Alice looked at Ye Feng and said, "wake up? What awakening? "

Ye Feng looked at Alice and said, "by the way, you've been in the Middle East for so long, can you say a sentence and a half of Middle East words?"

Alice said, "I can speak Arabic. What's the matter?"

Ye Feng immediately let Alice say casually, but after hearing Alice open her mouth, she said to Ye Feng, "have you eaten yet? it's a nice day today! I'm in a bad mood... "

Ye Feng immediately reached out to stop Alice and said, "enough, what language can you speak?"

Alice said, "I can only speak English, Spanish, French and a few Arabic languages!"

When Ye Feng saw that Alice spoke these languages herself, she immediately picked up her mobile phone and opened a video station to search the original sound movies in Thailand.

Just after playing it for a minute, he felt that he could understand it completely. He also found an Indian original sound film and could understand it as well.

Ye Feng searched several unpopular languages again, but none of them was incomprehensible to him. That is to say, Mo Xin's ability also awakened.

Thinking of Ye Feng, she frowns again. One of her awakenings is Alice's blink, and the other is mo Xin's multilingualism. But what about her badge ability?

How did you not feel any change at all? Is your badge unskilled?

After thinking for a long time, I didn't feel the slightest change in myself. Even Ye Feng tried to see if he could fly and be invisible, but he didn't succeed.

In the end, Ye Feng can only give up. It seems that his badge really has no ability. Or is his badge hindered because it integrates the badges of Alice and mohin?

After thinking about it, Ye Feng couldn't figure out why. In the end, he had to give up and not think about it for the time being.

At this time, waste wood said to Ye Feng, "Damn, your badge is a bug. If you collect all the badges, don't you want to become an omnipotent Superman?"

Alice see Ye Feng so, also can't help but wonder at Ye Feng way, "in the end what's going on? Can you explain it? "

Ye Feng just looked at Alice and said, "you try again, can you blink?"

Alice frowned and looked to one side, but her body was still in the same place. At last she sighed, "it's no use. I used to think about where I would go, and I could go right away. Now I can't!"

Ye Feng secretly said, after Alice's ability was inherited by herself, her ability disappeared?

However, before her awakening, Alice seems to have lost the ability of blinking. There is only one possibility, that is, Alice's awakening does not make the badge take up too much blood?

Ye Feng immediately picked up the fruit knife, went to Alice's face, took her hand, cut a knife on her finger, and immediately put the blood on her finger onto her finger badge.

This time, it's still the same as before. The only difference is that when the badge flashes, only one third of the parts flash blue.

Ye Feng immediately said to Alice, "now try blinking again!"

Alice put her injured finger in her mouth. Listening to Ye Feng's words, she immediately looked in another direction.

This time, Alice just took a look, her body immediately disappeared from Ye Feng, and appeared in the direction she had seen before.

Alice looked at Ye Feng with surprise and excitement and said, "I can do it again?"

Ye Feng nodded, then took out his mobile phone and called out a Malaysian TV play to Alice, "can you understand me?"

Alice frowned, shook her head and said, "I can't understand a word!"

Ye Feng this just satisfied ground nodded, he roughly knew how to return a responsibility.

It must be that Alice was shot when she was chased. The blood splashed on the badge unintentionally, but there was too little blood, so Alice didn't complete the awakening ceremony.

And I collected the badges of Alice and mohin. When I woke up again, I inherited the abilities of Alice and mohin.

But because Alice's badge didn't complete her awakening before, or maybe only half of it, she lost her ability after she lost her badge.

When Alice's blood comes into contact with the badge again, the badge completes the awakening ceremony by itself, so Eisley's blinking ability comes back.

At this time, Ye Feng was thinking, if you let Alice drop blood again at this time, would you also inherit Mo Xin's language ability as well as yourself?

Ye Feng thinks so, but he doesn't operate like this. No matter whether it's possible or not, Ye Feng doesn't want to test it. If Alice finds something, isn't there another person who wants to fight for the badge?

Thinking of this, ye Fengchang sighed, looked at the badge on his finger, and said happily, "it turns out that this thing has so many advantages?"The waste wood then says toward Ye Feng, "this is your plug-in completely! But What about your own badge ability? "

Ye Feng at this time can't help sighing, in the heart secretly way, is, own badge ability? Think of here, he can't help but secretly scold a, toward waste wood say, "your parents leave you probably is a false badge?"

As soon as he heard this, he said, "how can it be? If it's fake, why does Alice and mohin's blend with yours?"

Ye Feng a think is also, but if it is true, why their own but no special ability?

Thinking of Ye Feng sighing, waste wood said to Ye Feng, "maybe you haven't fully awakened, maybe you need time to awaken, or you have awakened, but you don't know what ability it is!"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said to Fei Chai in his heart, "no matter what, with the ability of Alice and Mo Xin, he already feels very rebellious. If his badge is not in a hurry, it will appear naturally, and there is no way to do it!"

Alice was on one side, and after testing the body method of blinking several times, she excitedly said to Ye Feng, "it seems that she can control more freely now than before!"

Ye Feng said to Alice, "now that your ability is back, do you want a badge?"

Alice smell speech immediately toward Ye Feng way, "of course, you as soon as possible to find a way back to me!"

Ye Feng touched the badge, but he was thinking, I don't know what Hades and other people know.

If Hades also knows that if he uses the lives of Monica and Yu wanqiu as a threat to force himself to hand over his badge, will he also inherit these abilities if he wakes up again?

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