Ye Feng looked at the wall slowly sliding down, and on the sliding wall, there were skeletons and skeletons neatly arranged inside. Under the illumination of the flashlight, it was very dark and terrible.

At this time, Ye Feng heard a rustling sound in front of the cave again. As soon as the flashlight shone, he saw a shadow flash away.

Ye Feng frowned slightly, thinking that the cave looked short and narrow. It would be nice to walk two people side by side at most. It was not the same level as the previous underground cave.

But Ye Feng early see Li Hong has a problem, since has followed her, has done all the psychological preparation.

After taking a deep breath, Ye Feng continued to walk in front of the cave with a flashlight.

The cave in front is more and more spacious, which soon makes Ye Feng have an impulse to deny his previous ideas. Now look at this cave, just like before.

At this time, Ye Feng just took a step, and then he heard a crisp click at his feet. He immediately stopped and flashed a flashlight. However, he saw that his feet were stepping on a skeleton.

Ye Feng along the foot of the skeleton towards the front irradiation, unexpectedly all over the ground are skeletons, and in addition to human, it seems that there are other animal skeleton can not see what.

Ye Feng can't help standing in the same place, frowning. He doesn't know how these people and animals, or maybe monsters, died here in large quantities.

Think of here, Ye Feng suddenly feel back spine some numbness, there is a kind of shudder feeling.

At this time, Ye Feng heard another rustling sound in front of him. As soon as he found the flashlight, the figure flashed away, but he still didn't see it clearly.

Ye Feng frowned tightly. After taking a deep breath, he held the pistol in his hand and a dagger in his other hand. He continued to walk forward.

Ye Feng now every step, the ground will give out a click crisp sound, listening in the cave, feeling particularly seeping.

Ye Feng knows that Li Hong intentionally leads herself here. Maybe she wants to become one of the skeleton shelves on the ground.

And the shadow, the vast possibility should be Li Hong itself, but Ye Feng has not yet seen what Li Hong wants to do.

He continued to walk forward for a while, and finally there were no more skeletons on the ground. However, Ye Feng noticed that there seemed to be some vine and grass on both sides of the cave spreading along the walls of the cave.

Ye Feng didn't think much and went on. At this time, he heard a rustling sound behind him. He immediately turned around to shine a flashlight, but he didn't see anything.

When Ye Feng just turned around and was ready to move on, there was another rustling noise behind him. However, when he turned back, he still didn't see anything.

Ye Feng this time with a flashlight staring at the back of the four irradiation, still nothing found, heart can't help but wonder, this way to the rustling sound in the end is what thing? It can't be Li Hong.

Just thinking about it, at this time, he heard a rustling sound coming from his head. Ye Feng immediately raised his head and illuminated the top of the cave with a flashlight.

But Ye Feng still didn't see anything. The top of the cave was the same as behind him, except for the vines growing on the wall.

At this time, Ye Feng heard the same voice coming from under his body. When he looked down and used the flashlight to shine, his face suddenly changed, but he saw that the vines on the wall were spreading rapidly towards his feet.

Ye Feng realized that the rustling sound he had heard all along was the friction sound made by the grass moving on the ground and on the wall.

Ye Feng immediately began to run forward. He had no time to study and think about what the vine grass was, and what the relationship between the underground skeletons and the vine grass was.

He didn't have time to think about it. At this time, he felt rustling behind his head. When he looked back, he saw that the top of the cave and the vines on the wall began to leave their original positions and came towards Ye Feng.

Rattan grass like an arm, in the air quickly flying towards the maple leaf, to the maple leaf behind immediately began to wind the maple leaf up and down.

Before Ye Feng had time to react, the vines at his feet also quickly entangled his legs, and then suddenly pulled Ye Feng toward the wall on one side of the cave.

In an instant, Ye Feng was dragged to the wall, and the vines wrapped around Ye Feng also tightened. Ye Feng's limbs could not move, and his dagger, pistol and flashlight also fell to the ground.

At this time, Ye Feng wanted to move for a try, and found that it was totally impossible. Not only that, but the more the vines were entangled, it was almost like swallowing Ye Feng.

And not only that, he also felt that something was pricking himself, not in one place or two, but all over his body. At this time, he felt that the vines were covered with thorns.

Even these thorns have the feeling of growing. They grow slowly and stick into the skin of maple leaf.At this time, Ye Feng suddenly heard a burst of laughter, "I didn't expect you to be so easy to cheat! Ha ha ha

Ye Feng knew it was Li Hong's voice as soon as he heard it. At this time, he tried to turn his head and look in the direction of Li Hong's voice, but he couldn't see anyone.

At this time, Li Hong continued, "you look much better than those coarse old men. You have such a strong inspiration that you can definitely make up for it!"

Ye Feng smell speech heart can't help but move, originally this Li Hong can feel the spirit value on his body? So that's why she cheated herself into coming here?

Thinking of Ye Feng, he immediately thought of another question. He immediately asked Li Hongdao, "you killed all the people in company 17?"

Li Hong immediately giggled and said, "I don't know which company you are in, but you may be right. I attacked a company not long ago, and there were No. 100 people. Oh, by the way, didn't you just step on their bones? It's ridiculous that I didn't go to them. They came to my cave and took the initiative to find me. I can't refuse to accept the fat meat that they sent to my door, can I? Do you think so? "

Ye Feng smell speech heart can't help a Lin, the original oneself just stepped on those skeletons are the soldiers of seventeen company?

But Ye Feng is even more strange. How did Li Hong turn a hundred people into skeletons? Did she eat their flesh directly?

At this time, Li Hong took the initiative to explain, "you must be very curious, how can they all become skeletons?"

Without waiting for Ye Feng to speak, Li Hong immediately heard a strange smile and said, "you don't have to worry, because you will soon be the same as them. When I slowly absorb your skin, you will feel that I am sucking your blood essence bit by bit. First you will become a dry corpse, and then your skin will dry up bit by bit, and finally you will be in the air slowly To ashes

Ye Feng suddenly understood at this time, the awn thorn on the rattan should be into his body to suck his own blood essence.

At this time, Ye Feng remembered that when he entered the cave, the skeletons on the walls should be tied to the wall by these vines, just like himself, and then dried up bit by bit.

Ye Feng this time heart next move way, "your noumenon is this rattan grass!"

Li Hong's voice came again. First she giggled and then she said, "what rattan grass, I'm Xueman spirit grass! What you see is only a part of my tentacles. I can tell you that the whole cave is full of my tentacles, and the human Li Hong you saw before is just a elixir in the team I attacked before! You are cheated by me, cluck Ha ha Ha ha... "

Ye Feng listened to Li Hongxiao's more and more horror, then he could not help saying, "I was cheated by you? Yes? Do you really think I was cheated by you? "

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