Ye Feng thought of this, immediately retreated to the gate of Tongtian tower, looked up and made a tour of the sky, hoping to find the so-called giant eagle leader.

But Ye Feng looked around and didn't see the so-called giant eagle leader. In the whole sky, he didn't find a giant eagle leader.

Now, at the gate of Tongtian tower, the elite of Panlong society and Chen Jianfeng are still fighting with Juying. Juying is dead and injured, but many of them are injured.

This makes these elites even more envious of Ye Feng and others. They have practiced in the Tongtian tower for more than ten years or less, but they are not as good as those who have just entered the forbidden area of Tongtian tower.

Many of Chen Jianfeng's arrays are similar to those of the elite, but their power is different from that of the elite. Before, they absorbed aura bit by bit and carried out it in batches, and their progress is obvious.

However, Chen Jianfeng's progress seems to have been transformed one by one. The most important thing is that they should have absorbed the spirit stone.

At this time, Ye Feng didn't think much about it. He went out of Guyang city in a few instant steps. Since these giant eagles are shrouded in Guyang City, what about outside Guyang city?

When Ye Feng arrived outside Guyang city and looked at the sky outside the city, there were fewer giant eagles. One by one, giant Eagles came from around.

Although the so-called leader of the giant eagle has not yet been found, there is a problem. Instead of the giant eagle, huge pieces of black feathers fly in the distance. When they fly near Guyang City, they become giant eagles.

Ye Feng see so, heart immediately move, immediately is a few instant steps, toward the huge feather fly to the place.

After a while, I saw a huge "vulture" standing on the open space in front of me. It was almost several stories high, and the feathers on his head were drifting towards Guyang city one by one.

Ye Feng realized that the "vulture" was not born to be a vulture. Instead, he turned his head feathers into a giant eagle and headed for Guyang city.

Ye Feng heart suddenly a joy, he everywhere to find the so-called leader, now in front of this is not it?

Ye Feng didn't say much, and immediately came to the giant vulture in front of him in an instant. He stabbed the giant vulture with a long gun in his hand.

The giant vulture didn't know whether it didn't see Ye Feng at all, or whether it didn't care and didn't dodge. It continued to release its huge black feathers.

But Ye Feng jumped directly and stabbed at the belly of the giant vulture, but he heard a loud bang, just like stabbing on a steel plate.

Ye Feng had expected that, after all, he had a fight with the queen of spider scorpion, and had already made all kinds of preparations. At the moment of hearing the sound, Ye Feng immediately began to release lightning.

Moreover, Ye Feng knows that if he solves the problem a little later, there will be more danger for the people who haven't had time to escape in Guyang city. Therefore, Ye Feng doesn't have any reservation in releasing thunder and lightning, and intends to directly put it into the giant vulture at one time.

Before, the thunder and lightning in Ye Feng's body was transferred from the palm of his hand to his long gun, and then from the long gun to his opponent.

But this time, after Ye Feng released the lightning, the lightning emitted directly from Ye Feng's whole body and flowed towards the giant vulture.

The giant vulture stood in the same place, shivering all over. In an instant, Ye Feng could smell the smell of Hu. At this time, he saw that the giant vulture fell to the ground and stopped moving.

And the feathers on the giant vulture's head no longer fly out automatically and fly towards Guyang city. Ye Feng just breathes a sigh of relief, but after the vulture suddenly shakes, he immediately stands up again and his feathers fly towards Guyang city again.

Seeing this, Ye Feng's heart suddenly fell in awe. He couldn't think much about it. He immediately shot at the giant vulture again. At the same time, the thunder and lightning on his body instantly concentrated on the giant vulture again.

The vulture fell to the ground again, but in less than five minutes, the giant vulture immediately stood up again and began to release its feathers as if it were OK.

Ye Feng realized that the lightning attack on the giant vulture was only short-lived and had no substantial effect at all. It was futile to continue like this.

Ye Feng didn't think much about it. He began to empty his body in an instant. At the same time, he sacrificed the fog knife and jumped to the head of the giant vulture. The fog knife in his hand immediately cleaved down on the head of the giant vulture.

There is thunder and lightning in the fog knife. With one knife, the giant vulture is split in two and falls down to both sides. The central part of the giant vulture is bloody and the black liquid gushes out.

Ye Feng didn't stop. He was afraid that the giant vulture also had Zhang Fei's automatic healing ability. After a while, NIMA suddenly stood up again, and the two halves of her body joined together.

In an instant, he cut the two halves of the giant vulture into several sections, and even shaved all the feathers of the giant vulture with the fog knife in his hand.

On the ground, there was a small hill piled with feathers. It was a dark layer. At this time, when a gust of wind blew, those feathers immediately floated away with the wind, flying higher and higher. When they flew into the air, they turned into black eagles one by one.Originally, when the giant Condor was alive, only a dozen or dozens of them flew over Guyang City, but at this time, it was dark and thousands of them flew over Guyang city.

Ye Feng can't help but move when he sees this. Originally, more than ten or dozens of them flew past, and Guyang City couldn't stand it. Now, thousands or even tens of thousands of them flew away. This is the disaster of Guyang city.

Even if Chen Jianfeng, long Xinran, Qi weiqi and Yu wanqiu's accomplishments soared, they would not be the opponents of so many giant eagles. Even if these giant eagles are not aggressive, they just lie down and let them kill them. It is estimated that they will kill them for a while.

Ye Feng's heart can't help but move, immediately a jump body, want to jump into the air, but deal with those giant eagles, but Ye Feng although bounce ability is not low, but can't and Superman in the sky automatically fly.

And at this time, Ye Feng saw a feather on one side was slowly flying towards the sky, his heart suddenly moved, he immediately ran with which feather.

As soon as the feather changed into a giant eagle, Ye Feng jumped up and stepped on the body of the giant eagle. Then he rowed under his feet, crossed his legs and rode on the body of the giant eagle. With his other hand, he held the head of the giant eagle tightly.

The giant eagle was suddenly heavy and tossed up and down in the air for a long time. Occasionally, it almost fell to the ground. However, it finally fluttered its wings and flew into the air and continued to fly towards Guyang city.

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