Before going to sleep at night, Ye Feng learned the old way to enter the state of selflessness. He wants to learn now, no matter what the situation, he can enter the state of selflessness at any time.

Otherwise, in the same situation as today, Ye Feng would not be able to get into the state, and almost put his precious life on the hook. In a word, Ye Feng has decided not only to study the Wuji Dao Sutra every day, but also to insist on entering the Sutra every day.

Soon Ye Feng was in the state of selflessness without distractions. At the same time, in the state of selflessness, Ye Feng opened the Wuji Daoben Jing again and began to look for an article to study.

Ye Feng's mind is thinking, if he can subconsciously find the coping strategies or methods in the Wuji Daoben Jing at any time of crisis, how good it would be.

Just thinking this, Ye Feng's consciousness immediately appeared the first chapter of the Inner Canon of Wuji Daoben Jing. After studying it, Ye Feng found that the opening chapter was the same as what he thought.

The main point of this internal classic is that as long as Ye Feng keeps practicing every day, and after the Internal Classic is unobstructed, he can go back to study other strategies, it will be unfavourable.

Ye Feng was overjoyed. After studying this internal classic, he didn't know how long it took before he felt a little bit of a beginner.

After all, these ancient books are all written in classical Chinese. Ye Feng can barely understand many profound words. It is not so easy for him to understand the whole text.

Ye Feng also knows that it seems that he still has to insist on becoming a monk every day. After all, it's not for no reason that Lao Dao taught himself the way to become a monk in his dream.

When Ye Feng opens his eyes again, he finds that it's already bright outside. Ye Feng looks at the time, but it's already past noon. He immediately gets up and leaves the hotel.

Ye Feng went straight to the scene of today's car accident and sat in a tea restaurant across the road. The waiter came to ask Ye Feng what to eat.

Ye Feng didn't feel very hungry. He just ordered a drink and sat down. After sitting for nearly an hour, he suddenly saw a garbage truck coming on the road and parking in the gap on one side of the road.

Ye Feng's heart moved. From the angle of his position, he could see the cab of the muck truck. However, at the normal distance, he could not see the faces of the people sitting in the cab. Besides, the glass of the muck truck looked very dirty.

But this time, Ye Feng could clearly see that Zhao Wu was sitting in the muck truck. Zhao Wu was smoking a cigarette and looked at his watch from time to time. He was very anxious and nervous.

Ye Feng is looking at it, at this time he sat down opposite a person, Ye Feng can't help but look, eyebrow move way, "you also come so early?"

Sitting opposite Ye Feng is no one else. It's Yu wanqiu. Yu wanqiu doesn't seem to be in a good mood. I don't know if it's because he didn't sleep last night.

Ye Feng doesn't even know why Yu wanqiu knows he's sitting here. He looks at Yu wanqiu at this time. Yu wanqiu yawns and calls the waiter to order something to eat.

Ye Feng looks at Yu wanqiu and doesn't seem to notice the muck truck on the opposite road. At this time, he says to Yu wanqiu, "did you live near here last night?"

Yu wanqiu shrugged and said, "are you allowed to stay in the hotel here?"

Ye Feng suddenly realized that Yu wanqiu and himself were living in the same hotel, but it was too late last night when he went there. What he was thinking about was the way of heaven and humanity in Wuji Daoben Jing, and he didn't pay attention to these.

Waiting for the waiter to take Shangyu wanqiu's order, Yu wanqiu immediately picked up his chopsticks and began to eat. While eating, he looked at Ye Feng and said, "don't you say you don't care about it? Why are you here? "

Ye Feng said to Yu wanqiu, "because I know you will come here today, so I'm waiting for you here!"

Yu wanqiu is eating rice, looking at Ye Feng and surprised, "what do you want me to do? Are you still going to stop me? "

But Ye Feng shook his head and said, "no, I don't care what you do. After all, I brought you. When it's over, I have to take you back!"

Yu late autumn listen to Ye Feng say so, can't help but look at Ye Feng, also didn't say much, continue to eat.

At this time, Ye Feng takes advantage of Yu wanqiu's head down to eat. He glances at the muck truck on the opposite side and sees Zhao Wu holding his mobile phone as if he is talking about something.

And Ye Feng looks at Zhao Wu's emotion as if he is a little excited. It's not so much talking as quarreling with the people on the other end of the phone.

Just looking at it, opposite Yu wanqiu finished eating, pushed away the dishes and chopsticks, and wiped his mouth with tissue paper.

Ye Feng just moved his eyes to Yu wanqiu, and then asked, "you didn't go directly to other people, but came to the scene of the crime. It seems that you are going to stop the traffic accident?"

Yu wanqiu hums coldly to Ye Feng, "you think I didn't do anything else. I told you that I came to see me yesterday Mom... "

Ye Feng a listen to this words, the facial expression can't help looking at Yu wanqiu movingly, "have you ever looked for Mrs. Zhuo?"

Yu wanqiu nodded and said, "that's right. I told me that you don't need to take me to the playground tomorrow. The best thing is to stay at home and not go anywhere."Ye Feng frowns at Yu wanqiu. He doesn't expect that Yu wanqiu will use the simplest and direct way to solve this problem.

But Ye Feng hasn't spoken yet, but Yu wanqiu sighs, "but she can't listen to me at all, and even thinks I have something wrong!"

Ye Feng looked at Yu wanqiu and said, "tell your mother that you are Zhuoyue?"

Yu wanqiu nodded and said, "yes, in order to make her believe me, of course I have to say so!"

Ye Feng can't help but smile, "if it's me, I will think you are insane!"

Yu late autumn smell speech white leaf maple one eye, but immediately is a tiny sigh way, "I also went to three head bridge to look for Zhao Wu!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, the facial expression immediately a ground looks at Yu late autumn.

Yu wanqiu said, "it's a pity that he and his wife are not at home! I stayed in a hotel until four or five o'clock in the morning

When Ye Feng hears the speech, she can't help thinking, is it because Yu wanqiu can't change anything no matter what she does? That's why she comes back in vain?

In other words, the past is history. Even if people want to change it, they can't succeed?

Just thinking about it, Yu wanqiu looks at Ye Feng and says, "no matter what, I must stop the accident today. If I can't stop it..."

Speaking of this, I can't help pausing, but I didn't go on.

But Ye Feng looked at Yu wanqiu and asked, "if you can't stop it, what will you do?"

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