Ye Feng can't help but look at Alice and say, "it's a girl. How? Jealous? "

Alice smell speech can't help but white one eye, Ye Feng way, "I just curious, you this time, still these trivial things constantly, and the heart and girl play love?"

Ye Feng couldn't help looking at Alice in surprise and said, "can you understand Chinese?"

Alice shook her head and said, "I didn't understand a word!"

Ye Feng can't help but more surprised, "you didn't understand, how do you know I'm in love?"

Alice said to Ye Feng, "I see your low voice and flattery, I know it!"

Ye Feng can't help but be stunned when he hears the words, and then he says with a smile, "can you still see these by observing the words and colors? It's not easy! "

Then, without waiting for Alice to speak, she immediately added, "although women are more careful than men, you are too careful. You can only observe these details by paying too much attention to a man. You really seem interesting to me!"

Alice can't help sighing when she hears the words. She thinks that she can take whatever she says to Ye Feng. It's better to talk less with this guy in the future.

Ye Feng saw that Alice didn't speak, then shrugged her shoulders and said, "I have an appointment at noon!"

Alice took a look at Ye Feng and then said, "if you have an appointment with a beautiful woman, can I move freely today?"

Ye Feng can't help asking Alice, "free activity? Where do you want to go? "

Alice said, "you're out on a date. I can't stay in the hotel all day, can I? Besides, I said free activities, which means that there is no destination, I just want to go out for a walk, do not want to be trapped in the hotel! That's all

Ye Feng smell speech to nod a head way, "Gracious allow!"

Alice can't help but look at Ye Feng and murmur, "I don't understand why Diago has to ask me to help such a guy. I wonder if he means he's pinched by this guy!"

Ye Feng looked at the time. It was less than ten o'clock, and it was two hours before noon. He took out the navigation and looked at the location of the new century restaurant. It was estimated that it would be about half an hour by car.

At this time, Ye Feng's mobile phone suddenly rings again, but Qi Weijun's number is displayed on the screen.

Ye Feng can't help but feel that Qi Weijun is also a person around her. Is there something wrong with Qi Weijun?

Thinking that Ye Feng immediately connected the phone, as soon as the phone was connected, Qi Weijun said, "by the way, I haven't seen you at work for several days. What are you busy with recently?"

Hearing Qi Weijun's own voice, Ye Feng immediately breathes a sigh of relief and says to Qi Weijun, "Oh, recently I have some private affairs to deal with, so I didn't go to the company. What's the matter? What can I do for you

Qi Weijun immediately said, "nothing. I haven't seen you for several days, so I'll call you to ask if you are free at noon. I'll treat you to dinner!"

After hearing this, Ye Feng's heart moved. He had just made an appointment with Sun Li, so he had to say sorry to Qi Weijun, "sorry, I can't do it at noon today. If I can do it in the evening, I'll invite you to dinner, but I've had a lot of things recently. I don't know if I have time in the evening yet!"

Qi Weijun said, "it's OK. I'll wait for you to call. If you have time, just call me!"

After Ye Feng said yes, he hung up the phone and said to waste wood in his heart, "Qi Weijun, you can think about it!"

Waste wood then toward leaf Feng say, "your first give me a body just go, otherwise how do I consider?"? Do you date her with a badge? "

Ye Feng a think is also, with heart to waste wood guarantee, "don't worry, as long as I have a way, I will help you to be a new man!"

Alice looked at Ye Feng and said, "is it a woman on the phone just now?"

Ye Feng is toward Alice a smile way, "how? There are so many women in contact with me, do you want to ask each of them? "

Alice smell speech can't help but look at Ye Feng a few eyes, this boy can't say handsome, don't know why so many women are fascinated by him, she knows Yu wanqiu and Monica.

At this time, she couldn't help but secretly say, is there any attraction that she can't see in this boy?

Just thinking about it, Ye Feng stood up and said to Alice, "I'm out. You can move freely."

Alice didn't say a word. After watching Ye Feng walk out of the room, she stood up and walked out of the door.

Ye Feng just went out to see Alice follow out, can't help but stop and wait for Alice way, "you won't so-called free activity, is to follow me?"

Alice couldn't help but look at Ye Feng and said, "I don't have so much leisure..." Just then, I saw the elevator open. Two people came out of the elevator. They were the beards and bald heads I saw in the restaurant in the morning.

As they walked out of the elevator, they seemed to be saying something. Seeing Ye Feng and Alice staring at them, they could not help but stop and look at Ye Feng and Alice.Ye Feng immediately went up to embrace Alice's shoulder, "what do you want to eat at noon?"

Alice didn't resist this time, but said with Ye Feng, "whatever, as long as you don't have to be the same as in the morning!"

While they were talking, they passed by the bearded and bald people. The bearded and bald people didn't walk away until Ye Feng and Alice walked past. The bald people looked back and said to the bearded people, "these two people look familiar!"

Beard said, "of course, I'm familiar with you. Isn't that the man and woman who were kissing in the restaurant this morning? Let's go. After a while, the video phone can't be answered. I'm going to be angry again! "

After hearing this, I remember that it was really in the restaurant when a couple of wonderful men and women were kissing in public, which is very rare in conservative China.

At this time, Ye Feng and Alice have entered the elevator, Ye Feng is still holding Alice's shoulder.

Alice wants to break free, Ye Feng whispers, "wait a minute!"

Just then, he saw the bald head outside the elevator and looked back.

Alice immediately pretended to be close to Ye Feng and said with a smile, "just go to that western restaurant. His steak is good..." The elevator has been closed.

At this time, the bald man stopped his beard, who was walking towards the side of the corridor, and said, "do you think these two people are too deliberate?"

Beard turned his head and looked at his bald head impatiently, "what do you mean? Are not men and women in love like this

But the bald head shook his head and said, "I always think these two people show us this on purpose!"

Beard smell speech can't help but have no voice good spirit way, "people don't have to deliberately show love to you as what?"? Do you think too much? "

After staring at the elevator for a long time, he shrugged and said, "I hope I think too much!"

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