While speaking, Ye Feng and long Xinran just see Chen Jianfeng coming back. Chen Jianfeng asks where they are going, while Ye Feng says that the chief asked them to go to Chen Jianfeng's company to get familiar with the environment first.

Chen Jianfeng asked them to wait a moment. He went up to reply to the leader first, and then came back to take Ye Feng and long Xinran to their company.

Two people stood downstairs waiting for about half an hour, Chen Jianfeng came down from the upstairs, then took Ye Feng and long Xinran to the company.

On the way in the car, Chen Jianfeng turned back to Ye Feng and long Xinran and said, "the chief asked us to choose three people. We have already chosen you two. Is the third person still going to choose? It must be me! We can fight together again in the future! "

Ye Feng shrugged at Chen Jianfeng and said, "are you sure you want to go with us?"

Chen Jianfeng said lightly, "we have too many soldiers to sacrifice this time. I have to go. I can't let them lose any more."

Ye Feng didn't talk much, while long Xinran advised Chen Jianfeng, "company commander Chen, it's not your responsibility to die. Don't take responsibility too much on yourself!"

Chen Jianfeng didn't say anything more. He was speechless all the way. Soon he arrived at the company, but he couldn't see a soldier of the company at this time.

Finally, the three men found soldiers in a room. A hundred or ten people were standing there in order, and a memorial hall was set up in the front with the names of several soldiers written on it. They were all soldiers who died in the suburb of Guyang this time.

All the soldiers stood there and took off their hats in silence. When they saw Chen Jianfeng coming, they were silent.

Chen Jianfeng glanced at the crowd, then walked forward to the hall, picked up the cigarette box on the table and offered incense to his comrades in arms.

After the incense, Chen Jianfeng turned to the soldiers and said, "it's time to be on duty. This is the only time. It's not allowed to do this again!"

After another minute's silence, the soldiers gradually dispersed, leaving only Lao Hu and Xiao Wang. They came up to comfort Chen Jianfeng. First, they helped the soldiers in silence to say that they were looking for a way to express their feelings.

Second, it's to comfort Chen Jianfeng. Don't think about it. After all, they all know what happened. They also know that Chen Jianfeng almost lost his life in order to avenge his comrades in arms. It can be said that this time it was a complete accident, and no one wanted to.

After Lao Hu and Xiao Wang walked away, Chen Jianfeng took a deep breath. Then he said happily to Ye Feng and long, who had not spoken for a long time, "have you come to the barracks so long that you haven't seen the new Great Wall yet? Go, I'll show you! "

Ye Feng frowned and said, "the new Great Wall?"

Long Xinran knew it. He explained to Ye Feng in a low voice, "the old Great Wall was destroyed in the chaos of war in the last battle with the demons. This new Great Wall is the row of walls we saw when we came here. I heard that they are all made of special materials. Even if they are demons or even demon king level, it's impossible to push them down!"

Chen Jianfeng nodded, agreed with long Xinran's words, but added, "it's made of spirit stone, which has been specially processed by burning. That's why there is such a shortage of spirit stone now. It's used to build the new great wall. Of course, there is a shortage! That's why Pan Long has an opinion on our military. They always think it's a waste of money and money, a waste of spirit stone! "

After all, it's not impossible for the demons to pass through the Great Wall on the ground, but at least they have to fight with us for more than ten years, and the result of the war is bound to be that both sides will lose. It's estimated that the demons don't want to have these losses

While speaking, the three people have already taken a car to the city wall. After getting off, Chen Jianfeng leads Ye Feng and long Xinran up the stone steps on one side.

After walking dozens of steps, I just got to the half waist of the city wall, turned to the other end and continued to walk up. After walking dozens of steps, I got to the top of the city wall.

The wall is about ten meters wide, and it can line up four or five cars. On the outside side of the wall, every ten meters or so, there are soldiers with guns standing guard.

As he walked forward, Chen Jianfeng introduced to them what happened when the new Great Wall was built.

But Ye Feng didn't listen carefully. He was walking towards the outside of the city wall. Just a few steps later, he found that the color of the sky outside the city wall was different from that inside the city wall. It looked a little waxy yellow.

When he approached the wall of the city, he saw that there was white in front of him. Where he looked, there was no ghost. There were only snowflakes and wind howling from time to time.

Ye Feng can't help but sigh, from this wall to the north, is the territory of the demon people?

Chen Jianfeng was still talking with long Xinran about the construction of the Great Wall. When he looked back, he found that Ye Feng didn't follow him. He immediately looked around and saw that Ye Feng was standing by the wall. Then he came over.

After walking to Ye Feng, he also looked at the distance, then patted Ye Feng on the shoulder and said, "is it different from what you think?"

Long Xinran looked at the distance and said, "is this the place of the demons? It looks so quiet! "When Chen Jianfeng heard the speech, he moved his eyebrows and said, "quiet? All I see is extermination! "

Said Chen Jianfeng point on a cigarette, and then with a cigarette case to Ye Feng, asked him whether or not.

When Ye Feng took one, he took out a lighter to light it for Ye Feng, and then lit it for himself. Then he took a deep breath of his cigarette and spit it out toward the outside of the city wall.

But strangely, the smoke came to the edge of the wall, as if there was a transparent diaphragm in the air, and immediately rebounded back.

Long Xinran looked at the novelty, and immediately reached out to touch it, but his hand went out, but he couldn't feel the diaphragm at all.

But listen to Chen Jianfeng continue to two humanitarian, "this hundred miles of snow, hidden in the number of snow monsters, you know?"

Ye Feng and long happily smell words, can't help but have a look at Chen Jianfeng, then toward the snow in the distance.

Chen Jianfeng stares at a raised hill and says, "look at that!"

Long Xinran looked for a long time, but he didn't see anything. "Isn't it just a mound covered with snow?"

"Mound?" Chen Jianfeng sneered, smoked a cigarette and continued, "the bones of those who thought so were buried in the snow!"

Long Xinran didn't understand, "isn't it a mound?"

Chen Jianfeng took a deep breath of his cigarette and said, "that's the hidden snow monster!"

Ye Feng and long Xin Ran smell speech, can't help staring at that side to see for a long time, but still can't see what to come.

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