As soon as Ye Feng heard what Li Xuan said, his heart was filled with awe. He secretly said that Li Xuan was as careful as dust. He was able to analyze that he was from the future through his own language loopholes.

To tell the truth, Ye Feng knows that people who can hear the loopholes in their own words will not think that they are from the future. After all, this statement is very unreliable in real life, and few people believe it.

But Li Xuan could not only think of it, but also seemed to believe that he really came from the future. There was no doubt in his eyes.

However, Ye Feng is wrong about this. Li Xuan quickly denies his claim and looks at Ye Feng and says, "since you can crack my Liuhe Tianlei array, it means that your ability is almost divine! Time may have no concept for you at all! "

Ye Feng doesn't answer Li Xuan's words. He just stares at Li Xuan. Although Li Xuan says so, Ye Feng feels that Li Xuan is a bit insincere when he says it, as if he deliberately said it to distract his attention.

He didn't understand what it meant when Li xuanming affirmed his statement a moment ago, but denied it at this moment. Suddenly, his faith moved. Was it

Thinking of Ye Feng looking at Li xuandao, "time really has no concept for me. If you have any questions in your heart, just ask, I can answer them!"

Li Xuan shook his head, but he didn't mean to ask Ye Feng a question. He just stood up after looking at Ye Feng for a long time and said, "since you don't have any intention, then there won't be any hatred between us. If there is no problem, I will go now!"

With that, Li Xuan immediately walked towards the corridor, while Ye Feng sneered, "you think of the prophet, why don't you say it directly? Yes? Do you still want to go back and find some way to deal with me? "

When Li Xuan heard this, his face suddenly moved. He looked back at Ye Feng in surprise, "you Do you know the prophet? "

Ye Feng sneered and said, "I really know a lot about your Panlong meeting, but I don't know much about it!"

Speaking of this, Ye Feng lit a cigarette, then sneered at Li Xuan and said, "you doubt that I have the ability to be a prophet, right?"

Li Xuan's heart suddenly moved again. He looked at Ye Feng and said, "since you know everything, what else can you say?"

Ye Feng then said to Li Xuan, "look at the way you use your brain. It shows that the prophet's predictive ability at this time is not very accurate. Do you want to go back and find a way to catch me and replace the prophet?"

As soon as Li Xuan heard this, his face moved again. Ye Feng seemed to know what he was thinking. In Li Xuan's opinion, Ye Feng had the ability to be a prophet!

But Ye Feng said to Li Xuan with a smile, "even your Liuhe Tianlei array is broken. Even if you go back, what can you do to deal with me?"

Li Xuan also thought that the ancestors of Panlong society grasped the prophet by the Liuhe Tianlei array. This boy could break the Liuhe Tianlei array. What else could he do to catch him?

What's more, the six hundred year old boys of Liuhe Tianlei array are no longer available. From now on, there should be no Liuhe Tianlei array in the world.

But then Li Xuanyi thought that it was not right. His Liuhe Tianlei array was only made by himself according to the records in ancient books and his own research.

In other words, Ye Feng is able to break his own Liuhe Tianlei array, probably because his Liuhe Tianlei array is only a mountain stronghold. If someone can really practice Liuhe Tianlei array by physical body, maybe Ye Feng can catch it by hand.

But it's easy to say. It's recorded in ancient books that six people used their bodies to meet the thunder ninety-nine and eighty-one times to make their bodies electrify and thunder. But how can there be such a person in the world today.

But Li Xuan thought about it. Before, he thought that there would be no such person in the world, but now he thought it was not absolute.

After all, the ancestors of Panlong society, together with Ye Feng in front of them, and the prophets of Panlong society are not all such people, which shows that there are people who break through the limits of human beings in the world.

But if there are such people, just like Ye Feng, how can they be used by themselves?

Ye Feng saw Li Xuan staring at himself, eyes turned around, it was obvious that he was thinking about something. At this time, he vomited a mouthful of smoke toward Li Xuan and said, "what do you think?"

At this time, Li Xuan immediately returned to the opposite of Ye Feng and sat down.

Ye Feng can't help but frown, "don't go again?"

Li Xuan shook his head and said, "don't go!"

Ye Feng can't help but wonder, "aren't you afraid that I'll change my mind and kill you?"

Li Xuan then said to Ye Feng, "with your ability, don't say to kill me. Even if you frustrate me ten times, it's more than enough. Since you didn't do it in the beginning, you won't do it in the future!"

Ye Feng cold hum a way, "say of seem to know me very much, I tell you, I this person is very changeable, before don't want to kill you, don't mean don't want to kill you now, don't want to kill you now, also don't mean won't kill you in the future!"Li Xuan said to Ye Feng, "you will never kill me. I already know the purpose of your trip!"

Ye Feng can't help frowning. To tell the truth, since he didn't want to change history, he couldn't figure out what the meaning of his stay was. Li Xuan actually said that he knew the purpose of his trip?

Seeing that Ye Feng didn't speak, Li Xuan immediately said to Ye Feng, "since you know the prophet, don't you want to see the prophet?"

Ye Feng frowned and said, "I haven't seen it before. Why should I see it?"

On hearing this, Li Xuan's face suddenly moved and said, "have you ever seen a prophet?"

You should know that the prophet was captured by the ancestors of Panlong society thousands of years ago and trapped in the headquarters of Panlong society. Ye Feng said that he had seen the prophet, there were only two possibilities.

First, Ye Feng met the prophet before he was caught by the ancestors of Panlong society.

Another possibility is that Ye Feng met the prophet at the headquarters of Panlong society.

However, it is almost impossible to see the prophet in the headquarters of Panlong society. I have held an important position in Panlong society, and I have only seen the prophet three times in the past few years.

The prophet is an absolute secret in Panlong society. Many people don't even know the existence of the prophet. Moreover, the importance of the prophet to Panlong society is self-evident. It's almost impossible for people inside Panlong society to see him, let alone Ye Feng, an outsider.

Thinking of this, Li Xuanli immediately thought that when he first met Ye Feng, Ye Feng took out the elixir of immortality which they made in Lantian pharmaceutical factory. He couldn't help but look at Ye Feng. Did he really meet the prophet thousands of years ago?

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