Ye Feng then nodded to Qi weiqi and said, "it's OK, two people are enough!" Then he went to a carriage.

Qi Weiqi a pair of words and stop appearance, watching Ye Feng into the car, try to bypass the ground pupae, toward the front of the car to continue to walk.

Looking at Ye Feng continue to move forward, Qi Weiqi after a long sigh of relief, immediately also followed up, quickly catch up with Ye Feng, closely behind him.

The pupae in the car were moving, whether they made a few sounds of blister cracking, plus the sound of mucus wriggling that always existed, which made Qi Weiqi feel sick.

After passing a car, Ye Feng didn't open the door manually. Immediately, he kicked the door open again and went on to the next car.

Qi Weiqi walked along and found that it was the same here. She felt sour in her stomach and finally began to vomit.

At this time, the upper part of the pupa behind Qi Weijun suddenly burst open, and a head came out of it. Besides, a pair of hands full of mucus were stretched out, and they were heading for Qi Weiqi.

Qi Weiqi felt something was wrong. Looking back, her face suddenly changed. She instinctively backed away. She didn't want to wait for the monster to come out of the pupa. A long gun had been put into its head, and suddenly a black liquid spattered out.

When the monster fell to the ground, it collapsed its lower part of the pupa, but its arm was just on the side of the pupa, and the pupa burst out immediately.

Qi Weiqi saw this, can't help but exclaim, and then hide behind Ye Feng, that is, at the same time, the whole car insect pupae one by one burst out, one by one insect pupae, all exposed the monster's head.

Ye Feng saw this and said to Qi weiqi, "lean back!" With that, a long gun came forward and killed several monsters. The gun hit the monster's head.

Just in a flash, the whole workshop of the monster was Ye Feng to clean up, Qi Weiqi but see a daze, did not expect Ye Feng dance gun shadow is so handsome.

Moreover, she was too flustered to notice just now. Now she saw that Ye Feng's clothes had been changed into a black robe, and her hair was much longer than just now.

Even on the long gun in Ye Feng's hand, there seems to be a current winding around the whole gun barrel, and a circle of black smoke is filling the gun head.

At this time, if Qi Weiqi gives a word to describe it, it is Shuai's burst. For the first time, she feels that this man seems to be very attractive.

It's the kind of charm that any woman will be attracted by him as long as she stays with him for a long time. It exudes a sense of androgen.

At the same time, in the workshop that Ye Feng kicked open the door before, the pupae burst out one after another, and even some monsters had crawled out of the pupae.

These are just like newly born monsters. When they come out of the pupa, their whole bodies are still wobbly, and some of them are unstable.

Moreover, these monsters look exactly like human beings, but their skin is dark green, and they are covered with mucus. Even those with shriveled skin are like mummies, and there is no hair on their whole body.

Ye Feng saw a moment in the past, a just stood up, staggering to the door of the workshop, the humanoid monster was immediately shot through the head, did not see the world, immediately killed on the spot.

At this time, the human shaped monsters in the whole workshop climbed out and came towards the door of the carriage. There were at least 100 of them. While they were walking, there were several roars in their throats.

Ye Feng is not in a hurry. He immediately holds a long gun and stabs it at the ground. The head of the gun directly pierces the iron floor of the carriage. Suddenly, the current on the barrel of the long gun is instantly transmitted to the ground.

The electric current on the ground from Ye Feng's long gun, just like the singularity before the big bang, suddenly burst open the door, forming a grid with blue electric current and black smoke on the ground.

In an instant, those monsters were still coming towards Ye Feng, and they were all dejected, as if they were zombie toys with clean batteries.

And at this time of those monsters, as if one by one charged with electricity in general, one by one like a thunderbolt dance in general, the whole body up and down constantly shaking.

At this time, Ye Feng took out the long gun in his hand and threw it out in an instant. Those monsters were all in a daze. Then from the front, all the monsters' heads, as if they were arranged in the order of front and back, fell to the ground one by one.

Those monsters who lost their heads, the wounds on their necks kept spraying black liquid out, and suddenly the whole carriage was smelling fishy.

But Ye Feng turned around without looking at it. In the process of turning around, his spear disappeared, his clothes changed from the black robe to the original military uniform, and his hair returned to its original length.

All this happened at the moment when Ye Feng turned around. In Qi Weiqi's eyes, it was as if he was living in the immortal world.Ye Feng walked to Qi Weiqi's side at this time, looked at her and said, "what are you looking at? Let's go After that, he immediately went to the South carriage.

Qi Weiqi at this time to come back to God, just Oh, followed Ye Feng behind, she felt that she had never heard a man's words.

Ye Feng to the front door of the car, up is a foot, directly to kick open the car door, who ever thought, just the door was kicked open, immediately out of a pile of human shape monster, up to Ye Feng and Qi Weiqi rushed up.

This sudden one, really let Qi Weiqi take a breath of air conditioning, instinctively step back, hiding behind Ye Feng.

At this time, Qi Weiqi realized another problem. She had never heard a man's words and trusted a man so much.

It's like this man standing in front of him is a towering mountain. No matter whether it's wind or rain, knife mountain or sea of fire, this man can help him block it.

In fact, Qi Weiqi found that she was completely leaning on Ye Feng's back, listening to the strange sounds coming from Ye Feng's face.

Qi Weiqi can't see anything and doesn't have to look at it. With these calls, she knows that the man in front of her must have killed all over the world. She can see that Ye Feng's clothes have changed from green to black.

Qi Weiqi clearly knows that Ye Feng has become the God of war again. As long as he follows this man, he will return to Guyang. Maybe he can see his parents and sister.

At this time, she began to think that after returning to Guyang, she must ask her old sister Qi Weijun who she is and how she feels so mysterious. She is not only a student of Guyang college, but also a military officer.

Then Qi Weiqi thought again, no, if he was a classmate with his sister, he would be at least four years older than him. In this way, wouldn't he be an old cow eating tender grass?

Thinking of this, Qi Weiqi immediately shakes her head again and again. It's all about where. I just met this man by chance. He saved himself. He happens to be a fellow townsman, and he's just a classmate of his sister Qi Weijun.

I can think of the future with this man. Isn't it a bit too far ahead, not to mention under such a crisis.

Just thinking about it, at this time, Ye Feng suddenly said, "OK, follow me!"

Qi Weiqi just recovered. When she came out from behind Ye Feng, she saw a mess in the car in front of her, with the heads of human monsters and corpses without heads everywhere.

Seeing these, Qi Weiqi couldn't help stretching out her hand to Ye Feng, holding his arm, tightly sticking to him, and following him to the front carriage.

Without Ye Feng kicking in front of the car, Qi Weiqi can think that the car in front must be the same as now, full of human shaped monsters.

But she knows that as long as Ye Feng stands beside her, no matter what the car in front of her is, she must be safe.

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