At this time, Ye Feng's mind still had the picture when he just saw the skylark's body. Listening to the skylark's question, he immediately took a puff of smoke, cleared his throat and said, "now you can hand over your badge!"

Skylark smell speech staring at Ye Feng to see a moment later, this just took out a ring like object from the finger, she just took down, see the badge in hand immediately flew toward Ye Feng direction, that feeling like found the original owner.

However, when the skylark looked up at Ye Feng, she saw that Ye Feng was also holding a badge. The material was almost the same as her own one, but it was much bigger than her one, and it was still emitting light blue light.

At this time, the badge in the skylark's hand had already flew to the side of Ye Feng's badge. After a circle around Ye Feng's badge, it immediately attached to Ye Feng's badge with a whoosh, and soon merged into one.

At this time, Ye Feng had already grasped the badge, and then he bit his finger and immediately dropped blood on the badge. The badge immediately seemed to respond, and the blue light became more and more prosperous until the whole room was shining blue, which was dazzling.

However, the blue light disappeared at the peak, and the badge was calm again, until Ye Feng held the badge tightly in his hand.

Skylark then looked at Ye Feng and said, "brother, can I go now?"

Ye Feng but looked at a skylark, suddenly the whole body disappeared out of thin air, see the skylark heart suddenly a Lin.

At this time, the lark saw the whole room again, as if some blue dust was falling from the roof.

When the blue dust gradually gathered in front of the skylark, the skylark seemed to realize something.

But without waiting for the skylark to react, the blue immediately went into the skylark's body.

The skylark immediately got up from the bed and said in a loud voice, "brother, what are you going to do?"

Ye Feng's voice at this time is from the skylark's body, "what do you do? Let you experience the feeling of being possessed

The skylark's face changed. Suddenly, he found that his body was not in charge at all. He reached out to lift the quilt.

The skylark, which had been wrapped tightly, was completely exposed. The most important thing was that it was different from her attachment to Yu wanqiu.

If the skylark is attached to Yu wanqiu, it is equivalent to completely controlling Yu wanqiu. Even if he does something with Yu wanqiu's body, Yu wanqiu doesn't know.

The problem is here now. Although Ye Feng controls his body, he doesn't control his consciousness.

In other words, Ye Feng now uses the skylark body to do every movement, the skylark itself is clear.

Ye Feng actually took off his clothes by taking advantage of this point. The skylark knew that Ye Feng's behavior was before taking revenge on himself, but this means of revenge really made the skylark feel very ashamed.

But if it's just like this, the skylark's hand is on her chest. The action below makes the skylark have an impulse to die. Her hand is caressing her chest.

Skylark at once toward leaf maple loud voice way, "you kill me......"

Ye Feng just stopped all his movements. In a moment, he saw a faint blue mist in the pores of the skylark's skin. After a while, the mist formed a misty human shape. In a moment, the blue mist dispersed, and Ye Feng appeared in front of the skylark.

Skylark immediately grabbed the quilt on the ground, wrapped the body tightly and looked at Ye Feng angrily.

Ye Feng shrugged at the skylark and said, "I'm just trying to control you to what extent!"

At this time, the skylark was too ashamed to say anything. Originally, it wanted to seize Ye Feng's body, but now it's good. Stealing chicken can't eat rice. It not only handed over its badge, but also let Ye Feng take advantage of it.

Ye Feng then lit a cigarette again, sat down and said to the skylark, "does your promise still count?"

Skylark then looked at Ye Feng, angry face is still, silent to look at him.

Ye Feng said to the skylark, "don't look at me with this kind of expression. When you enter my body, don't you know all about my body? It's called reciprocity, don't you think? "

The skylark hummed coldly, but still didn't speak. Ye Feng noticed that the skylark's lips seemed to tremble. Obviously, his anger hasn't disappeared.

Ye Feng took a puff of his cigarette and said, "well, since you think I just went too far, I apologize to you!"

Skylark listen to Ye Feng say so, this just cold hum a way, "I promise you will do, how?"? May I go now? "

Ye Feng nodded, continued to smoke cigarettes, "foot long in your body, no one tied you, you can go at any time!"

As soon as the skylark heard this, he immediately went to the door, but Ye Feng called again, "wait a minute!"

The skylark stopped and looked back at Ye Feng? Want to go back? "But Ye Feng got up, went to the wardrobe, took out a set of his own clothes, threw to the skylark way, "you're not going to go out wrapped in a quilt?"

The skylark reached for the clothes Ye Feng threw, but found that after instinctively reaching out, her bedding immediately fell to the ground. Her face immediately changed, and then she quickly ran into the bathroom with the clothes Ye Feng threw to block her body.

Ye Feng can't help shaking his head. It's undeniable that the skylark is also a rare Southeast Asian beauty, but this time he really didn't mean it.

When the skylark comes out of the bathroom with his clothes on, Ye Feng looks up. Unexpectedly, after the skylark is dressed in men's clothes, it has another unspeakable flavor.

Skylark see Ye Feng staring at himself up and down, there is always a feeling in his heart that he is still nothing to wear, then instinctive side body to, toward Ye Feng way, "now you can go?"

Ye Feng nodded, did not wait for the skylark to go, immediately said, "you have to remember that the farther away you are from me, the lower your ability, and after your ability becomes lower, Hades will have doubts!"

The skylark immediately said to Ye Feng, "don't worry, I will come back to you before I feel my ability is reduced! Never let Hades find out

Ye Feng is so confident that he can't help frowning at her. He always feels that the skylark has something to hide from himself, but he can't see anything for a moment.

Finally, Ye Feng said nothing more, but nodded to the skylark and said, "good luck to you!"

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