Ye Feng is in the Liuhe Tianlei formation at this time. He has found the secret from it, and even understood that when he and Monica crossed several times before, he had already understood the principle of the light they set.

This also thanks to Monica has been persistent again and again to continue to complete the experiment, let Ye Feng in the process of passing through to find the mystery of light.

In fact, Ye Feng just remembered that he had some consciousness in the process of crossing.

In other words, crossing is not from one time point to another immediately, which is the same as his instant step.

In fact, in the process of crossing, there is a process. He needs to go through this process. Although this process is very fast, there is a process after all.

And Ye Feng just remembered this process. In this process, Ye Feng found that there was a wonderful light beam everywhere, and this kind of light beam was the light Yu wanqiu used to deal with himself.

He still doesn't understand how Yu wanqiu found out the mystery of Zhiguang from time and space, but Ye Feng found out the mystery of Zhiguang at this moment.

This glow is actually a kind of beam that can differentiate any tissue, but it is also a kind of beam that can strengthen any tissue. Generally, it should only exist in the black hole of space-time.

After so many times of crossing, Ye Feng understood a truth. The so-called crossing is to divide the crossing object into tissue, and then strengthen and reorganize the tissue at another time point.

Ye Feng is in the repeated process of differentiation and reinforcement. In fact, there is already burning light in his body, and the word appears from time to time in his consciousness to remind Ye Feng of this.

And Ye Feng also just found a trick in Wuji Daoben Jing that can instantly force the energy in the body out of the eyes. So just now, he immediately used his eyes to shoot out the burning light to help the blue photoelectric in the body seize the space.

In today's Liuhe sky thunder array, it's obvious that Ye Feng's blue photoelectric has taken the upper hand, and most of the electric white in the space has been destroyed by the blue electric light.

Rather than annihilating, it is more accurate to say that it is merging. In fact, the white light has not disappeared. Instead, it has been absorbed by the blue light and become a part of the blue light.

Although Ye Feng knew this in his mind, he didn't understand the principle. He only hoped to get out of danger this time. Later, he must find a time to study the Wuji Daoben Jing. He would never allow this kind of situation to happen next time.

And at this time, Ye Feng found that the lightning white of Liuhe Tianlei array seemed to be strengthening, as if he wanted to make a final counterattack.

At this time, however, the blue light from Ye Feng's body seemed irresistible. Even though Dianbai was struggling with the last Jedi and barely occupied some space, he was immediately absorbed by the blue light around him.

Just in an instant, the whole space on the second floor of Hongguang teahouse is full of blue electric light, and the sound of electric current is bigger than before.

Seeing this, Li Xuan's face changed greatly. He knew that his Liuhe Tianlei formation had not captured Ye Feng. At this time, he immediately turned around and wanted to run.

However, the blue light began to expand in an instant. In an instant, it passed Li Xuan. Li Xuan only felt a wave of electricity coming from behind him. In an instant, he was knocked down by the current and fainted.

But this blue electric light did not stop the meaning, but broke through the red light teahouse, directly toward the outside space to continue to spread.

However, the more the blue electric light diffuses, the weaker its power will be and the lighter its color will be. However, the impact is not small. The nearby red light community is instantly affected by the current, and many people's electrical appliances are burned and the lights burst.

Yu wanqiu is standing outside her parents' house, looking at the window of little Zhuoyue. Her mother is teaching Zhuoyue to do her homework.

At this time, there was a bang, and the light bulb of the desk lamp burst. Mrs. Zhuo and Zhuoyue were shocked.

Yu wanqiu suddenly remembered that one night before his parents' accident, his light bulb did explode, and the whole community seemed to have a power failure.

But at this time, the blue light is completely out of sight here. I just feel that there is an air wave rushing past, and it is quickly taken back, and the street lights in the community are on again.

At this time, Yu wanqiu hears Zhuoyue's cry in the house and Mrs. Zhuo's voice of coaxing Zhuoyue. Yu wanqiu looks over there and instinctively steps forward. At this time, she sees Mrs. Zhuo holding Bondi helping Zhuoyue to wrap the back of her hand.

Yu late autumn heart next move, at this time looked at the back of his hand, there is a not very obvious scar.

She couldn't help but move. The scar had been in her mind for a long time, but she always had the illusion that she hadn't noticed it before.

It can't help but be that Zhuoyue's hand was cut by the exploding light bulb. It was Yu wanqiu who remembered it after seeing it. He didn't seem to have any impression before.

Yu wanqiu couldn't tell exactly what had happened before. He just couldn't remember.

It's because it hasn't happened before. It's because her arrival has changed something, which causes the damage to Zhuoyue. Zhuoyue's new memory also affects her present self, and her new wound also affects her present self.Yu wanqiu stares at Zhuoyue in the window. She is lying on Mrs. Zhuo's shoulder for comfort.

Yu wanqiu sighs at this time, and suddenly remembers what Ye Feng said. Ye Feng said that if they come here to change history, it is likely to produce disastrous results that they can't control.

At this time, Yu wanqiu looks back at the Hongguang teahouse opposite the community, only to find that there is a flash of blue light. His heart can't help but move. When he leaves, Ye Feng is still in the teahouse.

Thinking of Yu wanqiu, he immediately went to Hongguang teahouse. He was still thinking about what happened to him? Is the sudden power failure and bulb explosion in the community related to the blue light just now.

At this time, in the red light teahouse, the blue light instantly recovered to Ye Feng from the outside. Ye Feng directly fell on the spot, and the blue current on his body was still wrapped in his whole body, but he didn't occupy the whole second floor as he did just now.

Ye Feng looked at his hands and feet. At this time, he took another look around him. The six people lying upside down were no longer six young people, but six old people. He couldn't help but move.

At this time, he immediately went to the corridor, but saw that Li Xuan was falling to the ground. When he reached out his hand, a blue current immediately flew to Li Xuan, twining him and pulling him to Ye Feng.

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