

Ye Feng listened to Li Xuan and looked at him sincerely. After taking a deep breath, he said, "OK, I'll cooperate with you for the time being, but don't mention about joining the Panlong club!"

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