Chen Jianfeng then said to the chief, "but chief, you should also see that Ye Feng and long Xinran's concern is not simple. Ye Feng obviously can do anything for her. Now the problem is to either stay or leave!"

The chief snorted, "of course I can see it, but that's exactly the problem. Are they coming to be soldiers? Or is love coming? No matter how high their ability is, how good their quality will be? Just... "

Without waiting for the chief to say the second one, Chen Jianfeng immediately said to the chief, "there's one thing I haven't reported yet. On the way back to the barracks, we met a demon!"

On hearing this, the chief frowned and said, "demon? Where are the demons from in the human region? "

Chen Jianfeng shrugged his shoulders and said, "if it's a monster, we have six or seven people in a team, and all of them are really strong nuclear bombs. If they are fully armed, can they almost annihilate the whole army?"

On hearing this, the chief's face suddenly looked at Chen Jianfeng again, "have you lost all your troops?"

Chen Jianfeng nodded and said, "I'm the only one left, the driver and the elixir. The rest are sacrificed!"

On hearing this, the chief looked at Chen Jianfeng with a deep look. "When you meet demons, can you three still come back alive?"

Chen Jianfeng immediately explained, "that's what I want to say. Originally, I would die, but it's Ye Feng With the help of one person, he directly singled out the demons, so now I have the opportunity to stand here and report to the chief! "

After listening to Chen Jianfeng's words, the chief looked at him with a frown. His eyes were full of shock and he said, "what do you say? Ye Feng picked a demon alone? "

Then, without waiting for Chen Jianfeng to speak, he immediately shook his head and denied, "what international joke are you making? Do you think it's possible? It's absolutely impossible. In this world, no one can single out demons, even low-level demons. It's impossible, absolutely impossible... "

As the chief said this, he paced back and forth and said that it was absolutely impossible. But when he thought about it carefully, it was impossible for Chen Jianfeng to make a fake. He could not bear the responsibility.

After stopping, the chief asked Chen Jianfeng again to confirm, "are you serious?"

Chen Jianfeng immediately said, "chief, even if I joke with you, I won't joke about it! It's not only me, but also the driver Xiao Wang and the elixir Lao Hu

After pondering for a while, the chief said in a loud voice to Chen Jianfeng, "immediately chase Ye Feng and long Xinran back to me!"

As soon as Chen Jianfeng heard this, he immediately showed an excited look, and then he gave the chief a military salute, "yes!" Before going out, I did not forget to say to the chief, "chief, I can guarantee that this is the most correct decision you have made in the near future!"

As soon as the chief heard this, his face moved. However, seeing that Chen Jianfeng had already left, he could not help shaking his head. Thinking of what Chen Jianfeng had just said, he fell into a silence and murmured, "a man killed a demon? Is that possible? "

Ye Feng and long Xinran have gone downstairs at this time. Long Xinran is still persuading Ye Feng, "it's really unnecessary. You have a good future in the army, and now there's no place to take you except here. Have you forgotten the wanted order?"

Ye Feng shrugged and then asked long Xinran, "you're right. Did you forget about the wanted notice? Are you going anywhere else besides here now? "

Long Xinran sighed and took a deep breath. Then he said to Ye Feng, "I'm different from you. After all, long is my father in the sky. I think even if I'm caught by the people of Panlong society, they won't do anything to me, will they?"

But Ye Feng sneered, "a father who dares to shoot his own daughter or even force his daughter to jump in front of him, what kind of good father can he be?"

Long Xinran, listening to Ye Feng's words, can't help sighing. In fact, she doesn't know who her father is, but now the situation is like this. As long as Ye Feng doesn't want to be in the army, she can only persuade Ye Feng to stay.

As for himself, long Xinran can only take one step.

But at the same time, long Xinran also saw that no matter how he advised Ye Feng, Ye Feng could not change his mind.

She can't help looking at Ye Feng in surprise at this time and said, "why on earth?"

Ye Feng smell speech eyebrow a wrinkly way, "what why?"

Long Xinran has a pair of beautiful eyes. He stares at Ye Feng and looks at Ye Feng carefully. He suddenly thinks of what he said to himself when Ye Feng was interrogated by the police.

Is there really another world in this world? In another world, there is another self. What is the love relationship between long Xinran and Ye Feng?

But I think it's impossible. After all, it's too surreal for long Xinran.

Long Xinran thinks it's not very interesting for a woman to ask this question directly, but now she has to ask Ye Feng, "do you like me?"

Ye Feng obviously did not expect that long Xinran would ask himself this question, but he shrugged his shoulders and said, "this question, I believe you already have the answer in your heart!"At this time, long Xinran looks at Ye Feng. Before he saw Ye Feng, he really didn't like it. However, after so many experiences with him, he feels that Ye Feng is not as annoying as before, at least much better than liang Banghui.

In addition, now Ye Feng would rather give up his good future, but also choose to stay with him, and follow him to the day when he is in hiding and will never get ahead?

Thinking of this, long Xinran can't help but feel moved. After all, she has never met a man who can do this for her.

At this time, long Xinran could not help stepping forward, "Ye Feng, actually I..."

Just then, I heard Chen Jianfeng's voice not far away and said, "didn't you go far? That's great

Chen Jianfeng said, quickly walked toward the two people, to Ye Feng and long Xinran in front of the body, this just toward the two humanity, "none of you want to go, I have convinced the chief!"

On hearing this, long Xinran suddenly said, "he agreed?"

Chen Jianfeng said, "I don't know the details, but the chief asked me to chase you back. He is still waiting for you in the office!"

After a few breaths, he continued to say, "I can assure you that in the future, you may not be together, but it should not be a big problem for you to stay in the army!"

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