Hearing this, Ye Feng can't help looking at Alice in surprise and said, "how many times does the umbrella have? Why didn't you say that? "

Alice said to Ye Feng, "because I just heard that when you went to sakichiro's room, I called Diago and asked him to help me thoroughly investigate the information of the umbrella and see what other powerful people were in the umbrella besides anubis and Rizhao!"

At this point, Alice went on to say, "after Diago's investigation, he told me that the umbrella is training new people since the disappearance of iyenami. A man named Zouzi has just started to rise this year, and I heard that this guy's ability is no less than that of Anubis!"

Ye Feng can't help feeling her chin when she hears what Alice said. She takes out a cigarette and lights it. Then she says, "it's a new rising man!"

Alice reminds Ye Feng, "don't look down upon him. Although he has just risen for a year, he has already enjoyed a high reputation in the industry. It is said that he is still expected to enter the top 10. After all, Satan on top 010 is dead, Yixie nameI is missing, the instructor is retired, Caesar..."

At this point, Alice took a look at Ye Feng and continued, "there are no more than ten so-called top 10, so in recent years, many people want to reshuffle their cards."

Ye Feng said to Alice, "the so-called top 10 is just the boring ranking of some good people! It's not authoritative certification. What's the point of contention! "

But Alice said to Ye Feng, "don't you know that? Although this ranking is not certified by any authoritative organization, it is the most popular in the industry. I don't know about other organizations. At least in our cross guard team, many people worship the top 10 as idols. How many people regard the characters on the top 10 as their goals? Although it is not an official ranking and there is no authoritative certification, this is all the secret agents and servants It's the ultimate ranking list in the hearts of soldiers! "

Ye Feng heard what Alice said, but she also felt that there was some truth in what she said. Although the ranking didn't know when it began to spread, and no one would dispute or care about it, it has virtually become recognized by all people in the industry.

Alice then said to Ye Feng, "it's said that the reason why sakichiro is famous is that his ability is second. The most important thing is that this guy often goes to extremes!"

Ye Feng can't help frowning, "extreme? How extreme? "

Alice said, "our cross guards and umbrellas can be the most protective organizations in the four organizations. I'm already a special case in our cross guards, and this Ichiro Sasaki is a special case in the umbrellas. He never takes the task of protection, only the task of assassination! At least it depends on the situation! "

Ye Feng frowned and said, "can Rizhao tolerate such a person who completely changes the nature of the organization?"

Alice shrugged her shoulders and said, "who says no, but Rizhao seems not to blame him, but also to promote him as the main force. In less than a year or ten years, she has raised him to a position that can almost compete with anubis!"

Ye Feng pondered and said, "maybe Rizhao is not satisfied with the umbrella and only takes the protection task!"

Alice and Ye Feng said, "like Diago, he thinks so. After all, the nature of our cross guards and umbrellas determines that we are not as strong as the summit League, so there has been a voice of reform in our internal. It's just that Diago didn't make up his mind, but Rizhao didn't make up his mind! ”

speaking of this, Alice immediately looked at Ye Feng and said, "after all, the recent TSL civil strife and Hades defected, which is a rare opportunity to catch up with or even surpass TSL. Maybe Rizhao doesn't want to miss it?"

Ye Feng stares at Alice and says, "sunshine may not be missed, but what about Diego?"

Alice shrugged her shoulders and said, "Diego is more calm..."

Ye Feng sneered, "what is calmness? Does he have anything to do with calmness? Not enterprising is not enterprising, no fighting spirit is not fighting spirit, calm what? When the cross guard was in the hands of the instructor, it was not as good as the peak League, but at least it was the organization next to the peak League. But after the instructor retired and handed the cross guard over to him, it is estimated that the umbrella is not as good as it is now? "

After listening to Ye Feng's words, Alice sighed, "so I often go out and don't want to stay in Spain, because I also feel this. If the organization doesn't want to change, it will be eliminated sooner or later!"

Ye Feng couldn't help but look at Alice and said, "it's a pity that you are not the direct family of the instructor. Otherwise, I'll give you the cross guard. I'm afraid it's a situation now, isn't it?"

Alice shook her head and said, "no, I'm not bound, and I don't like to restrict others. I'm not born to be a leader. Even though Diego is not, at least one thing is good. After all, he's a disciple of the instructor, and his cohesion in the organization is still very strong, otherwise the reformers would have driven him out of office long ago!"

Ye Feng sighed, "it seems that Diago's life is not easy!"Alice said to Ye Feng, "instead of worrying about him, you should worry about yourself."

Ye Feng sneered, "what do I have to worry about? You don't think that Shoichiro can really take me to Japan, do you? "

Alice then said to Ye Feng in a deep voice, "I'll tell you one more thing. Sakichiro is also the owner of the badge!"

Ye Feng can't help but move when he hears this. He understands Alice's suggestion and tells himself that sakichiro's badge is second.

What Alice really wants to say is that since sakichiro has a badge on his body, he may have awakened his ability on the badge.

But Ye Feng just had contact with sasakiro and didn't find anything special about him. Maybe he didn't show any trace.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng nodded to Alice. Fortunately, Alice reminded herself.

After all, the ability of awakening on the badge is not the same. Without psychological preparation, if you find out that he still has special ability after fighting with Ichiro Sasaki, you may suffer a loss.

Although I don't know what ability he has now, at least I will be on guard against him. It's better than knowing nothing.

Thinking of Ye Feng nodding to Alice, "no wonder it's so arrogant and fearless. It must take me back to Japan. It's not easy!"

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