Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and extended his handcuffed hands towards Loong Xinran, indicating her to help him undo it.

Although Loong Xinran was angry, she could do nothing about it. She took out the key to help Ye Feng unlock the handcuffs, and just as she was about to unlock the cuffs, Ye Feng stretched his wrist out, and thanked him.

She then turned to Ye Feng and said, "Ye Feng, don't be too complacent, let me formally tell you, from now on, I will be staring at you, don't let me catch you using my braids!"

Ye Feng laughed when he heard it, "That's great then. In other words, from now on, I have a free, beautiful bodyguard.

After saying that, Ye Feng even took the initiative to hold Loong Xinran's hand, and shook it hard: "Then I'll be troubling Officer Loong, I'll leave my life in your hands!"

Loong Xinran immediately flung Ye Feng's hands off in disgust, and snorted coldly. Just as she was about to say something, she saw Ye Feng waving his hands at him, "Officer Loong, I'm looking forward to your arrival!"

After Ye Feng finished speaking, he quickly walked towards the door of the interrogation room, opened the door and walked out.

Loong Xinran clenched her fists tightly and slammed the desk, "This guy …"

After Ye Feng came out, there were immediately some policemen who brought them to do the bail work, but the one who came was not Monica, but a young lady in her early twenties.

The woman had short hair and wore a pair of black framed glasses. She was wearing a woman's OL suit. She wasn't very tall, only 1.6 meters. However, her figure was not bad, with a protruding front and back.

The whole thing looked especially quiet, but it also had the charm of a mature woman who shouldn't have belonged to her age. Ye Feng couldn't help but size her up a little more when he saw her.

The lady saw that Ye Feng had arrived, and immediately took the initiative to shake his hand: "Mr. Ye Feng? I am's lawyer, Lu Siru. I have come to bail you out! "

Ye Feng had seen Gao Yu before so he didn't believe that Gao Yu would pay attention to him. He shook Lu Siru's hand and said, "Lawyer Lu, your surname is not bad.

Lu Siru smiled lightly at Ye Feng, then said a few words to the police, "We have already reached a secret agreement on how to compensate the owner of the car, this is his exemption agreement …" He then went to bail with the police.

After Ye Feng followed Lu Siru out of the police station, Ye Feng said to Lu Siru, "Thank you, Lawyer Lu!"

Lu Siru smiled politely at Ye Feng, "It's nothing, I was asked by others to do so. If you want to thank me, go and thank Mr. Gao Yu!"

Ye Feng then asked Lu Siru, "The one who bailed me out was not this Mr. Gao Yu, right? I don't know him at all! "

However, Lu Si Ru shrugged and said, "I am not sure, but the person entrusted to me is indeed Mr. Gao Yu. As for whether or not he was also entrusted by someone, I do not know!"

After she said that, she took out her car keys and pressed it lightly. An Audi TT car immediately sounded, and immediately after, she told Ye Feng, "If there is nothing else, I will be leaving first."

As she said that, Lu Siru waved towards Ye Feng, and immediately walked towards the Audi TT, but just as she sat in the driver's seat, she saw that the door to the front passenger seat was already opened, allowing Ye Feng to sit in.

She could not help but look at Ye Feng in surprise, "Mr. Ye, is there anything else?"

Ye Feng smiled at Lu Siru, "Lawyer Lu shouldn't be busy, right? I'll have to trouble you to send me to the city hospital, a classmate of mine is still in the hospital, I want to take a look at the situation! "

Lu Siru originally wanted to say that he was still busy doing things and it wasn't on the way, but before he could say anything, Ye Feng had already fastened his seat belt and even politely smiled at her, "Thank you, Lawyer Lu. You really are a good person!"

Seeing Ye Feng like that, Lu Si Ru could not help but sigh. She then said that she was fine, started the car, and drove away from the police station.

On the way, Ye Feng looked at Lu Siru, "Lawyer Lu, how much can you earn per month in Gaoshang Group? I see that you're young, this Audi Tank would definitely cost a few hundred thousand!"

However, Lu Si Ru's brows furrowed slightly. He pushed the black-rimmed glasses on his nose and glanced at Ye Feng, not saying a word.

After all, he wasn't familiar with Ye Feng, so there was no need to be so clear about his personal matters with Ye Feng.

Seeing that Lu Siru did not say anything, Ye Feng did not say anything further. When they arrived at the entrance of the hospital, Lu Siru immediately heard them drive away.

Unexpectedly, Ye Feng turned to Lu Siru and said, "I'll have to trouble Lawyer Lu to drive the car to the emergency room!"

Hearing that, Lu Si Ru could not help but look at Ye Feng in astonishment. She had seen people who were familiar with each other, but she had never seen Ye Feng not treating her as an outsider.

However, Lu Si Ru still drove the car into the hospital. Since they were already here, they didn't need to take these few steps.

When the car stopped in front of the emergency room door, Ye Feng immediately said to Lu Siru, "Thank you, Lawyer Lu, Lawyer Lu is really a good person!"

After Ye Feng got off the car, he immediately started the car and drove away from the hospital.

Ye Feng still stood where he was and waved towards Lu Siru's Audi TT. He muttered to himself, "It's indeed not bad, at least it's cuter than Loong Xinran!"

Then, Ye Feng entered the emergency room, but there were no longer many people there, let alone Monica and the others.

Ye Feng found the doctor in the emergency room and asked around, only then did he find out that Yu Waanqiu had been transferred to the Inpatient Department, and he immediately rushed to the Inpatient Department.

When he arrived downstairs at the Inpatient Department, when he just walked to the elevator, he saw Monica coming out from the elevator, and coincidentally saw Ye Feng as well.

Monica then walked towards Ye Feng and asked, "Is the matter of the car theft resolved?"

Ye Feng asked Monica, "Teacher, thank you!"

Monica said, "The one who bailed you out was Gao Yu, why are you thanking me?"

Ye Feng retorted, "How did you know that Gao Yu bailed me out?"

Monica did not say anything else, and started scrutinizing Ye Feng again, "Who exactly are you?"

Ye Feng immediately made an expression as if he was here again, and said helplessly to Monica: "Teacher, I am just an ordinary university student!"

Monica immediately said, "Stop lying to me, you tricked a three year old child!"

Ye Feng shrugged, "If you don't believe me, I can't do anything!"

Monica stared at Ye Feng for a long time, but in the end, he did not ask anything.

Ye Feng then asked Monica, "How is Yu Waanqiu?"

Monica said that Yu Waanqiu was alright for the time being, but that she would need to be hospitalized and observed for a period of time.

Ye Feng nodded and immediately headed towards the elevator.

However, Monica stopped Ye Feng, "You don't need to go over, you won't be able to see her even if you go over. There are already at least five bodyguards outside her ward, so no one can get close to her!"

Ye Feng heard and stopped in his tracks. He turned around and glanced at Monica, "Where exactly did Yu Waanqiu come from? Who wants to kidnap her?"

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