Hades stared at Ye Feng for a long time, then said with a smile, "it seems that you are very nervous about your two beautiful friends? Since you know me so well, you should know that the more anxious you are, the more impossible it is for me to let them go easily! "

Then, without waiting for Ye Feng to speak, he immediately touched his chin and said, "I have to think about it carefully. Since you are so nervous about them, what kind of benefits do I have to get from you so that I can get them in vain!"

Ye Feng directly showed the badge on his finger and said to Hades directly, "you're here for this, don't talk nonsense!"

Hades stares at Ye Feng's fingers, frowns slightly, smokes cigarettes for a long time, and then says to Ye Feng, "I'm here for it, but now I have hostages in my hands. Do you think I just want a badge? Isn't that too cheap for you? "

Ye Feng holding a cigarette, looking at Hades said, "it's not cheap. I'm here now. If you don't make an appointment, you'll make an appointment with me. Let's talk about the terms tonight!"

But Hades shook his head and said with a smile, "the more anxious you are, the more I really don't want to open a condition. Seeing you in such a hurry, I'm very excited. Otherwise, I'll stop here tonight. When I go back and think about it, let's get in touch!"

Hades immediately walked toward the car, Ye Feng staring at Hades, Alice can't help anxiously looking at Ye Feng.

After watching Hades open the door, Alice immediately blinks, passes behind Hades, strangles Hades's neck, and hums coldly, "people are coming, so fast to go?"

Hades immediately threw away his cigarette, but there was no panic on his face. He just said with a smile, "beauty, are you so reluctant to leave me? Tell me earlier, and I'll stay and talk with you again! "

Alice directly took out the pistol and stood against Hades's skull and said, "don't talk nonsense with me. I'm not Ye Feng. I don't have the energy to chat with you here. Let Monica go now!"

Hades still said with a smile, "beauty, I think you are more impatient than Ye Feng. Now your friend is not in the car, and I can't change. What do you say?"

Alice said, "drive us now!"

Hades shrugged his shoulders and said, "yes, I'm glad to help you." Then he reached out to pull the door, "so get on?"

Alice's eyes just looked at the door, but hadith suddenly pulled the door down and threw it back at Alice.

Alice obviously didn't expect that hadith's strength was so strong that she could pull the car door off the car. She was surprised to see that hadith's car door had hit her body.

Ye Feng is also surprised to stand on one side. After all, he knows Hades. Hades has a lot of strength, but he really doesn't know Hades has the ability to pull the door off the car.

It's late, it's fast, Alice flash between, immediately a blink of an eye, to avoid Hades's blow.

When Alice appeared beside Ye Feng, Hades directly held the door in front of him and said with a smile, "your ability is to move instantly. It looks good!"

Then Hades looked at Alice and muttered, "that's to say, when I get your badge, I can blink?"

Ye Feng is still standing in the same place, listening to Hades, his heart moves, Hades said, that is to say, Hades knows the badge awakening.

And Ye Feng also realized that hadith's sudden strength is so great, maybe it is related to the badge, and his strength may be the ability given to him by the badge.

Alice took a look at Ye Feng and said, "is that what you're looking at?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "since he is not in a hurry, what are you in such a hurry to do?"

Alice can't help but give Ye Feng a white look, and immediately another blink disappears from Ye Feng's side. In an instant, she comes to Hades' back, and immediately shoots her pistol at Hades' back.

At the same time, Hades waved the door in his hand, a bullet hit the door directly, and Hades pulled the back door of the car with his other hand, and pulled the door down instantly.

Ye Feng noticed at this time that hardis's strength is more than strength. If it is pure strength, he can lift the car directly and throw it at Alice.

He unloaded the car door directly, and the car body did not move, which showed that Hades used a kind of dexterity, that is to say, his strength could do whatever he wanted.

At this time, Hades held the two doors in his hands, blocked in front of him, and said with a smile, "it's very fast, but if it goes on like this, I'll see through your flaws!"

Alice immediately moved to different directions of Hades and shot at Hades

while Hades just stood still and waved the door in her hand. The door kept rotating around Hades. Visually, it had formed a wall.Whether Alice shot from any angle, he blocked her with the door.

Alice a shuttle bullet hit, people also immediately flash to Ye Feng's side, looking at the intact Hades, can't help but frown, it seems that his blink for his iron bucket general defense, really have no way.

Hades then put the two doors in front of him and said, "beauty, do you still have strength? Keep playing? "

Alice takes a look at Ye Feng and questions why Ye Feng doesn't do it. If Ye Feng and herself both use the blink method, Hades can't take care of it.

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said to Hades, "you can go, but come again next time. If you don't bring Shangyu wanqiu and Monica, there's no need to meet!"

Hades looked at Ye Feng and asked, "what's your special ability?"

Ye Feng said with a smile to Hades, "you'll know next time you come!"

After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, Hades went to the car and threw the two doors to the ground. After sitting in the car, he immediately started the car and left the scene after a bend.

After Hades' car left, Alice asked Ye Feng, "what did you mean just now? Why let him go? We can take him down with our body methods! "

Ye Feng said to Alice, "first of all, Monica and Yu wanqiu are not here. Even if we take him, he may not say where they are. Secondly, I also want to see what special abilities Hades has! And I don't want to expose my ability yet

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