But Ye Feng riding on the snow monster has not yet stood, listening to a roar from the other side, Ye Feng immediately looked to the other side, but saw that a snow monster was frantically beating the snow with its forearm.

The ground seemed to be shaken by the snow monster, and the snow monster under Ye Feng's seat was also humming. His eyes were staring at the snow monster in front of him, and his mouth was hissing, but Ye Feng could hear it, and he was trying to restrain it.

Seeing this, the snow monster over there immediately picked up two snowballs from the ground and put them in his hand. However, as soon as the snowball reached the snow monster's hand, it immediately turned into two ice cones and then threw them towards Ye Feng.

Ye Feng sees this and immediately pats a snowy monster's body. The snowy monster immediately dodges, but his mouth is still hissing. It's obvious that Ye Feng didn't order it to fight. It seems that he is very upset.

Ye Feng then took the hand of the elixir on the snow monster and motioned her to go down. When the elixir fell from the snow monster, he was contacted by the soldiers below. Ye Feng immediately patted the snow monster on the head, "want to fight? Then go ahead and let it go

When the snow monster heard Ye Feng's words, he immediately stamped his feet excitedly. Then he picked up two snowballs and turned them into ice cones. He quickly threw them at the snow monster over there.

Moreover, as soon as the two ice hammers were thrown over, they pushed hard at their feet, and their whole body soared up and rushed directly to the snow monster over there. Without waiting for the snow monster to react, Ye Feng's snow monster jumped up, and the two snow monsters immediately scuffled into a ball.

Li Gang also rushed over at this time. Seeing this scene, Chen Jianfeng was stunned. Seeing that Li Gang was coming, Chen Jianfeng immediately welcomed him and said, "company commander, you are here at last!"

Li Gang nodded and looked around. He found that all the players on his side had already arrived here. With a sigh of relief, he said to Chen Jianfeng, "what's the loss of your team?"

Chen Jianfeng sighed and said, "I've been lucky all the time. I didn't encounter any danger. As soon as I joined your team, I met such a beast. I just sacrificed three players. Fortunately, Ye Feng came here!"

Li Gang also has a heavy face when he hears that, that is to say, the number of people they have sacrificed since their departure has exceeded double digits, which is definitely not good news for them.

However, Li Gang didn't say much. It's inevitable that there will be sacrifice when he is a soldier. I believe all the victims have made this kind of consciousness.

Seeing Ye Feng riding a snow monster fighting with another snow monster, Li Gang can't help asking Chen Jianfeng, "your new recruit is very interesting. Is he a spirit talisman?"

Chen Jianfeng's eyes are staring at Ye Feng at this time. When Li Gang asked, he couldn't help but move. Then he nodded to Li Gang and said with a smile, "he's not only a Lingwu warrior and a lingfu demon hunter. There should be many surprises in him in the future!"

"What do you mean?" Li Gang took a puzzled look at Chen Jianfeng, but saw that Chen Jianfeng's words were in the middle, but he didn't mean to continue. He couldn't help looking at Ye Feng again.

At this time, Ye Feng is driving the snow monster and another snow monster in a fight. The two snow monsters are huge, fighting together. From time to time, they are still rolling in the snow, splashing with snow.

And Ye Feng is encouraging the snow monster under the seat. After all, this is the first monster he tames at the risk of his life. No matter what, he can't let it die in the hands of other monsters.

He not only encouraged the snow monster under his seat, but also constantly interfered with the snow monster on the opposite side. He even took out a pistol and shot at the snow monster's head.

That snow monster where can be leaf maple and snow monster's opponent, just soon fell the wind, it see the situation is not right, immediately turn around and want to escape.

This is very popular among snow monsters. In general, two snow monsters will fight for territory, but the loser will give up the territory.

But how could Ye Feng let him go easily? This is tantamount to letting the tiger go back to the mountain. If he put it back now, he will encounter it again, which will still pose a threat to his comrades in arms, so he must kill it.

Ye Feng immediately drove the snow monster to continue to catch up with the snow monster in front. Li Gang worried about an accident and immediately called, "don't chase..."

However, his voice declined. Ye Feng had disappeared on the snow monster. He didn't hear Li Gang's words at all.

Ye Feng rides on the snow monster and shoots at the fleeing snow monster with a machine gun. The snow monster is disturbed by Ye Feng and soon catches up with Ye Feng's snow monster.

Ye Feng's snow monster pounced forward, reached out to the ground and grasped a piece of snow in his hand. In an instant, the ice became a huge ice cone.

At the moment when the snow monster landed, it immediately stabbed at the back of the snow monster in front. The snow monster in front couldn't dodge and was directly pierced by the snow monster with an ice cone and firmly stabbed on the ground.

The snow monster suddenly screamed, limbs support in the snow, want to get up, but the ice cone is too deep, it can't climb out.

The green blood on the other side of the wound was flowing out. The snow monster reached for his back and pulled out the ice cone, but he couldn't reach it.

Ye Feng riding the snow monster came to the fallen snow monster, staring at the injured snow monster for a long time, has been watching it gradually breathless, lying on the ground motionless.Don't want to have a moment, the snow monster's body began to atomize, forming a hesitant green snowflake, floating in the air.

The green snowflakes gradually gathered towards the center, and soon condensed into a green thing similar to crystal thumb size, and finally fell on the snow.

Ye Feng immediately patted snow monster's head. Snow monster immediately squatted down, picked up the green thing in the snow and handed it to Ye Feng.

Ye Feng took it in his hand and felt a trace of cold. The cold feeling was transferred to him from the green object.

Ye Feng can't help holding a piece in his hand. The green thing immediately fell on the snow again, and the snow monster immediately built up again. Holding it in his hand, he looked at Ye Feng.

Ye Feng saw that the snow monster could not feel the coldness of your green object, and he was staring at himself, as if he wanted to express something.

Ye Feng immediately felt what was the same, nodded toward the snow monster and said, "do you want it? OK, here you are! "

The snow monster immediately waved his arms, clenched his fists, beat on the ground a few times, and then turned around, as if to celebrate.

Ye Feng just wanted to say something, but he saw that the snow monster suddenly threw the green object into the air.

Ye Feng did not understand to see a snow monster, then looked up to the sky, the secret way this goods do not?

Just thinking about it, the snow monster under the seat immediately looks ready to go. He squats down with his legs, supports his hands in front of him, and then jumps into the air. When he grows up, he hides behind the white fur and swallows the green object.

After waiting for the snow monster to land, Ye Feng can't help but wonder, "do you like to eat this?"

Snow monster seems to understand Ye Feng's words, like a pet, bent down on the ground and nodded, as if telling Ye Feng that he likes to eat this.

Ye Feng then stroked a snow monster's head and said to it, "if you like it, you'll eat it if you meet the monster again in the future."

Snow monster heard this, immediately excited to jump up, in the snow carrying leaf maple non-stop spin.

At this time, Li Gang and Chen Jianfeng lead the team to come, but they only see Ye Feng and his snow monster reveling in the snow, but they can't see the other snow monster.

Li Gang shouts to Ye Feng on the snow monster, "Ye Feng, stop it. It's going to be dark. We must find a place to spend the night before it's completely dark. Otherwise, all of us in the team will become ice sculptures here tonight!"

When Ye Feng heard this, he immediately patted snow monster's head and let it squat down. Then he jumped down from him and walked to Li Gang and Chen Jianfeng.

Chen Jian Feng then took a look at four weeks later, Chao Li Gang said, "there should be no hiding place around here, right?"

Li Gang said, "there's no way. Now we can only identify a certain position and continue to walk towards the front. We can make a bet before cooling down to see if there are caves and other places."

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