However, when the officer came to the stone and put his hand on the top of the stone, he actually sent out a faint blue glow, and the blue became more and more prosperous.

Finally, after the blue light no longer changed, a capital "Lu" appeared on the plane where the stone faced the students.

Jikun immediately sighed, "this officer's Lingwu value is more than 60 points! It's quite amazing

After hearing this, Ye Feng realized that the stone was used to test a person's Lingwu value. Six represents more than 60 points. It is estimated that other values will be different according to personal experimental results.

The officer then turned to the student in front of him and said, "are there any students who would like to have a try?"

The roommate in the same room immediately raised his hand and cried out, "I'm going to go home!"

The officer looked at his roommate and nodded, "come on, try it!"

Roommate walked to the officer in the strange eyes of his classmates. The officer told him not to be nervous, just put his hand on the top of the stone.

The roommate nodded and took a deep breath. Then he put his hand on the top of the stone. It was almost the same as when the officer was testing. The stone gradually showed a blue glow.

However, the blue halo of the roommate didn't seem as bright as that of the officer. Finally, the capital "three" appeared on the stone.

The students can't help laughing. Three represents 30 points. This guy is still a long way from passing.

Roommates also feel embarrassed and embarrassed.

But the officer nodded with satisfaction and said, "yes, I've passed!"

The roommate couldn't believe his ears. He looked at the officer in surprise and said, "passed? I'm only over 30! "

The officer explained, "our test stone is different from that of your school. The result on our test stone, multiplied by 20, is the result of your school's test! So you've passed! "

The roommate looked at the officer excitedly and said, "officer, do you mean I can be recruited?"

The officer nodded, "if you will, of course!"

Roommate immediately a burst of cheers, excited can't, don't live place head way, "of course, I certainly would like to!"

The officer nodded, motioned for a soldier behind him to come and help his roommate go through the recruitment procedures, and then called out to the students, "who else wants to try?"

Then he immediately added, "it doesn't matter. Anyone who wants to join the army or not can try. This recruitment is voluntary, not compulsory!"

On hearing this, many students immediately raised their hands. The officer asked people to line up to test.

After a few tests, all of them were two or three up and down, and then there were four, but they were not willing to serve in the army. They just had a test, and the officers were very sorry.

After Ye Feng understood these, he was not interested in reading any more. As soon as he turned around to go, Ji Kun took Ye Feng and said, "Ye Feng, didn't you have a test in your last PE class? Just take this opportunity to test it as well! "

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "forget it, it's meaningless!"

Ji Kun takes a look at Ye Feng and thinks that he was beaten by Zhang Meng just two days ago. It's estimated that the test is self humiliating, so he won't be called. He goes to the queue to test.

However, as soon as Ye Feng turned around, he saw Zhao Yufeng, Qin Heng and Yin Yi standing behind him, just blocking his way.

Zhao Yufeng immediately sneered and said, "other officers have said free tests, and they are not forced to join the army. What are you afraid of?"

Qin Heng immediately echoed, "yes, it must be a war five slag, so I'm sorry to test, I'm afraid of shame!"

Zhao Yufeng laughed scornfully, and then said to Yin Yi, "Yizi, go and test it!"

Yin Yi immediately went to line up, but Ye Feng didn't leave immediately. In the normal world, Yin Yi's force value should not be low. I don't know if it's the same here. He's more or less interested.

Ye Feng turns to look at Yin Yi. Zhao Yufeng and Qin Heng just stand on both sides of Ye Feng and push him forward, as if they were afraid that Ye Feng might run away.

Soon it was Ji Kun's turn. When he put his hand on it, the direct blue light didn't appear. His embarrassed face turned red and he said, "is the spirit stone broken?"

But the officer shook his head and said, "no, it's impossible. Your Lingwu value is just 0!"

Jikun was even more embarrassed when he heard the speech. The students immediately burst into laughter. So far, even if there are about two or three dishes, I didn't expect that Jikun was zero.

Seeing this, the officer patted Ji Kun on the shoulder and said, "don't be discouraged. This stone is just a test of Lingwu value. You can't do this, it doesn't mean you can't do anything else!"

Jikun had to nod, but still embarrassed to go down. Seeing Ye Feng, he sighed, "it seems that I'm not born to fight!"

Zhao Yufeng said with a smile, "don't look for your face, waste is waste!"

Qin Heng also said, "yes, the instructor just gave you steps. You're so nice!"Ji Kun's face was even more red, but when he saw that it was Zhao Yufeng and Qin Heng, he didn't dare to refute, so he turned and left.

Zhao Yufeng is too lazy to deal with Jikun. At this time, he sees that Yin Yi has already gone.

Ye Feng saw Yin Yi go to the stone, he can't help but step forward, want to see clearly.

After taking a deep breath, Yin Yi put his hand on the spirit testing stone, and a blue halo came out in an instant, and the blue brilliance was no less than that of an officer.

Seeing this, the officer's face also moved. He took a surprised look at Yin Yi. Finally, he saw a number on the spirit testing stone - "seven".

The next student was boiling, Zhao Yufeng could not help laughing, "I wipe, this boy, even higher than the officer?"

Qin Heng immediately said with a smile, "this boy is born to practice martial arts!"

The Officer immediately said to Yin Yi, "this classmate, I didn't expect that your Lingwu value is so high. I don't know if you are interested in joining us?"

After pondering for a moment, Yin Yi said, "I really want to, but I want to go back and discuss with my parents!"

The officer nodded and said, "it's right, but I really hope you join us! We are waiting for your news

Yin Yi nodded and then returned to Zhao Yufeng and Qin Heng.

Qin Heng went up and patted Yin Yi on the shoulder. "You're good, you're better than an officer?"

Yin Yi just giggles. Ye Feng says in his heart that Yin Yi's martial arts potential has not changed because of the change of the world.

Thinking that Ye Feng turned around and left, the officer behind asked at this time, "is there anyone else to test?"

Zhao Yufeng immediately grabbed Ye Feng's arm, "you..."

Qin Heng also quickly help and Zhao Yufeng together with Ye Feng toward the instructor.

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