Listening to Du Yuexiu's words, Ye Feng immediately looked at Du Yuexiu thoughtfully, and then said, "it seems that your courage is enough, and you are ready to sacrifice?"

Du Yuexiu looked at Ye Feng confidently and said, "if you live in a muddle headed way, it's better to die clearly!"

Ye Feng couldn't help nodding in favor of it. When he was just about to say something to Du Yuexiu, he suddenly felt a tremor underground, just like an earthquake.

At this time, Ye Feng and Du Yuexiu's face changed. They looked at the ground as if they were rolling. The raised place passed directly under their feet. Both of them were unstable and almost fell down.

Ye Feng quickly instinctively reaches out to hold Du Yuexiu. Du Yuexiu is unstable and bumps into Ye Feng's arms directly. Ye Feng immediately embraces her and takes Du Yuexiu away with her in a flash.

Ye Feng and Du Yuexiu suddenly appear beside Chen Jianfeng. At this time, they notice that outside the concrete road, there is rolling earth everywhere. Obviously, there are a lot of things churning underground.

After a while, without waiting for the reaction, more than a dozen giant vines appeared underground. Even the concrete road in the middle was pierced by giant vines, and two or three of them appeared.

More than ten giant vines just surrounded everyone in the middle. After the giant vines jumped out, they immediately stood up one by one, just like trees growing out of thin air from the ground.

And then more than ten giant vines began to grow branches, and those branches began to wind together, interweave vertically and horizontally, forming a net, and those branches were full of barbs.

At this time, the top of the trunk of more than a dozen giant vines began to interweave, like a twisted rope, tightly intertwined together.

It was only in an instant that everyone was amazed to find that they were surrounded by giant vines, just like being in a natural cage.

Just as Ye Feng was about to speak, Qi Weiqi said to Ye Feng, "it's safe now. Can you let go?"

Listen to Qi Weiqi say so, Ye Feng this just back to God, just holding Du Yuexiu to avoid the attack there, with instant steps to move to Qi Weiqi their side, all this happened.

And he was so lost that he forgot that he was still holding Du Yuexiu tightly. Hearing this, he immediately took a look at Du Yuexiu and released his hand.

Du Yuexiu, like Ye Feng, didn't react for a moment. After listening to Qi Weiqi's words, she found that she was tightly held by Ye Feng, and her face turned red. Although Ye Feng immediately released her hand, her face still turned red.

Qi Weiqi took a look at Du Yuexiu's face. Her face moved slightly. She had this experience herself. Naturally, she knew Du Yuexiu's mentality very well.

However, Qi Weiqi didn't think much about it, because the situation at this time could not allow her to think any more. At this time, Juteng's body was still growing branches.

And this time, the branch was growing towards the corresponding giant vine on the opposite side, directly passing through their side, and condensed with another one.

Soon other branches in all directions were coming towards Ye Feng, and they were very fast, just like an arrow plume. If they didn't dodge, they might have been pierced by these branches.

Ye Feng and some of them dodged from left to right, but just blindly dodging was not the way at all. After all, they all knew that as long as these branches were connected and crossed, their living space would be smaller.

Although Ye Feng knew that his body might not be able to get out at this time, he still tested it, which was exactly the same as what he imagined.

At this time, Du Yuexiu stood in the middle, reciting the mantra silently, and then a fire fell down from the sky. But this time, it fell on the top of the cage from the outside, and it exploded directly in the air. Sparks were splashing around, and Mars were scattered like rain, but none of the stars and a half fell into the cage.

And this time, the giant vine did not start to shrink and flee as before, as if it was all right, and did not move.

Du Yuexiu can't help but look at this. She looks up and looks into the air, but finds the secret in the air.

It turned out that when his fire meteorite hit the giant rattan, the giant rattan grew countless branches in an instant. When the branches touched the Dao fire meteorite and detonated, the branches of those giant rattans immediately broke away. Therefore, the fire meteorite did not cause any damage to the main stem of the giant rattan. In other words, Du Yuexiu's fire meteorite technique could not survive I didn't touch the giant vine.

Ye Feng also saw the problem. At this time, the court said, "it's not good to rely on Du Yuexiu alone. We are all together. We should combine the strength of all people and believe that we can eradicate this monster."

As soon as Qi Weiqi heard this, she said to Du Yuexiu, "I'm also a psychic, but my major is water!"

Li Zhi also said to Du Yuexiu, "my major is water, too!"

Du Yuexiu smell speech immediately looked at two people, immediately toward two people a nod, "so you will certainly coagulate ice art?"? If you freeze at its feet, I'll set fire to them. I don't believe that we can carry the double sky of ice and fire! "Li Zhi and Qi Weiqi immediately nodded when they heard the speech, and then they started to cast their own spells towards the root of the giant vine connecting to the ground, using ice coagulation to coagulate the root of the giant vine.

Qi Weiqi's cultivation was low, so she just watered the root of the giant rattan, while Li Zhi used his magic to turn Qi Weiqi's water into ice.

Qi Weiqi continued to water the giant rattan, and Li Zhi also continued to freeze it. Their goal was to freeze the giant rattan completely.

But Ye Feng knows that Qi weiqi and Li Zhi's accomplishments are not as good as Du Yuexiu's. although their majors are not the same, even if they cooperate with Du Yuexiu, they may not win.

Ye Feng then takes a look at Chen Jianfeng. Chen Jianfeng immediately understands. He immediately gives a long sword to the dragon who understands the meaning. They rush up to the root of the giant vine at the same time and start to chop it with their own spirit tools.

Seeing this, Qi Weiqi began to learn from long Xinran and Chen Jianfeng. After all, as a psychic, her accomplishments are far inferior to Chen Jianfeng and long Xinran.

While Monika stood in the middle, watching out for anyone who might be attacked by the branches of giant rattan. She immediately healed him, and from time to time offered several arrays to add some defense and attack bonus to them.

Ye Feng saw that everyone had used their own skills, and immediately jumped to the top of the giant rattan. As soon as he reached the top, he immediately sacrificed a thunder and lightning from his palm, and immediately attacked the top of the giant rattan.

After a lightning sacrifice, Ye Feng didn't feel sure that he would be able to win, but maybe because of the influence of Qi weiqi and Li Zhi's ice on Juteng, his action was obviously delayed. Although the top wanted to open to avoid Ye Feng's attack, he still didn't escape the attack because of his slow action.

At the same time, Du Yuexiu recites the pithy formula in the air and listens to a whistling sound in the sky. Du Yuexiu immediately shouts to Monica, "Tiangang formation!"

Monica was stunned and immediately recited the incantation. In an instant, a translucent halo sprang out of her body. In an instant, many halos appeared on the people. Finally, the halos on the people condensed into a piece, forming an arc-shaped mask.

At this time, a huge fire in the sky fell, just hitting the top of the giant vine which had been sent away. After a loud bang, Mars was like rain.

Ye Feng also jumped from the sky in that moment, hiding in the sky Gang array of Monica. At the same time, the fire rain fell in the sky, but it was blocked by the arc-shaped light shield.

But Du Yuexiu didn't mean to stop. Immediately, he said a curse. In an instant, all the Mars in mid air or falling suddenly burst out sparks. In an instant, all the Mars in Kungfu space turned into sparks, and the sparks were connected in an instant.

In the cage formed by the giant rattan, except under the arc light shield of Tiangang array, there was fire everywhere, forming a sea of fire.

At this time, Li Zhi and Qi Weiqi did not stop their work and continued to freeze the giant rattan.

At this time, the outside was already foggy and full of sparks. After a long time, all the sparks around were scattered, and people could see the outside clearly.

All around is the scene of ice. What's more, what's covered by the ice is the charred wooden objects. The net formed by the giant vine and its branches around has already been frozen or burned into charcoal.

Monica just put away the sky Gang array. Ye Feng went to one side and pushed his hand on a half cut giant vine. In an instant, the ice on it left. In an instant, the Kung Fu collapsed, and there was a chain reaction. All the frozen things around were broken into ice and fell to the ground.

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