Ye Feng a listen to this, can't help but ask windbreaker humanity, "since they think I'm not strong enough, not suitable to do carrier, why do you want to do it now?"? In your eyes, am I strong enough? "

The windbreaker said with a smile, "it's not that you are strong enough, but that we have the ability to make you strong enough to be a carrier!"

Ye Feng smell speech can't help but look at the two cables tied to his arm, toward the windbreaker humanity, "rely on this thing?"

The windbreaker shook his head and said, "it's just a common tool that can make you strong. You need to be strong not by it, but by this..."

Just then, the windbreaker took out a thing from his pocket and lit it up in front of Ye Feng.

Ye Feng stares at the things in the hand of the windbreaker, and his brow can't help wrinkling. Isn't that the badge? It's just that the badge in the hand of the windbreaker seems to be bigger than his own, and at least several times bigger.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng immediately thought of his badge, was it also taken by the windbreaker?

At this time, the windbreaker went to the back of the monitor and put the badge in a glass container. Then he went back to the monitor and looked at Ye Feng solemnly. "Aren't you afraid?"

Ye Feng looked at the windbreaker and said, "are you afraid? Why be afraid? You're going to make me stronger and become an omniscient prophet. What can I be afraid of? "

After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, the windbreaker said, "I'm not afraid! So are you ready? "

But Ye Feng shrugged, "it seems that I don't need to prepare anything, does it? I'm just curious. What do you want the prophet to do? "

After hearing the words, the windbreaker said to Ye Feng, "I shouldn't have told you, but I think it's OK to tell you for the sake of your cooperation."

Ye Feng stares at the windbreaker, but says nothing.

But the windbreaker continued, "besides knowing everything, the prophet can also change time and space!"

Ye Feng smell speech eyebrow can't help but a wrinkly way, "twist time and space?"

The windbreaker sighed to Ye Feng, "you know enough. Now we're going to start! Ye Feng can't help asking, "if you can't make it through?"

Windbreaker light smile, did not answer Ye Feng's question, then turned around on the button and began to operate.

Ye Feng's eyes were staring at the two cables on his arm at this time. In fact, he was so calm on the surface. In fact, he was already very anxious in his heart.

He could see that they were experimenting with themselves, trying to turn themselves into so-called prophets and help them change time and space.

But now I have no strength because of what the windbreaker said. It's impossible to escape.

Just thinking about it, I felt two heat streams coming from the cable, directly from my arm to Ye Feng's whole body.

At the beginning, Ye Feng was still a little nervous. He didn't know what the two cables would bring to his body. At this time, he felt that the two heat currents not only didn't feel the slightest pain, but also some very comfortable.

, but the comfort is only temporary. Soon, there is a paralyzed sensation on the arm, which is struck by electric current. Paralysis is short and soon becomes Kwai.

The heat makes Ye Feng start to sweat. He feels that he has never sweated so much in his life. He seems to be drenched in the rain and soaked through.

At this time, he saw the windbreaker turn around and look to his side. He also said to Ye Feng, "be ready. A moment will be the critical moment..."

Ye Feng noticed that a hand of the windbreaker was on a control rod, but saw her pull hard at this time.

At this time, Ye Feng can see that there are two currents at the far end of the two cables, which are speeding towards him. In the process, he also makes a Zizi current sound.

The blue current quickly reached Ye Feng's arms, and Ye Feng immediately felt that his two arms seemed to have disappeared out of thin air.

Without waiting for Ye Feng to react, his whole body seems to have disappeared. Ye Feng even feels that his head is covered, but he can't see or hear anything in front of his eyes.

At this time, Ye Feng had a kind of floating feeling, which was completely like the feeling of weightlessness in the air. Everything around him was nothingness, no color, no sound, nothing.

At this time, the windbreaker was standing in front of the monitor, looking at Ye Feng who was completely surrounded by electric current. The electric current on him also burst out several electric lights from time to time, making a few crackling sounds.

After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, the windbreaker pulled on one of the control levers, and immediately a dark blue light on the two cables went towards Ye Feng's body.

At this time, Ye Feng is completely surrounded by electric current, and he can't even see his body. It's just that the shape of Ye Feng's body can be discerned from the shape of electric current.

After two dark blue lights came to Ye Feng's body quickly, there was a loud bang. The two cables connected to Ye Feng's body instantly turned into ashes, and the display in front of him exploded.The light bulbs in the whole workshop were blown to pieces, and the windbreaker stood still until all the movement calmed down. Then she subconsciously stepped forward.

But saw originally leaf maple place already empty nobody, only on the ground several sparks are still burning.

Seeing this, the windbreaker's face moved slightly. She immediately took out her mobile phone and wanted to make a phone call. However, she found that her mobile phone had burned out, and the screen was half burnt.

At this time, another windbreaker came over and asked, "did you succeed?"

The windbreaker looked at everything in front of her. She didn't know it. She just looked at it.

Standing in the same place, I don't know how long later, the windbreaker stepped forward again and went to the position where Ye Feng was sitting just now. Let alone Ye Feng, there was no iron chair under Ye Feng's butt.

After the windbreaker sighed, he murmured, "it seems that we are in a hurry. We should gather all the badges and then do the experiment!"

The other windbreaker said, "we've got more than 50 percent of the badge's energy. It's feasible in theory, and there's no problem in data calculation!"

The windbreaker said faintly, "but there is something wrong with the result! That's enough to say! "

The other windbreaker said, "fortunately, we have copied the energy of the badge. We can make another one!"

But the windbreaker said coldly, "the badge can be rebuilt, but Ye Feng is the only one. Where can I find such a good carrier?"

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