They didn't talk afterwards. After all, they had to go to the northern border. Even if they took the high-speed railway, it would take a while. They first closed their eyes and then entered the dream.

As soon as Ye Feng entered his dream, he seemed to be back to the past. He felt that everything around him was like a fairyland. It was sunny and beautiful. There were flowers and trees everywhere, but he didn't have the old way before.

He sat on the ground, thinking about the way he had taught himself to meditate before he disappeared. He began to meditate with luck and adjust the breath in the Dantian, just like his dream when he was infected.

At that time, Ye Feng felt that there was a little mouse in his Dantian, scurrying up and down, itching, but very comfortable, which made Ye Feng feel more comfortable than ever.

And this kind of meditation seems to be addictive. The longer Ye Feng meditates, the more reluctant he is to wake up. He feels that his strength is in the elixir field. This is also the reason why Ye Feng has been OK for a long time, but he has not waken up.

Ye Feng is still meditating and meditating. He is still thinking about the contents of Wuji Daoben Jing. Although he still doesn't know much about it, the more he passes in his mind, the clearer he feels that his mind is. Many profound words he didn't know before seem to be understood at this moment.

When Ye Feng opens his eyes again, he finds that they are already on another military jeep. Seeing Ye Feng open his eyes, long Xinran can't help but wonder, "what's the matter with you? In the end there is no good, scared to death! All of a sudden, I can't wake up. I have to ask company commander Chen and them to work together to get you off the high-speed railway! "

Ye Feng this just embarrassed smile, presumably is oneself too forget oneself in the dream, so forget to wake up, overslept.

At this time, he said it was ok, but Chen Jianfeng reminded Ye Feng, "when you get to the army, I'll find you a top-level elixir to show you. You're not the way. After all, you've been infected by monsters, and you're wandering on the line of life and death to recover your life!"

Ye Feng did not refuse, just said a thank you, old Hu zechao Ye Feng said, "you this situation, I really encounter for the first time, just blame my poor learning skills, can't help you, but you can rest assured, our army has the best elixir in the country, he will be able to look after you!"

Ye Feng said thank you to Lao Hu again. Then he stretched out and looked out of the window. At this time, he saw the boundless grassland and blue sky.

There's a little bit of it in the dangerous area. Although it's not as good as my dream, it looks like a paradise in the world, just a little bit less vitality.

In this endless grassland, in addition to turf, there is not even an animal, even a bird in the blue sky.

Soon, a magnificent building appeared on the horizon that Ye Feng had never seen before. In Ye Feng's field of vision, as long as you can see, there are walls everywhere. It seems that from east to west, it is completely connected. It seems that it is more spectacular and magnificent than the Great Wall before.

Under that fence, there are rows of neat buildings. The buildings are not too high, but it seems that the emergence of films is still a bit shocking.

And in those buildings, Ye Feng can see some military facilities, and even missiles there.

Chen Jianfeng then said to Ye Feng and long Xinran, "it's coming soon!"

Ye Feng and long Xinran nodded and watched the jeep galloping on the grassland. Soon the fence like building in front of them was getting closer and closer.

When approaching the wall, Ye Feng felt even more shocked. The wall must be at least thirty or fifty meters high, and it looked very balanced. There seemed to be other buildings and soldiers on the top.

Soon the car drove into the barracks and stopped next to a two-story building. Chen Jianfeng immediately got off the car. At this time, a soldier came to salute Chen Jianfeng and said, "company commander, are you back?"

Chen Jianfeng nodded, the soldier looked at the jeep, and then asked Chen Jianfeng, "where's erlengzi? Haven't they come back yet? "

Listening to the soldier's words, Chen Jianfeng suddenly felt sad. For a moment, he didn't know what to say.

When the soldier saw that there were few people coming down from the car, he said with a smile to the driver Xiao Wang, "Er Leng Zi, haven't they recruited new soldiers yet? Will they wait to come back? "

The driver Xiao wangdun's eyes were red. Lao Hu came over and said, "erlengzi is going to perform other tasks. The new recruits will arrive next week!"

Chen Jianfeng then said to the soldier, "Er Leng Zi, he Sacrifice! I don't want to cheat you! "

On hearing this, the soldier was stunned. After a long time, he said with a smile, "company commander, you're joking again. It's just recruiting new recruits. There's no danger!"

Chen Jianfeng took a deep breath and said, "I'm not kidding. Erlengzi and Gouzi are all sacrificed. We're the only ones left!"

The soldier was in a daze again. He didn't come back for a long time. He stood in the same place and looked at Chen Jianfeng. His eyes seemed to be suspicious.

The driver, Xiao Wang, came over and patted the soldier on the shoulder and said, "Zuo Da, the company commander didn't lie. They all died. We met a monster in the suburb of Guyang!"Lao Hu came and added, "it's not a monster, it's a demon!"

The soldier suddenly gave a loud drink, then squatted down, held his head, his body trembled, and finally hit the ground with a fist and roared.

Chen Jianfeng came over at this time, just about to comfort Zuo da. At this time, a soldier ran over, stood in front of Chen Jianfeng, saluted and said, "company commander Chen, the chief knows that you are back, so he asked you to take the person you said to his office immediately!"

Chen Jianfeng immediately returned a salute and said to the soldier, "tell the chief that I will be there soon!"

Then he said to the driver Xiao Wang and Lao Hu, "you can persuade Zuo Da!" Then he looked at Ye Feng and long Xinran and said, "you come with me. The chief wants to see you!"

Ye Feng and long Xinran then follow Chen Jianfeng to the other side of the jeep. When they pass by Zuo Da, they hear him wail and cry.

After getting on the bus, Ye Feng can still hear Zuo Da's cry. Looking back, he sees that the driver Xiao Wang is holding Zuo DA and crying together, while Lao Hu is standing aside with red eyes.

Chen Jianfeng took a deep breath at this time, Chao Yefeng and long Xinran said, "when I see the chief, I can only see your own. I've already reported your situation to the chief. You can say anything. There's no need to hide it!"

Long Xinran nodded and said that he knew. Chen Jianfeng immediately looked back at long Xinran and said, "Ye Feng, I'm not worried. I'm worried about you. In case the chief doesn't want you, what's your plan?"

Ye Feng smell speech also can't help but see a long Xinran, immediately toward Chen Jianfeng way, "if don't want her, I also go!"

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