Chen Jianfeng also nodded at this time to show his approval of what Li Gang said. He added, "our task this time is to go to the territory of the demons, find the entrance of the demons, and observe the specific situation. If conditions permit, we will destroy the source!"

Ye Feng said at this time, "if so, it's equivalent to going deep into the tiger's den. I'm afraid we're not sure at all with us alone!"

Li Gang nodded and agreed, "that's right, so the task given last time is not a hard target. The main purpose of everything is to preserve strength. It's better to retreat completely, but the premise is to be able to spy out some necessary military intelligence!"

Chen Jianfeng added, "company commander Li is right, destroying the source is not a hard target, but as soldiers, since the country and leaders have such trust and expectations for us, even if the country does not have hard requirements, we must take it as a hard target to complete it! Even if there is only a glimmer of hope, we must make great efforts! "

Li Gang also echoed and nodded, "yes, we are soldiers, this is a must!"

Chen Jianfeng then looked at Ye Feng and said, "Ye Feng, you are our group, the strongest in the company. I just discussed with Lao Li. You should listen carefully next!"

Ye Feng saw Chen Jianfeng and Li Gang's expression suddenly dignified, can't help but also look at Li Gang and Chen Jianfeng, solemnly nodded, "please say!"

Li Gang continued at this time, "deputy company commander Chen and I have just discussed. Today is the first day. We have encountered so many things. The snow monster and snow wolf we met today are the lowest among the demons. In the next days, we don't know how long we will have to wait. What kind of monster we will encounter, maybe even a demon. If we are not lucky, we may encounter the demon king Or something

Chen Jianfeng continued to add, "our cultivation level is not too high. Lao Li and I mean that if you encounter danger again, you don't have to pay too much attention to us, including other team members. Your goal is only one, the source of destroying the underground passage!"

Li Gang continued, "yes, this is a non rigid target given to us last time, but we all know that it is almost impossible to complete it, so we have pinned all our hopes on you!"

Chen Jianfeng continued, "so what do we mean? That is to say, from tomorrow on, all of us in our company can sacrifice for you at any time when necessary, so as to ensure that you have the chance to complete the task in the end! "

Li Gang then said, "yes, we all exist for this goal. So, what should you do next? Do you know?"

After listening to Li Gang and Chen Jianfeng, Ye Feng took a deep breath and looked at them solemnly. Then he nodded and said, "clear!"

Li Gang and Chen Jianfeng nodded happily, and at the same time, they both breathed a sigh of relief, as if they had relieved a burden.

But Ye Feng knows that it's not that Li Gang and Chen Jianfeng want to hand over the responsibility to themselves. After all, they also said that the whole company will be ready to sacrifice at any time to ensure his completion. The whole company, of course, includes both of them.

At this time, Li Gang nodded to Ye Feng and said, "let's have a rest early and prepare for tomorrow. I don't know what will happen tomorrow!"

Chen Jianfeng also nodded, and then he also lay down, said, "sleep, sleep, sleep!"

Li Gang also looked at Ye Feng and lay on his side.

Ye Feng lay down on one side of them, holding his head in both hands, looking at the fire light of wolf dung not far away. His heart pondered, and he didn't feel sleepy at all.

I don't know how long it took for Ye Feng to hear the snoring from Li Gang and Chen Jianfeng, which made Ye Feng who was not sleepy even more unable to sleep.

Ye Feng simply sat up. At this time, he heard a weak sound coming from one side. When he looked at it, he saw that long Xinran was lying there looking at his side.

He immediately got up and went to long Xinran's side to lie down. As soon as he lay down, long Xinran turned around and asked himself, "what did company commander Li and company commander Chen say to you just now?"

Ye Feng shook his head, said nothing, but long Xinran asked, "is there any special task for you?"

Ye Feng then looked at long Xinran and said, "no, you can sleep well. After a hard day, aren't you tired?"

Long Xinran shrugged his shoulders and said, "I have no sleepiness. I don't know why. After coming here, I feel very excited. I want to have a rest in my mind, but I just can't sleep!"

Then he looked at Ye Feng and said, "don't you, too? I saw that you had been lying there for a long time and didn't close your eyes!"

Ye Feng smell speech tiny a sigh way, "May and you a circumstance, the spirit is a little excited, estimate once a while good!"

Long Xinran then asked Ye Feng in a low voice, "what did company commander Li and company commander Chen say to you?"

Ye Feng can't help frowning at long Xinran and said, "Why are you so interested in this?"Long Xinran shrugged, "do you like to say it or not?"

Ye Feng at this time can't help laughing, "or you are just purely interested in me!"

Long Xinran heard that Yan's face turned red, and immediately spat, "shameless, only you, in this wolf dung nest, can you think of these shameless words! Love to say no, go to sleep

With that, he really closed his eyes and went to sleep. Ye Feng took a look at it, but he didn't say anything more. He also learned from long Xinran and closed his eyes. Even if he still couldn't sleep, he would close his eyes for a while. After all, he would start again tomorrow morning.

Don't know how long, Ye Feng unconsciously fell asleep, in the dream, he also dreamed of Li Gang and Chen Jianfeng and his words.

Finally, the next day, I met a monster. I couldn't see the top of the monster. I felt that I could trample on it with one foot. Although I didn't know what it was, I realized that it was the demon king.

But when I woke up, I was lying on the bed of the hotel with two blondes beside me. When I went to the window, I saw the huge statue of Christ on Monte Cristo in Brazil. It seemed that everything after I finished my mission in Brazil was like a dream.

Ye Feng immediately jumps into bed and celebrates with the blonde beauty. She is in a deep fight. However, she feels pushed and opens her eyes again. She sees long Xinran sitting in front of her, looking at herself with an angry face.

Ye Feng can't help but also sit up and look at long Xinran in surprise, "what's the matter?"

Long Xinran looked very angry, but he tried to keep his voice down and said, "what obscene dreams have you had, holding me around and touching me all the time..."

Ye Feng thought of the situation in his dream just now, and realized that he must have done that in his dream, and then he embraced the dragon lying beside him.

He couldn't help but smile awkwardly at the dragon and said, "no..."

Long Xinran stares at Ye Feng and points to Ye Feng, "who are you fooling?"

leaves maple looked down, and suddenly his face was red. His trousers had already set up the tent. What he said was that he would never believe it.

Just thinking about how to resolve the embarrassment in front of me, I listened to a whistle, looked at it, and saw that Chen Jianfeng and Li Gang had already got up. After several whistles, I said in a loud voice, "wake up, get up and get ready to start!"

People lying around wake up one by one, and long Xinran can't say anything more. Ye Feng immediately stands up and walks towards the cave entrance to resolve the embarrassment and look at the situation outside.

Push open the hole of the snow, but see the weak light outside with the cold wind pouring in, Ye Feng can't help but fight a cold war.

At this time, Li Gang said to the public, "today's goal is to find the entrance to the underground passage. There is another important task to tell you!"

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