Ye Feng this dynasty dragon happily says, "since people don't want to say, also don't demand!"

Long Xinran stares at Ye Feng. His eyes seem to say that you are a good talker, but he doesn't ask Qi Weijun any more.

After looking at Ye Feng, Qi Weijun said, "if there's nothing wrong, I'll go first!"

Ye Feng nods to Qi Weijun and waves to her after saying thank you.

However, after Qi Weijun recites a few incantations, the air around her gradually begins to change, and a whirlwind blows out of thin air.

Soon the whirlwind went towards Qi Weijun and quickly wrapped her in it. After she couldn't see her clearly, the white air rose up in the air and flew to the sky in a moment, heading for the distance.

Ye Feng and long Xinran stand in the same place. After watching Qi Weijun fly away, long Xinran says to Ye Feng, "look, that girl is not so simple. Why didn't you let me ask her more just now?"

Ye Feng sighed to the dragon, "you are a policeman, but you can't interrogate everyone as a criminal. Besides, don't forget that they just saved our lives!"

Long Xinran snorted coldly, then glanced at Ye Feng and said, "don't forget, I just saved you! Is that your attitude towards the Savior? "

Ye Feng was shocked when he heard the speech. Long Xinran really saved himself, but at last he pulled himself to jump the skyscraper tower. I don't know if he saved himself after careful calculation.

But Ye Feng didn't say much, and listen to long Xinran continue to say, "can't you see that this girl has a lot of problems!"

Ye Feng can't help frowning, "what's the problem?"

Long Xinran said to Ye Feng, "can't you really see it, or can't you pretend to see it?"

But after that, without waiting for Ye Feng to reply, he immediately said, "although a student of Guyang college is already a university, the skill of spiritual cultivation should be far less than this level!"

Then she continued, "and the skyscraper tower has existed for more than ten years. Who will always stare at the skyscraper tower with binoculars? She must have something to do with the skyscraper tower!"

Hearing the speech, Ye Feng could not help saying, "the school does not teach, does not mean that the students themselves can not understand it? Besides, there should be a few talents among the students, right

Long Xinran said to Ye Feng, "you're right. It's true that there are these special talents with spiritual value. However, Yufeng can't help but not taught in the school. Even if you enter the society and don't have formal authorization, there won't be any spiritual practitioners who will teach people casually. This is taboo!"

Ye Feng can't help frowning, "since the demons are in charge, isn't it better to teach more capable people? Why should I teach my skills? "

Long Xinran shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't know. This is Panlong's suggestion to the country. All practitioners should go to skyscrapers for further study. In their words, only by professional training can they learn these more advanced skills. Other private giving and receiving are illegal. They mean that too many skills possessed by ordinary people will only harm the society Can cause unpredictable harm

When Ye Feng heard this, he could not help pondering, "that is to say, Panlong would like to recruit all the capable practitioners!"

Long Xinran immediately nodded and said, "it's no secret, so there are many underground illegal organizations resisting the incorporation of Panlong society."

Ye Feng frowned and said, "do you mean that Qi Weijun is probably an underground organization?"

But long Xinran stressed, "it's an underground illegal organization!"

Ye Feng frowned more closely at long Xinran and said, "I see your appearance. It seems that I don't buy the account of Panlong club. How can I feel that you have some inconsistencies? Do we have to add the word illegal to these underground organizations? "

Long Xinran said to Ye Feng, "I don't hide from the Panlong society, or even hate it, but it doesn't mean that I think it's legal to rebel against his underground organization!"

Ye Feng looked at long Xinran puzzled, but listened to long Xinran explain, "undeniably, some of the terms of the Panlong association are indeed overbearing, but there is nothing wrong with the nature of these private organizations!"

Ye Feng smell speech still don't understand ground to look at long Xinran way, "is all by Pan Long will incorporate, not illegal?"

Long Xinran asked Ye Feng, "do you know why the police station should be divided into ordinary police and guards?"

Before Ye Feng spoke, long Xinran immediately explained, "because of the leakage of aura, many ordinary people are no longer ordinary, but people who have not received special training do not pose a great threat. We have special weapons to deal with!"

Ye Feng immediately nodded, "you mean the burning weapon?"

Long Xinran could not help nodding and said, "the fire weapons of the police station are not the same as those of the skyscraper tower! But you're right

After a pause, he continued, "originally, the emergence of burning weapons has curbed a lot of super power crimes, but it is precisely because these illegal underground organizations illegally teach some special skills that the crime rate is rising every year. The ratio of the guards and the police has changed from 1:3 to 3:1, and there is often a shortage of manpower, which leads to many problems Ordinary police have to be equipped with some burning weapons in case of emergency. Isn't that enough to explain the problem? "Hearing this, Ye Feng can't help but have a new understanding of the world.

However, he said happily to Chaolong, "since there is a problem with the monopolistic incorporation of Panlong society, the formation of underground organizations is inevitable, and we can't beat everyone in one stroke. There may be such lawless elements as you said, but surely there should also be better organizations!"

Long Xinran sneered and said, "of course I know what you said, but what is the division of these? How to judge? "

Ye Feng asked long Xinran, "isn't there any regulation in the government?"

Long Xinran shrugged his shoulders and said, "of course, the government has written regulations, which are in collusion with Panlong society. What's the use of these regulations?"

Ye Feng sighed, "no wonder that there are problems in the world order itself."

Long Xinran snorted coldly, "I don't care about the government. I'm only in charge of myself now!" Then he took out his mobile phone, checked it a little, and said to Ye Feng, "Congratulations, you're wanted now!"

Ye Feng is stunned when he hears the speech. Long Xinran gives Ye Feng a look with his mobile phone. Ye Feng sees that he has indeed issued a notice on the official website to arrest him, but at the same time, there is also long Xinran.

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